So today I got up at 7:30 by my iPod, and I went downstairs, and ate a donut and a half. Then went to church, that was good. The sermon was along the lines of how the church is about God, and He's not really what we want Him to be which is why a lot of people get bored of church. Oh yeah, and before church, Bethany showed up and suprised me! Yayyy!!! But, she couldn't stay, she had to go home. I saw Callie from Immerse last year. That was good. I ran into Alli at the last minute before we left to go see Toy Story 3. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!! In my opinion it was better than the first two. And, I was hoping to not join this group but, it made me cry. A little bit. :')
After the movie we were raving (well not raving, but expressing our opinions) about how good it was. [unrelated note: it's hard to type with one eye closed. >:P] I decided that I want to do voices for Pixar as well as anime. :) around then was the time I poked myself in the eye. I had my pencil in my hand and I reached up to put my hair behind my ear or something, and then I felt this... something in my eye and I realized I had poked myself in the eye. Not the part where I see, the white part. I could still see but it felt like i had an eyelash in it and it was watering and stuff so I handed my stuff off and went into the bathroom to look and there was a red dot but it wasn't bleeding, it just looked irritated, but I think i got a small scratch or something cuz it itches when I move my eye around when it's closed. When we got home Dad took a look and said it looked fine and he put some eye drop thing in my eye that made my vision blurry. I looked at it again and it looked better but it still itches. I just now stopped holding it closed cuz it just feels unnatural. I think it's gonna be okay. *sigh* how annoying. Instead of jabbering with my bros about how good the movie was I ended up sitting near the front with my eye closed trying to text bethany about it at the same time and both of my eyes watering (kinda crying from my stupidity and the fact that when you get something in your eye, you cry involuntarily). Anyway.... yeah. soo good/bad day.
today is Jacob and Judah's birthday party. I still have to draw Judah's picture. They brought home some chocolate cake from church plus we have one of those giant cookie things. At the movie I ate popcorn even though I'm not too fond of it because we were GOING to get hot dogs but the theater only had four left. :O (there's ten of us)
We all got giant sodas.... man. I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the movie so I missed the part where 'They turned Buzz evil. and now they're in jail." At least, that's what Kelsar told me when I asked her to fill me in.
I think this post is long enough, especially since just about NOBODY reads my blog. seeya!
Well, I read it, and commented! sounds like you had a good day, except for the pincle incadint! I can not believe you blogged about the movie, now it won't be a suprise! Just kidding. :p Tell Judah and Jacob I said Hi, and Happy Birthday! :D