So what have I done today OTHER than change my voicemail, work on an awesome drawing, watch a Sailor Moon episode in both japanese and english to see how much they changed, eat a fudgesicle, punch watermelon rinds and.... yeah, I punched watermelon rinds....
Is that.. weird...?
oh. >.>
Um, so... yeah. There's not much going on. I WOULD have gone skating with Bethany, but alas, I was in charge of dinner and Mom was out with Justin and Phillip and Kelsey had friends over..... so yeah. No worky out. It's okay, I guess. Bethany texted me and said it was really crowded. I wanna go to Otakon. But that's not happening. Not this year. Cuz it's THIS weekend. And it's in Baltimore. And I bet it's sold out. And yeah.
In the hypothetical future when I'm making enough money to go off to random cities on random weekends and hang out with other geeks, I will find a way. I might be not-a-teenager by then though. Oh well. Who says I can't still have fun when I'm an adult!? ;DD
I don't have much else to say right now. yeah... mmhmm.
OH! mom got me some colorless prismacolor pencil blenders. SWEET! now I don't have to use the white for that anymore! :3
I have two main kinds of geek-ness. Art geeky, and otaku geeky. My otaku specialties are anime and manga. The two kinds of geekiness kinda intertwine. :)
This picture is of me as an emo-style girl and Bethany as a punk-style girl. It was some dress up game.
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