Last night we had asian-ish food, so of course we had the option of using chopsticks. I decided to use them, partly because we don't use them often, but mostly just because I CAN. I'm actually rather pleased with my ability to eat with chopsticks. I don't even remember when I learned, I don't remember the point where I just 'got it.' I remember the distant past where I was sure you held them like an X and worked them like scissors, and the recent past where I am able to work them (okay, ALMOST) flawlessly. I tried to teach Judah how, but he hated the idea of holding anything in any way other than a fist. *sigh*. He claimed he was eating with chopsticks, but in truth he was eating the same way he eats 'with a fork'. Utensil clenched in fist, while opposite hand shovels everything into his mouth.
I did a bunch of filing and copying earlier. After I woke up. I was so confused this morning. I was only half listening to Mom and judah trying to get me out of bed. I thought I heard mom say that the oven people were coming by and turning off the electricity, and Judah was convinced that it was wednesday afternoon. (9_9)
I wish I had something more to do than sit around/do boring st
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Tuesday night prayer is today. sweet!
um, and.... yeah.
I am often amazed at the talent God has given me for drawing. I'll look at something and be like 'whoa... I drew that.' Because God gave me such an awesome talent that I use every day, I am very happy. :)
oh yeah, and that video? Up there? Bethany did that voice. Not me. It is awesome, no?
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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.