All the stuff

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

That oil smells like bubble mix.

Today at Immerse we all prayed for Bethany's ear, and played ninja.
We had prayer time and there was a video camera but I tried to act normal. :)
Then Mr. Cogdell had his talk, and beforehand he had people introduce themselves. I accidentally said my name was Bethany. 9_9
It was on Happy Holiness. I want to be like that. :)
I think my favorite piece from his talk was that the phrase that Jesus used, "The spirit is willing but the body is weak" was a diagnosis, but not a declaration. The body does not HAVE to be weak
We played 4 on a couch. Those light-shirts had to win. >:(
we made prophetic pictures for the people on our right. i got a good one. :D
Everyone prayed for my jaw. Nothing seemed to happen immediately, but I think there was a little improvement cuz I felt something in my jaw when I was being prayed for, and i can feel a liiiiittle movement on the left side now. :))))

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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.