All the stuff

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Shoving in this blog post kinda late.

So, once again, I wasted away the whole day. Well, almost. I got up and ate my muffins that were saved for me from breakfast. Then I cleaned my bathroom. Because it was getting dusty and gross, and I like playing with Scrubbing Bubbles.
Then I wasted time away on the computer and watched Naruto: Shippuden for the first time in a long time... It's as bad as I remembered. Ugh. Even though it's no longer on filler, the animation is awful. It's like they weren't even trying. The rocks are shaped like cubes when they shatter. Plus, Shippuden is just more boring than the original series. I just don't like it. Um, Sargent Frog seems weird even though I've only seen the first episode twice (once in japanese, once in english dub, for comparison. I do that with the first episode of anime sometimes to figure out which version is better. If they change too much in the dub, I watch the sub.)
Anyway... I'm sitting here with my Teamonade... (that's my personal mixture of iced tea and lemonade powder) I have rediscovered my apparent lack of any complete cosplays. The only one that's pretty much perfect is Kankuro, and that's ONLY if shoes don't matter AND I don't need any puppets. TT.TT my hinata cosplay still needs the fluff sewn on, not to mention the decals. My Ouran uniform... well, let's just say it's extremely stylized and the blazer is too purple and fitted for a woman, it's kind of too small and the sleeves are too short, it's got WAY too many buttons and no patch..... Not to mention I fail at finding generic white dress shirts. Tenten, well, the sweatpants need some repairs, and the jacket is way puffy, but that could be considered stylized, I guess. but I don't got the hair. My girl's version of the ouran uniform is complete about in the same way as the ouran boy's uniform, since the blazer is the same, though, having it fit to a woman doesn't matter in this case. I could do the generic schoolgirl thing, probably.... but I need my own tie. *sigh*. It also wouldn't hurt to invest in a pair of cat ears. lol. Just shove them on with any wacky outfit, instant character. Oh, that reminds me, I do have two original character cosplays. ^_^ nobody can tell me how to do those. So, those count as complete. lolz....
woooow. I just filled up a blog post with my geek talk that probably nobody else understands but Bethany and the random anime fan that may stumble across here..... once in a million years.
Bye for now, and don't put scrubbing bubbles on your wall. It dissolves the paint. ;)

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