All the stuff

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My life is awesome.

I just finished coloring Jacob's birthday picture. His birthday is today. Judah's is tomorrow. How does that happen? haha. I still gotta do Judah's picture, but more time for that one. ;D
Now what's wrong with this picture? Ah, it must be the fact that it's saturday... and it's eleven o'clock... AND I'M ALREADY UP?!? Yes, I got up at nine today. I set my iPod alarm to 'something to say' by what's his name, matthew west. Not a bad song to wake up to. I'm really trying to fix my sleeping habits. but only 8 or 9 hours isn't cutting it for me. During the school year when I have to be up by eight, I'm gonna have to be going to bed at ten at least. O_o I dread. the school year.
Where did the summer go? It's like it's already gone and I haven't really done anything of worth, except NBC's. I'm also suffering from friend-deprivation. I skipped youth group last week, because I had something else that i might have been doing, but it got canceled. As it turns out, we had some people over for dinner anyway, but now I feel like I haven't seen my friends in forever. I have youth group tonight so that should help some, but I still won't have seen Bethalbopper and Emmzy, so I'm still gonna miss them. Until Immerse. BUT I DON'T GET TO SEE PEGGY UNTIL SUMMER'S OVER!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh, there's this annoying buzzy sound whenever I type. Like if my typing is making some teensy metal ball vibrate somewhere. Uuurrrrrggghhh.
So Um Yeah. I wish Megavideo didn't have the 72-minutes-at-a-time-unless-you-wait-54-more-minutes deal going on. I mean, I know they want to convince people to sign up, but it's such an inconvenient number. *sigh* I guess that's the point. >.>
We're going to see Toy Story 3 tomorrow, at least that's what we're planning. It's kinda for Jacob and Judah's birthdays. I was gonna make a cake, but our oven's completely out of commission, so I think Mom bought something. Cakes are some of the only things I can make without completely screwing up. XD and that's if they're just flat in the pan, so there's a large flat space for DECORATING!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA :x was that evil cackle out loud? Whoops.
I read James (not the whole thing, but I'm not exactly sure how much) last night. It's got some intense stuff. It's easy to read out loud, though. I like how the Message puts it.
There's glue on my desk.
That was random.
I think this post is aching to be finished.

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.