All the stuff

Monday, July 26, 2010

LOL so yeah. Thiiiis is life

I had this song stuck in my head earlier:
Here's the link, if you can't see the embedded video.

I love the song except for a couple parts, not the music video so much. It's pointless. It's just her lip syncing and hanging out in a room full of documents and art... which come to think of it isn't so bad... I mean it's a cool room for the most part... But nothing happened in the music video. Like at all. She could have at least had some cool paper-flying-everywhere thing or something... or gradually changing the room.. but no. She just laid on the couch, and stared at the camera... which was shaky... and walked around messing with stuff. And then that grass in the one room was so CG it wasn't even funny. and it went from waist high to shoulder high. inconsistencys... >.>
Enuff ranting. I have to get to work on writing my manga. I also need a good site to host it on. for free. I don't want to pay :P Also, I don't want to have to give them my adress... creepy.
I had a nice long conversation with my parents today. :) hehe. I love them.
I found out that TWIG has a facebook page and also that they're converting the site, like.. today. O.o. I wasn't paying much attention/wasn't really getting on the computer much recently.
lessee.... I'm outta things to talk about, that are interesting anyway. I know you don't want to hear the same old, same old 'i can't find any good anime' rant. You don't want to hear me complain about my brothers (who I love, even though they're annoying all the time sometimes :] lol)
I have a love/hate relationship with technology. *sigh* computers, ipods, phones...
I've been waking up 9:30ish lately. Which is good for me, I suppose. I should start getting back into my get-off-the-computer-by-a-certain-time rules again. That gives me approximately half an hour but I may get off before then. cuz it's not a school night so, 11 o'clock.
on school nights, it's supposed to be 9:30, and nights that aren't school nights but i still have to get up reasonably early the next day (aka saturday nights) is supposed to be 10. 'cept saturdays end up running way late. xD I heart youth group.
SPEAKING OF! Oh, well I might have already told you stalkers this, but at central market saturday, I got to eat an eclair. How special. :) If I posted about this before, I apologize, so here's a picture of one to make up for it:

That isn't to the T of what they had at Central Market, but it's close. 
I'm drawing a cool picture of a girl in stripey clothes jumping through the air. It was inspired by some video game cover... Nights, Journey of dreams. I think it's a Sonic spin-off. I saw it in some store. It's kinda different though. My picture that is.
Well, see ya I guess. XD

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