All the stuff

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Numero Dos Immersos (okay, I made up that last word)

Today was awesomesauce.
Sooo first we got there (on time, today) and I sat down with Bethany and she gave me this AWESOME picture of me as a DDR character. in 3 different outfits. I LOVE it. It went right on my wall when I got home.
The first thing we did.... was have a prayer time. we prayed about things that Jesus has been to us or done for us, and prayed leadership over each other. I drew a picture (started one anyway) on the art wall that I got during the bible study yesterday on Psalm 23:5. We also prayed for things in a group of what was getting in the way of loving God and people.
At the beginning of Immerse, Matt or someone was saying that people lose pens at Immerse. So I had decided I would not lose my pen. Guess what happened. Yep. My pen fell out of my journal in the main area so at this point in the day I went looking for it and found it and then sat down and then Phillipe had his talk about reconciliation. It was greattttttttttt.
Then, we had LUNCH. Beans. And Rice. My favorite :3
Theeeennnn we played this game. The game was where they scooted the chairs in close into a circle and we all had to move over to fill the vacant seat so the person in the middle couldn't sit down. There was a group of like four people in a row (Tabitha, Me, Joseph, and Micah) who would all scoot over at the same time like we were all stuck together or something. And it worked. Then we played the murder-wink game. I was pretty ignorant and tried to wink at someone right when Moriah (or whoever it was) was facing me. They saw me. I stunk at it. XD When it was my turn to guess, it took me forever.
Theenn, we had worship and prayer, and there were two people who did that with us. I had this kinda picture/vision in my head during that time and one of the two people (who were apparently from IHOP) was able to tell me what it meant- which was way cool. Because sometimes I get something and I can scrape a meaning out of it, but he like, saw stuff in it that I totally couldn't have guessed. it was like---- whoa.
I probably ought to go write that down, actually. Before it becomes fuzzy and stuff, because my memory is awful. Which is why I've started blogging. :)
Then Will Matthews had a time with us when we asked the Holy Spirit to come and He totally did, we were laughing a lot, I was crying, it was just amazing and SO much fun. I don't think I've had that much fun with God in a long long time. I didn't get exhausted until after we left this time, which was good, but this time it was Joseph's turn to be very tired. Sleep deprivation... TT.TT It's no fun. I'm praying for Holy Spirit Caffeine for everyone tomorrow so we can be awake and alert and ready to have fun and be charged up with God! And I'll end up there early tomorrow since one of my parents (probably dad) is driving. :)))
God, I love you. SOooooooooo much. You ROCK!
And anyone who reads this, God wants to pour out his blessings on you. And I'm also getting 'confidence'. Be encouraged! ;D

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.