All the stuff

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Today I planned to read The Phantom Tollbooth. And I did. But I didn't read the whole thing. I fell asleep.

I also ate way too much and felt bad about it.

I guess today wasn't too interesting.

But I had some cake and came up with this:

Monday, July 30, 2012



Hee hee.

See, I needed to know (for planning purposes) how long it took me to read a chapter in my history textbook since I'll be having to get through approximately one chapter a week in the fall.
Six hours, sixteen minutes.
Ten pages of notes.

Mostly it was boring, but I did decide that if I lived in Colonial America, I would like to live in Pennsylvania. It has such a charming name. It was woodlands (Penn's Woods to be exact--sylvania sounds so cool to describe trees with) and I think I could have gotten along with the Quakers pretty well unless my history book gave a poor description of them. And Philadelphia sounded pretty cool! I dunno how it is now.

Anyway, I've been watching the Olympics a bit, but not a lot. Mostly at night.
We finally got the TV working. Well, not exactly. We took the TV down from the playroom and put it in the cabinet for now. It looks so dwarfy!

Funny thing is, the bass sound is better on this smaller (which isn't actually that small) screen. The very large 3D TV (which hasn't been turning on for like a month and we keep not hearing back from the repair people), has very tinny sound. XD

So I've been able to play DDR again. I impressed myself by being able to read a huge stream of eighth notes, but then later on I couldn't do something similar. It seems that there's a peak to my playing each day and after that it just kind of goes downhill. Maybe my brain gets too stimulated and stops processing as well. I don't know.

Tomorrow, I plan to read The Phantom Tollbooth. I think I can probably read the whole thing. In any case, it will be more interesting than my textbook!

The next day, in August, I will start a sort of NaNoWriMo. I don't know what my life will be like in November with all them classes (but I'm sure I'll try anyway). I haven't written nearly as much fiction this summer as I intended to, and I need something structured to build my routine around for the fall.

Edit: I had my 300th post recently, but this is apparently my 200th just this year. Look at me, finally a dedicated blogger. Maybe I should be making more posts of general interest. Kinda like articles... in addition to my ramblings about my life that nobody cares about except my friendlings.

Day 30. The End!

Go out with a bang?


Look at all that effort . . .

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lazy drawing number 2848293 DX

Day 29. A place you want to go.

This was another quick drawing. Sorryyyyyy

It's supposed to be slot canyons. I know, I know. Near impossible to tell. (I really am an artist, I swear... I am just lazy and tired...)

But really, slot canyons are cool. Look 'em up. I want to take a camera and hang out in some.


I legit sat under a tree today. On Friday when I sat under a tree, it was a wide tree and I was on a blanket.
This time I was straight on the ground, back against the trunk, legit tree sitting. It was rather nice.

Drawing challenge coming soon?

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 28. Anything. Finally, drawings that don't stink!

Gail Windsburg, an original character. One of my oldest, actually, and not created for any specific fandom (though I often put her into the Marvel Universe).
I like her. She's basically got my personality (to make things easy) but she still feels pretty independent to me. She's more of a writer than an artist, I think, whereas I'm more of an artist than a writer, but that is purposeful. I plan to use her in a comic, and having someone in a comic who is constantly buried in a sketchbook like I am could just get complicated. XD
By the way, I may have mentioned this comic before. I still have no name or plot, but I have the setting and characters. XDD

And this was somewhat random. But I was just happy I made some drawings that weren't totally lame.

(By the way, this marks my 300th post. Been blogging since 2009... whoo~)

I found this leaf yesterday:

So here I sit...

Well, I feel a bit guilty because I'm eating the leftover pasta from last night. There wasn't a whole lot, but there wasn't a tiny tiny bit either and my siblings probably would have liked me to share. :\


But it's too late now...

I need to write a lot. July is almost over. I've blogged like a madwoman (almost ten more posts than days if I remember correctly! o__o) but in terms of fiction, my output has been rather disappointing.

Yesterday, I finished The Princess Bride. A lovely book. I greatly enjoyed it. However, I'd like to read an unabridged version sometime. That has the parts about packing every single hat one owns and all those other boring details because the writer's voice is enjoyable enough that I may enjoy it no matter the subject.

Austin is lovely. Best city ever, no joke. There are so many quirky and artsy and amazing things all around and it all feels natural.

I went to Bananarchy yesterday. asdfghjklyum. c:

Also, after seven months, I finally sat under a tree! (sitting under trees more was my second new years resolution--but I generally avoid it because dirt.)
Speaking of New Years resolutions, I guess I should mention my other one and gauge my progress. My other one was to give up soda. Not drink it at all. I never came to a firm conclusion on things that were /made with/ soda, but seeing as I've had two cherry limeades from Sonic, I think that I'm not including drinks that were made with soda. But I'm obviously not allowing myself those very often either.
The main idea was to not have excuses to just drink soda around the house. My old rules were "special occasions and when everyone else is having one" and before that it was "one a week" and before that it was "I guess I have one a month tops" (this was most of my life).
But soda is such a pointless drink that I haven't missed it one bit.

I've kind of wanted to get Dr. Pepper cans with the Avengers on them, but not enough that I'd actually pay money to drink something that I doubt I even care for anymore. And break my New Years resolution. Because that would be low. >__>

I'm wearing a cool shirt which I shall not describe until later since I don't want Emma to possibly see a post about it before she sees the shirt itself.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 27. Someone you love.

Being more of a thinker than a feeler, I was sitting at the table trying to decide through a logical process who it would be fair to draw for today. After all, I love many people (though I am not always outwardly affectionate). I thought of my parents, the friends I’ve drawn several times, the friends I haven’t managed to draw yet…
Then Judah came in and gave me a hug and yep that was exactly who I was drawing. My six year old brother, the only person in the world I will hug way too much and snuggle with and call cute a million times in one conversation. c:
(look at that, I actually managed to finish one first thing in the morning!)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'll try to make this quick

I need to sleep. But today was nice. I slept in, sorted drawers, and watched the Fiddler on the Roof. I appreciated it a lot more than I did in my younger days the time I kind-of saw it.
Why are the older or classic musicals always the best?
I don't know, but I love them.
There were many things I appreciated about the film, but one thing that I really like is how we follow the main character's thoughts about everything. The coolest part is that you can hardly tell his thoughts from his prayers. He thinks things through by talking to God about them! I found that really awesome.
I liked how everyone froze while he thought. It was quite dramatic. I liked how everything wasn't picture perfect, and there was no wonderful all-loose-ends-tied happy ending. It felt very real.
I liked how the camera lingered on scenery and pauses. The timing felt off compared to films these days, but it was a pleasant change. Often, we fear losing the attention span of the audience, so everything is crammed with dialogue and stuff.

And of course, the singing and dancing. It looked so fun. They were all really poor, but they didn't seem to mind too much. Sure, the main guy (sorry, I'm terrible with names, especially unfamiliar ones) dreamed about being rich, but they all got by. They all had enough.

It was interesting to see the daughters leave one by one, the first one begging for permission, the next one asking not for permission but for blessing, and finally the third begging for at least acceptance. It was heartbreaking, but I could understand how the father was torn. Here was his daughter, but here was his faith. "There is no other hand," and while in the end he blessed them, he could not agree with her choice. It was a blurry line, more like real life than the black and white right and wrong we like to have in our movies and books.

I just basically liked the whole thing.

Also, I used fabric paint to put TARDISes on a pajama shirt of mine, and managed to do something for the drawing challenge that wasn't just a thirty second scribble. So without further ado~

Day 26. Something you don't like.

And with that, I bid you good night.

Yesterday again... and today.

Yesterday was a day for libraries and reading. I finished chapter two in my history book.
OH! and I dragged my siblings along with me to eat breakfast at the park. Granola, raisins, and yogurt. Yumm. Some banana too. I only ate half a banana (I can usually never manage a whole one).

So libraries. I checked out two audio books to theoretically listen to as I draw. Lord of the Flies and Memoirs of a Geisha... both things I've heard about somewhere or another and was curious about. After that, I knew I shouldn't look for new books because I have several at home to read, so I just went into the teen room and read some manga. I do enjoy Skip Beat. I actually learned more about acting from that manga than I did from my acting class last year... go figure.

At Wal-mart I made my usual rounds (see if there are any amazing new notebooks, check for new posters that might interest me, investigate/revel in the toy section depending on what's there, scan the t-shirts and perhaps peruse the clearance rack, check the fabric remnants to see if there are any good scraps, etc), and then headed over to the book section to see if I could perhaps find something lovely to read.
I picked up Fahrenheit 451 and began reading aloud (okay, almost in a whisper--but not that creepy half whisper that people do in movies ALL THE TIME and it drives me crazy--I just read it really softly as not to draw too much attention to myself. I gave each character a different voice and tried to  really feel each of them as they spoke.
I don't know why I'm drawn to acting as I hate being the center of attention. Maybe it's my fascination with characters.
Anyway, the book was beautiful as always, but after a long while (why was this shopping trip taking longer than usual?!) I decided that perhaps my reading a good deal of the book in the store would not be smiled upon by the staff, so I met up with Kelsey and we looked at insulated cups and bedspreads and shower curtains and other things we did not need or really want and then we smelled candles and then it was finally time to go.
It seems that since Kelsey had been trying on clothes while I was reading, we spent much longer at Walmart than I was used to and I was plenty ready to leave.
And then after we got home Kelsey and I went to the other library.

Today, I despaired for the fact that I have absolutely no clothes that I care to ruin by using fabric paint on and yet I really want to use it to make a TARDIS on something. I also seem to have spent some time on the Internet, eaten cereal, and also pizza, and then read for most of the afternoon.
I'm reading The Princess Bride and it's every bit as good as the movie (only better, because I really enjoy the writing style and the extra parts they had to take out as they always must in movies).
It's an abridged version--calls itself the "good parts version"--so apparently there were long, boring passages in the original. But I have to wonder if they would be pleasant to read simply because the book is pleasant to read, not because they specifically contribute to the plot. I'll read utter nonsense if it's clever.
Anyway, I'm reading it because it was on Justin's desk and I like the movie and there it was.
I still have other books to read as well so I really don't know why I'm getting on the computer so much except that there is Sherlock and Doctor Who so I suppose that those are lovely reasons to be looking at a screen.
I know I'm really behind on the drawing challenge. I have two super simple drawings here for today and yesterday, and since they aren't of enormous quality I'll probably just upload them to tumblr via my iPod.
Lame, Lame, Lame. I know.

Oh, and the rest of today. I went to a dinner party (not really a 'dinner party' per say, but rather dinner and an appreciation party that occurred at the same time but were by no means formal.)
Before that I got lost.
Before that I went to Jerry's Artarama which was lovely but also unfruitful because I couldn't find any copic markers and they were out of micron pens in black (otherer than size 3--which is large).
The getting lost was due to the fact that Kelsey has a better sense of direction than I, somehow, but I was convinced I was right, so I went onto I-35 instead of 290 and had to pull over and call mom and then found out I was to turn onto Airport and then I could get back but then the sign was confusing so I almost didn't get there but then I did but then it was a big ramp and I KNEW that was wrong so I didn't go on it and then there was the right way if I had gone a bit farther but I had to make a U-turn so I did it at a legal spot in the median and all that but to do so I stopped in the middle of the road and somebody honked at me for a very long time and it was saddening but what could I do.
Be careful who you honk at, people. That "annoying idiot" could be a very lost and confused teenager who's never driven this road before in her life. ;^;

I made it, somehow.

After the dinner, Kelsey and I went to Half Price Books and Goodwill and I looked for The Sims 2 for Mac and didn't find it (only expansion packs which do me no good).
Then we looked at clothes, but left empty handed.
And we returned to church to pick up Phillip, got involved in the least interesting game of tag I've ever played (everyone was just standing around, pretty much), and then left and drove home and I ate a bit more and then there was the computer and I drew these drawings (not very good ones) and that was that.

Day 24- A couple (I was going to do a 50s soda shop couple but look what happened--I know I'm lazy)
Day 25. Scenery. ...yeah that barely counts.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yesterday's goings-on...

So yesterday was good. I watched some Sherlock and Doctor Who (seventh Doctor--his face reminds me of Tom Hiddleston and I'm not the only one--it's not just Loki talking). Earlier in the day than that, I made yumnomnomy (okay only average) breakfast burritos with potato and egg. Before that I drove to the auto repair place to bring my mom home after she dropped off the van.
I napped for a lot of the morning and straightened my desk.
In the afternoon after a lunch salad I was going to paint on something with fabric paint except I couldn't find anything to paint on and so I just let the others do it on their shirts which they already had. After that is when I watched Sherlock episode three and my mom called me to take her back to the auto repair store so that she could drive the van home. Sherlock always makes me want to be a brilliant genius so I was observing things and feeling rather fail at it and then we drove.
The road was resurfaced that day, so we had to drive in the shoulders/berms. It was WEIRD. But then on the way home, people were getting started on the normal lanes again because the cones were taken up, and it was majorly dusty. .______.
When I got home, I played detective again and deducted that since there was rice cooking, we were having some sort of chicken (we almost always have chicken with rice) but there was nothing in the crock pot which meant it was something that took less time to prepare than some sort of sauced chicken. My next theory was shake-n-bake but a quick look outside informed me that we had no uncooked chicken at all. So I looked in the freezer and lo and behold, a frozen chicken and broccoli entree with six servings (a smaller package than normal--we almost never purchase so few at a time. However, we are missing four people currently--they are at camp--so six was enough) and it was painfully obvious that this was today's dinner.
Content with my deductions (though I have to admit they were much too simple to impress someone like Sherlock), I returned upstairs and watched Doctor Who.
Then my mom came up a bit later and told me dinner plans and how if I wanted something to eat instead of chicken I'd have to prepare it, and I sat through all her talking, amused to myself, and then proceeded to tell her that I already knew everything she had just told me.
She was surprised, but I explained that it was obvious.
It was like a lame imitation of great detectives.
But I've gotta start somewhere, eh?

Here is yesterday's drawing-
Day 23. Something that you need.



Sunday, July 22, 2012

Let's recap.

I feel like this month was unproductive so far (at least I have a little over a week left in it). So to help me gauge my progress, I'll quote from my first blog post this month.

"This month, I will go to Bananarchy."
I haven't done so yet. However, I was saving it for this week when the boys are at camp.

"This month, I will attempt to read my history textbook for the fall. EEP"
I've read a liittle. Not a lot. Not even an entire chapter within this month. I could have today except I cleaned my room and it was Sunday so I decided not to do schooly stuff.

"This month I will further develop my stylistic endeavors in drawing."
Well, I have worked on profiles a little. But stylistically, almost nothing has changed. I've also been really lazy with the drawing challenge recently.

"This month I will write,"
Well, I've blogged like crazy (though about half of it was pictures), and written a few paragraphs of fiction, but I definitely planned for more of that. I should write it into a schedule. I meant to schedule today, but I cleaned my room instead.

"This month I will plan and muse on my comic. I may even get an idea and start drawing it."
I have drawn about one and a half character sheets and some sketches. :|

"This month I will spend time with my friends."
I went to Emma's on the fourth of July and had Peggy over that weekend. I wanted to meet up with Bethany last Wednesday, but she couldn't. MAYBE THIS WEDNESDAY THOUGH
and I sent letters to all five of my closest friends.
It's been harder to talk to Britt and Shadow since I haven't been on IM or anything like that much. I've been attempting to not even be on the computer much, but pfff, guess that didn't quite work out. I keep forgetting (or ignoring) my timer.

"This month I will develop good sleeping habits and spend less time on the computer. (I spent less time on the computer earlier in June but those habits slipped again.)"
deja vu

"Now that the wiimotes are working again, I'll be doing DDR this month."
Yeah except then the TV screen wouldn't turn on. I've played DDR maybe once this month. Other than that, I pretended to play DDR by playing a video of someone playing it on Youtube and dancing along. But my exercise and eating habits have gone downhill and it's concerning me and I just need to start fresh with all my habits. Since I'm basically done with the computer for the day, I'll scan today's picture and put it on tumblr and put it in this post and then hopefully go to bed but Josh is in my room just looking at his iPhone. XD

OH AND THIS MORNING WAS BEAUTIFUL you see I put on some music in the car and we made it all the way into Austin with less than four occurences of talk.

:'D The introvert's dream social interaction. Everyone being with each other but not saying necessary words. And paying attention to something interesting. Together. c:

Day 22: something you miss.
Immerse and Dedicate with my three besties. c:
(this is Dedicate 2010 when we were just learning to be fashionable. Except Bethany was already fashionable.)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ew, ugh.

It's so warm right here in the office. It feels nasty and sticky and I've been lazy so I combined two drawing challenge days into something really lame.

And made a sunset out of legos, but that wasn't much work either.


Days 20-21

Friday, July 20, 2012


I went to see the Sound of Music at Zilker. I think it's so cool how in plays, the sets are made so that they can have tons of different scenes all on the same stage only by moving a few things and focusing the lights elsewhere.

But the whole experience was really tiring, and though I'm glad I went (Sound of Music is one of my favorites--I grew up on it), I am just kind of... ready to sleep.

Edit: one more thought on the Sound of Music--I love most of the songs (though Do Re Mi drives me nuts) but my favorites, I think, are Sixteen Going on Seventeen and the titular song.
And I'd love to play Louisa if I ever got the chance before I am too old. XDDD
I dunno, she just seems like a fun character for a girl to play.

Therefore my drawing for today is easily the worst one yet. I even did it on the computer because I didn't want to bother with scanning.

tumblr description:
"Day 19- Something new
The newest things I have are actually used items that I got at a thrift store-a large piece of fabric that will soon become a hammock, and an old textbook that I got for 33 cents that will become my inspiration book.
Really sorry for the shoddy art. I literally made it in less than a minute. Today was a tiring day."

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why am I even still alive at this hour?

I haven't been up til three in a long time...

Well, actually, I may have been the other day, but it didn't feel like it because it just felt like I was wasting time.

This time, I was doing character development for my Doctor Who character, Kate.

By roleplaying in a chatbox. XD

But I'm tired. -falls asleep right here and now-

-after i brush my teeth in a moment-

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

It's day 18, right?

Today's drawing was "just a doodle." so I drew some clintasha.

I went to the thrift store and got a 33 cent textbook to turn into an inspiration book. I also got a curtainy/blankety thing to turn into a hammock.

I am hanging out at church while my siblings are in middle school youth group. I planned to write or something but all I have done is waste like an hour on tumblr and get eaten by mosquitoes. So excuse me, I am going to swing a bit.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Guess what.

Guess what.

I found a white hair on my head today. c:

It doesn't concern me, really. I actually thought it was rather interesting.

My dad and paternal grandpa both got grey really early (like, my dad's beard was greying in his twenties). So it's in my genes. But my mom still doesn't get more than the occasional grey hair. So that's also in my genes.
Not that my mom's hair genes are altogether strongest--her dad and grandmother both lost all their hair!
Don't worry though, I have a plan. :D

If I grey early, I'll dye my hair all sorts of crazy awesome colors until it goes completely white (like my grandpa's). I may still dye it then but pure white hair is pretty neat.

If I do happen to go bald, I'll still have crazy awesome hairs--they'll just have to be wigs.

And if my hair stays nice and brown for a long time like my mom's, then GOOD FOR IT 8D

So as you can see I'm content no matter what.

Also here's today's picture. Day 17, favorite plant. Well, I don't really have a favorite, but birch trees are pretty neat.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 16. I couldn't really draw a picture of inspiration.

Thoughts on celebrities and psalms

I have plenty of daydreams about fictional characters, fictional stories, universes, etc. It's quite lovely, actually.But I also daydream about real people occasionally. Mostly it's about meeting people. For example, "wouldn't it be cool if _____ showed up at the same place I'm going to?" It makes sense if it's someone I know or would like to talk to. But then sometimes I want to meet someone I don't know and don't really have any business knowing. These weird things called 'celebrities'.
I usually imagine that I would be rather chill about the whole thing--I can't really see myself squealing and running up to them, for example. But usually in my mind, I do something that they think is cool, and they notice me.
What is up with that, seriously? What could I possibly want from it?
Bragging rights? Eh. Who would I be trying to impress, huh? Anyone I know who I would tell first likes me anyway. I would of course tell my blog and therefore some random strangers, but what do I have to gain from other people knowing that I met someone famous?
Maybe I want an autograph? Nah. "Please scribble your name on something I own that'd be like really cool yeah whooooooo"
I mean I would get one, but then what would I do with it? It's not really of great value.
I think what I would want would be to have a nice conversation with them like a normal person. See if they're really as cool as I think they are, I guess.
And then I guess I want someone who I think is cool to also think that I am cool.
But that's a bit unrealistic, unlikely, and not extremely important to life.
I'unno why. But I do.
I think it would be awesome to be on vacation and run into a youtuber I admire, like blimeycow, charlieissocoollike, a vlogbrother... It would be totally cool to meet David Tennant or Tom Hiddleston in for example, a low-key (or Loki haha) shakespeare reading event. Or to meet the actor or voice of a character I admire at someplace like comic-con and have them for example say something directly to me like "I like your costume" or "cool art." (btw every person that I admire probably would go to comic-con, haha. I don't care about most celebrities at all)
Just something about having someone cool think you're cool, I guess...

It would be really awesome to meet my friends unexpectedly. But that's more realistic, and it feels weird and controlling to imagine a scene where you make someone you actually know say things to you, so I guess that's why it's not as easy to daydream about real friends as it is about fictional characters or practically imaginary celebrities.

But what I wanna know is what are the reasons that most people look up to celebrities? Are they the same as mine? Radically different? Do most people look up to any celebrity? Are they more selective, as I am? BETHANY I CHALLENGE YOU TO WRITE A BLOG POST
because you are probably the best one to write about celebrities because you are so much more knowledgeable in the areas of fame and music and media than i

As a side not, something that I find interesting is when people like a character and then look up all the interviews that the actor has. I don't find that very interesting at all. I appreciate the actor's work, but I'm not interested in their personal life so much.

Just a bit more about celebrities. What is the big deal about two famous chicks wearing the same pants?
Seriously? This is 'front of the yahoo page' news? Obviously, I shouldn't be looking at for news articles. But like, where do I look? XD

Here's another thing I've been noticing.
Reading the Psalms, I seem to learn more about David than God. And I think that's because I analyze characters...
My mind tends to skip over all the praises toward God because it's 'old news'--I know He's majestic, powerful, and all that. What I always notice is David's character.
And often times, I don't like him.
"Oh, God, kill everyone I don't like! They are all evil, but IIIIIIIIIIII am faithful! Smash their heads in! They deserve it!"
I dunno, it just bothers me. Praying the psalms is supposed to be really cool, and sometimes it's awesome, but I can't find myself praying those words. I don't really have all that many enemies, and even if I did, I wouldn't want to ask God to kill them! ;~;
Funny thing is, David is supposed to be like, the ultimate God-follower. And I'm not saying he's not. I'm just saying it shocks me how violent and imperfect this 'man after God's own heart' is.
At least it gives some hope--through Jesus, all sin is forgiven, no matter how bad it is. I know David was before Jesus' time, but there were sacrifices and stuff to symbolize it... complicated.
It's just interesting how so many of our Bible heroes were very imperfect. It's a bit heartening since we know we also aren't perfect.
Jesus doesn't expect us to already be perfect. He wants us to follow Him and He has taken care of the forgiveness. c:
Man, I'm so far from perfect though. It's hard to believe I'll ever get there. I'm often confused and forget to talk to God and forget to admire Him above His creations, and I get busy, and sometimes I think I understand Him and then other time's it's just like 'nope what was I thinking.'
God, I need Your help. ^^; Um. A lot.

Some more thoughts on the psalms--some of them are rather poetic. I'd like to make some poetry based off of them.

Also I can't help thinking that people would be annoyed with David if they hung out with him a lot because he'd be like a walking High School Musical (just a little less lame).
I can just imagine reporting to him "Saul is coming to kill you! We have to hide!" so he sits in his cave and starts improvising a song about it.

Just thoughts.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

More rain.

Don't get me wrong, the rain is amazing! The only thing wrong is... It's July.
In Texas.
And it's been storming a lot.

I have this nagging fear that the climate of the earth has shifted and will stay like this forever.

I also had a gigglefit because I mentioned to Dad that thunder sounded like God was rolling his Almighty office chair around the room. And then we theorized that perhaps the really long rolls were like when God the Father got up for a glass of water and Jesus and an angel snuck into the office and Jesus sat in the chair and had the angel push him all the way down the hallway and back trying to break the record and get the chair back to the office before God the Father came back.
And when the power goes out it's because the almighty office chair rolled over the extension cord and unplugged it.

Also day 15 of the drawing challenge was 'your family' so I took the liberty of simplifying and also not including anyone who doesn't currently reside in this house.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Part two of today.

I like wind and soothing deep sounds like thunder and bass and I also like rain and lighting and those are the things that make me want to throw myself into them or lay on the ground and feel the sounds.

Also here's day 14. My lamest least-effort day yet. XD
Day 14- your favorite fairy tale
I didn’t have good time to think through this and also couldn’t decide of Lord of the Rings counted so i just began sketching an idea for a gothic Snow White.


I got up this morning, feeling kinda bummed, and got dressed, washed my face, went downstairs, all that jazz. I went outside and spontaneously decided to walk around the neighborhood, in my bare feet. That was fun but I started sweating and wishing I hadn't worn my Vocaloid shirt. I also went into mud whenever I could because my feet got really sore and the mud felt nice.
When I was close to home I started wondering if my family would be looking for me since I didn't have my phone and hadn't told anyone I was going out. I imagined them being nervous and saying "if she doesn't show up in an hour, we should be worried."
Turns out the only thing they were looking for when I walked in the door was the key I had in my bag upstairs.
So then I swam for like five minutes then got bored and sat on the driveway and ate a watermelon juice ice pop thing before actually going in and finally eating breakfast.

Then I came up and got on the computer and I've been watching TED videos but that won't last much longer cuz I'm going to shower and then go do something productive. Like drawing or something.

My feet hurt. c:

Short film

Today was the first day of Blimeycow's 72 hour film festival.
So of course I entered!
This morning I got up, learned the requirements, and then drove my brothers to their piano lesson, taking an unexpected detour for reasons I know not. They just randomly blocked off the road. No signs or anything.
We made it, though, and I sat down to write my script. I made it in scribble form (not shown) and then in comic form which was kind of convenient because today's 30 day challenge drawing was
a comic.
and then I ate lunch which was pasta and an egg and vegetables,
and then we looked for backpacks but I only got a couple of folders because I had no time to think through the nuances of backpack choosing.
It was raining on and off during that time but on the way to Emma's play, it was pouring.
I made it in and the play was hilarious and I'm glad I went.
When I got home, I had dinner and did various things and worked on my film and played apples to apples with my family and made a twitter account .
Then I got Justin to help me out with the rest of the filming and here's the result:

Thursday, July 12, 2012


It usually takes us a couple of days to go through a bin of spinach.

But today I looked at the nutrition facts...
It's about five servings.
And each of those five is 20 calories.
That entire bin of spinach is like a hundred calories whoa my gosh.
Pardon my poor grammar.
I'm going to be eating spinach a lot more from now on. I didn't realize just how healthy it was. Because on top of not giving you a bunch of energy that you then must burn off, it also is jam packed with like vitamins and stuff.

Oh and day 12 is a recent accomplishment. I put my foot in a pool the other day and dispersed a mini-whirlpool... yay?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


There was no moustached picture of Tamaki to be found.

That void has now been filled.

Day 11- a turning point in your life.

This would be the day I realized I didn’t need to get a degree I didn’t want for a cost I couldn’t afford at a place that would stress me out with the competitiveness.
Instead, I could get an associates degree at the local community college with more varied and useful (and a whole heck of a lot cheaper) class choices and get started right away on my life’s work.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Today I went to the Wall Mart (why is everyone so scared of that place? I don't get it) and looked for Avengers stuff. THERE WAS SO MUCH!
I was like a kid in the candy store...
I really enjoy my look of overstimulated excitement here. XD

There was this grumpy looking employee haunting the toy aisle so I left and came back later to try on the helmets and masks.
Defending the US in the helmet of the most moral hero I know of c:

The Captain America one really looked cool on me! But I would rather make my own than spend like fifteen bucks.
Somehow the head seems too round.
The ironman one was not so flattering, and the spiderman one (which was close by but I know he isn't from the avengers) just looked dumb. XD
Come on, at least add some sort of translucent film over the eyes!

There were also a ton of cheap cups so I dug through the bins finding all the Avengers ones (no Loki D: ) and then narrowed it down to three plus Batman so that each of my besties and I could have one. I had to leave chibi Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye behind.
Chibi Iron Man for Emma. I'd have gotten legit Iron Man but he wasn't there. Also no Hulk. :|
Natasha is pretty, but she seems to lack a depth of character... maybe it's just because I haven't given her enough thought.
Batman may not be an Avenger, but there was no Loki and the Thor cup was already for Peggy... At least Bethany likes Batman! 8D
Chibi Thor was Bethany's second option, but she texted me in time and said Batman was fine. XD
The manly hero, Thor. Peggy's dreamboat (not as handsome as his brother, though... -cough cough- )
I chose Captain America for myself, seeing as Loki was nowhere to be found. Cap is my favorite Avenger.
Left behind. D: And yes, these epic things were mixed in with "Jake and the neverland pirates", Tinker Bell, and other classy things like Star Wars and DC heroes.
In other news, I got a huge pile of big books from the library. I don't read much, but I can't really help myself!
I'm already done with three of them, though. One about Feng Shui (weird theories, but the aesthetics do flow well), one about red carpet fashion (it was supposed to be like, inspirational, and I thought I could get some design ideas, but even the photographs were kind of poorly taken... I didn't like it at all), and one about sewing. All the things in it were boring stuff like bags that I could basically figure out myself. I just didn't have time to look through them in the library.
I still have to read/scan one about being creative with design elements, one about careers for story characters, one about handwriting analysis (sounds so cool!) and
wait for it...


Yes, I checked the whole thing out for inspiration... (writing a superhero comic so yeah)
Please don't try to tell me I'm not a nerd. I walked up to the check out counter with this huge stack of large books. "A bit of light reading?" the lady asked.
Yes. Yes indeed.
I felt so smart and also geeky and it was a beautiful moment in my life.


I just saw that I had 15 posts in ten days. That doesn't surprise me, I've been blogging like normal with extra drawings thrown in.
But what happened.
We're TEN DAYS into July? I feel like I haven't done much. Let's recap...

I started the drawing challenge (good), I did a second day of work, earning money (wait that was just over a week ago? It seems longer and I love it when that happens), I had buritos, I went to Emma's for the fourth of july and wrote poetry (kind of), then next I dried basil (and hung it on a k'nex structure bwahah) and then I spent an entire day on the computer organizing except for the part where I went outside because of that, and then I had another computer day because I was still organizing and then Peggy stayed over and we watched Thor :D
and then Sunday I ate unhealthily and spent most of the afternoon outside by a pool while everyone else swam (by choice). And then yesterday I had a lazy day and watched a lot of Doctor Who.

Okay so my month hasn't been as unproductive and quick as it seemed. I think the problem is that I had about three days this past week where I was on the computer a lot.

Sheesh, I didn't know how much it affected me! This is serious stuff, man... makes me want to get off the compy right now.

I just have to check everything first...

Also I have a free day from the drawing challenge because I realized that they had no day six on the list and I had been going on anyway so I'll just draw whatever I want (probably will design my loki shirt) and put it up later today. But I get to go out (had some cabin fever so I'll run errands with mom and some brothers), so yay. Also it's been raining.

My blogs have gone downhill in grammar, I think. I ought to revise this.

Monday, July 9, 2012

MMMMMM thunder.

This thunder is delicious.

Yes, I describe the weather using taste words. So sue me.

Yesterday, I got a hankering to watch Doctor Who, specifically The Idiot's Lantern (because of barging into someone's house and giving them a good lecture and also I like Rose's matching skirt and headband). It got too late and writerly to do it last night, so today after waking up late and reading a tiny bit in my history textbook and looking through my japanese workbook (which as it turns out was used and damaged and so it's a good thing I did so now we can get a different one) to make myself feel okay about spending the rest of the day in front of the telly
i mean
my computer
they called it the telly on doctor who i'm sorry
also i apologize for this terrible grammar
Stopping that nonsense now.
Doctor Who is beautiful in its' existence. So far I've watched The Idiot's Lantern, that episode from the point of view of a video blogger (which is both annoying and enlightening at the same time), the game show/bad wolf concluding Eccleston episodes (I cried ;~;), and the first half of the Tennant cybermen episodes. I'm probably gonna watch the second one in a moment.

Also while doing that I drew this delicious bar of chocolate for


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Oh yeah I had other things to blog about than drawing heh think of that

1) I have already made the transition to blogging whenever I feel the need to post a status update on facebook. This is good. :D Now I just need to quit facebook altogether...
Except that I have obligations to be able to access a certain group and I also need to be able to run my illustration business/fanpage. XDD It's marketing! Not that it's done much good.

Though someone asked me today if I was making a living from my art yet. When I said no, he said "you should be" and I was like, "I know."

I don't know if I ever told my blog this but one of my higher-set goals is to work for Pixar at least once in my life. That'd be cool. Whether it's voices or character design, I don't care. I'd love to be part of something huge that people look forward to.

And I just realized today that I need to organize my documents as well as my pictures.

And I woke up real late this morning because I accidentally set my alarm for PM. >__>

Thankfully I kept dreaming that my friend was talking to me and that I got a text so eventually I got up.


drawing days 7 and 8

Day 7- favorite cartoon character. Had to narrow it down. Here's the top five.

Day 8- favorite TV show. (I skipped the cartoons since that has already been expressed through day 7 and just went straight to the obvious.
Sorry I didn't get day 7 up on day seven (not that anyone's depending on me for it except myself). I had a friend over and so there's my excuse.

Also it rained this evening. Yum.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Only one folder left to go! 8'D

It's a big one, though. My "Geeky and artsy stuff I like" folder.

Which is probably half of everything.

I have to separate it into 'artsy', 'non-artsy', and 'pasta'

because my pasta pictures get their own folder okay.

This is where all the Avengers and Case Closed and Ouran and Doctor Who etc pictures go... minus the funny ones and the gifs which go in separate categories.

This may take a while... And then I still have to do the drawing challenge for today.

"your favorite animated character"

I don't even

Like how am I supposed to choose? This may end up being a six-character picture. ^^;

Friday, July 6, 2012


I've been organizing the pictures on my computer almost all day... I have so many! I'm still not done, but I need a break from the computer and my computer needs a break from me.

Think I'll go for a walk.


I went and skated around the driveway and called my friends instead.

I just worked on organizing more and I'm still not done.

Why do I have so many pictures?!

Well, at least I'll be able to find proper gifs more easily now, because they'll all be in the same folder. But I'm not working on it any more tonight. GOODBYE COMPY

Day six- draw your favorite word.

(the definition is my own and not from the dictionary because I don’t think the dictionary definition properly conveys the meaning… it basically makes it a synonym for sympathize)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 5- favorite book (not movie) character

Pootnic Sputnik Theodore from The Adventures of Hero and Pootnic


I had all these aspirations for my afternoon (see last post) but I ended up going to sleep right after I wrote that. Then I helped my little brother go through his clothes to sort out the stuff he's outgrown.

And now I've made a playlist of songs.

I've gotten things done but not the ones I planned on. I am still definitely going to draw.
I don't think the muffins are happening.
I did look up hammocks, and I think I should go to the thrift store and get a large piece of sturdy and cool looking fabric like a curtain or something. And I need rope.

So far today

So far, I slept in, picked basil, had leftovers for breakfast, scraped the labels off of green glass bottles, built a k'nex structure to dry basil on, sewed a red thread through the basil and hung it up, accidentally drowned a worm while washing the basil, accidentally touched the worm and it was squishy, watered the basil, and didn't get on the computer. (typing this from my iPod to avoid the computer for even longer)

Left on my to do list for today is to draw, both for the 30 day challenge and for drawing's sake, make homemade muffins (because somehow I have never done this), read in my history textbook, look up how to make hammocks or other outdoor sleeping devices, spend some time outside, and I should probably write some fiction.

Summer is great. C:

Day 4- Best friends

Peggy (top left) loves life and dancing and little adventures.
Bethany (top right) knows everything about music and has a great sense of style.
Emma (the one on the bottom) will geek out with me about characters and personality types and Doctor Who.


Popping and fizzling and shooting and exploding.

But also can be a bit boring when you know what's coming.

And they can startle you when you're driving.

There was someone who was turning across the highway as I was going home late.
It was scary cuz they were pretty much facing me head on in the lane. I was trying to figure out if I"d have to swerve or stop or what.
Thankfully they got into the shoulder and turned into a driveway. ^^;
Single lane highways at night are dangerous.

I re-did a comic of Emma's today.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

day 3. Your favorite place.

sleeping or daydreaming among my pillows and plushies.

Day 2- your favorite animal

Due to my lack of skill in drawing animals, the camellamasaur was created. To be honest, I like owls, red pandas, and squirrels better, but the world had to know about camellamasaurs.

Monday, July 2, 2012

30 day drawing challenge!

Borrowed from mason jar memories.
Here's day one (yesterday)

Sunday, July 1, 2012


This month I have work. Or at least for tomorrow.


This month, I will go to Bananarchy.

This month, I will attempt to read my history textbook for the fall. EEP

This month I will further develop my stylistic endeavors in drawing.

This month I will write,

This month I will plan and muse on my comic. I may even get an idea and start drawing it.

This month I will spend time with my friends.

This month I will develop good sleeping habits and spend less time on the computer. (I spent less time on the computer earlier in June but those habits slipped again.)

Now that the wiimotes are working again, I'll be doing DDR this month.

 But as for shorter term goals, today I shall do DDR and get to bed early, because I have a JOB to do~~~
I shall make a plan of attack and eat protein so that I can clean well and efficiently.

Let's see... I need to vaccuum and dust in all the places I haven't, I need to clean two more bathrooms, I probably will need to mop the kitchen again, as well as clean counters. I need to ask if I need to clean closets, and I need to clean ALL the windows.
(Sorry this makes no sense to any of you except me and the person I am cleaning for, but I'm pretty darn sure she doesn't even know I have a blog, let alone read it.)


This month's calendar has Risa and Otani from lovely complex and they have paper cup telephones and the quote says "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."


Oh and one last thing I shall do this month... get my finances in order. eep