So yesterday was good. I watched some Sherlock and Doctor Who (seventh Doctor--his face reminds me of Tom Hiddleston and I'm not the only one--it's not just Loki talking). Earlier in the day than that, I made yumnomnomy (okay only average) breakfast burritos with potato and egg. Before that I drove to the auto repair place to bring my mom home after she dropped off the van.
I napped for a lot of the morning and straightened my desk.
In the afternoon after a lunch salad I was going to paint on something with fabric paint except I couldn't find anything to paint on and so I just let the others do it on their shirts which they already had. After that is when I watched Sherlock episode three and my mom called me to take her back to the auto repair store so that she could drive the van home. Sherlock always makes me want to be a brilliant genius so I was observing things and feeling rather fail at it and then we drove.
The road was resurfaced that day, so we had to drive in the shoulders/berms. It was WEIRD. But then on the way home, people were getting started on the normal lanes again because the cones were taken up, and it was majorly dusty. .______.
When I got home, I played detective again and deducted that since there was rice cooking, we were having some sort of chicken (we almost always have chicken with rice) but there was nothing in the crock pot which meant it was something that took less time to prepare than some sort of sauced chicken. My next theory was shake-n-bake but a quick look outside informed me that we had no uncooked chicken at all. So I looked in the freezer and lo and behold, a frozen chicken and broccoli entree with six servings (a smaller package than normal--we almost never purchase so few at a time. However, we are missing four people currently--they are at camp--so six was enough) and it was painfully obvious that this was today's dinner.
Content with my deductions (though I have to admit they were much too simple to impress someone like Sherlock), I returned upstairs and watched Doctor Who.
Then my mom came up a bit later and told me dinner plans and how if I wanted something to eat instead of chicken I'd have to prepare it, and I sat through all her talking, amused to myself, and then proceeded to tell her that I already knew everything she had just told me.
She was surprised, but I explained that it was obvious.
It was like a lame imitation of great detectives.
But I've gotta start somewhere, eh?
Here is yesterday's drawing-
Day 23. Something that you need.
Aww the deduction sounds so great and and jsdcrldl the 'it was obvious' part tickles me that is wonderful :')