All the stuff

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Let's recap.

I feel like this month was unproductive so far (at least I have a little over a week left in it). So to help me gauge my progress, I'll quote from my first blog post this month.

"This month, I will go to Bananarchy."
I haven't done so yet. However, I was saving it for this week when the boys are at camp.

"This month, I will attempt to read my history textbook for the fall. EEP"
I've read a liittle. Not a lot. Not even an entire chapter within this month. I could have today except I cleaned my room and it was Sunday so I decided not to do schooly stuff.

"This month I will further develop my stylistic endeavors in drawing."
Well, I have worked on profiles a little. But stylistically, almost nothing has changed. I've also been really lazy with the drawing challenge recently.

"This month I will write,"
Well, I've blogged like crazy (though about half of it was pictures), and written a few paragraphs of fiction, but I definitely planned for more of that. I should write it into a schedule. I meant to schedule today, but I cleaned my room instead.

"This month I will plan and muse on my comic. I may even get an idea and start drawing it."
I have drawn about one and a half character sheets and some sketches. :|

"This month I will spend time with my friends."
I went to Emma's on the fourth of July and had Peggy over that weekend. I wanted to meet up with Bethany last Wednesday, but she couldn't. MAYBE THIS WEDNESDAY THOUGH
and I sent letters to all five of my closest friends.
It's been harder to talk to Britt and Shadow since I haven't been on IM or anything like that much. I've been attempting to not even be on the computer much, but pfff, guess that didn't quite work out. I keep forgetting (or ignoring) my timer.

"This month I will develop good sleeping habits and spend less time on the computer. (I spent less time on the computer earlier in June but those habits slipped again.)"
deja vu

"Now that the wiimotes are working again, I'll be doing DDR this month."
Yeah except then the TV screen wouldn't turn on. I've played DDR maybe once this month. Other than that, I pretended to play DDR by playing a video of someone playing it on Youtube and dancing along. But my exercise and eating habits have gone downhill and it's concerning me and I just need to start fresh with all my habits. Since I'm basically done with the computer for the day, I'll scan today's picture and put it on tumblr and put it in this post and then hopefully go to bed but Josh is in my room just looking at his iPhone. XD

OH AND THIS MORNING WAS BEAUTIFUL you see I put on some music in the car and we made it all the way into Austin with less than four occurences of talk.

:'D The introvert's dream social interaction. Everyone being with each other but not saying necessary words. And paying attention to something interesting. Together. c:

Day 22: something you miss.
Immerse and Dedicate with my three besties. c:
(this is Dedicate 2010 when we were just learning to be fashionable. Except Bethany was already fashionable.)

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.