All the stuff

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Today I went to the Wall Mart (why is everyone so scared of that place? I don't get it) and looked for Avengers stuff. THERE WAS SO MUCH!
I was like a kid in the candy store...
I really enjoy my look of overstimulated excitement here. XD

There was this grumpy looking employee haunting the toy aisle so I left and came back later to try on the helmets and masks.
Defending the US in the helmet of the most moral hero I know of c:

The Captain America one really looked cool on me! But I would rather make my own than spend like fifteen bucks.
Somehow the head seems too round.
The ironman one was not so flattering, and the spiderman one (which was close by but I know he isn't from the avengers) just looked dumb. XD
Come on, at least add some sort of translucent film over the eyes!

There were also a ton of cheap cups so I dug through the bins finding all the Avengers ones (no Loki D: ) and then narrowed it down to three plus Batman so that each of my besties and I could have one. I had to leave chibi Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye behind.
Chibi Iron Man for Emma. I'd have gotten legit Iron Man but he wasn't there. Also no Hulk. :|
Natasha is pretty, but she seems to lack a depth of character... maybe it's just because I haven't given her enough thought.
Batman may not be an Avenger, but there was no Loki and the Thor cup was already for Peggy... At least Bethany likes Batman! 8D
Chibi Thor was Bethany's second option, but she texted me in time and said Batman was fine. XD
The manly hero, Thor. Peggy's dreamboat (not as handsome as his brother, though... -cough cough- )
I chose Captain America for myself, seeing as Loki was nowhere to be found. Cap is my favorite Avenger.
Left behind. D: And yes, these epic things were mixed in with "Jake and the neverland pirates", Tinker Bell, and other classy things like Star Wars and DC heroes.
In other news, I got a huge pile of big books from the library. I don't read much, but I can't really help myself!
I'm already done with three of them, though. One about Feng Shui (weird theories, but the aesthetics do flow well), one about red carpet fashion (it was supposed to be like, inspirational, and I thought I could get some design ideas, but even the photographs were kind of poorly taken... I didn't like it at all), and one about sewing. All the things in it were boring stuff like bags that I could basically figure out myself. I just didn't have time to look through them in the library.
I still have to read/scan one about being creative with design elements, one about careers for story characters, one about handwriting analysis (sounds so cool!) and
wait for it...


Yes, I checked the whole thing out for inspiration... (writing a superhero comic so yeah)
Please don't try to tell me I'm not a nerd. I walked up to the check out counter with this huge stack of large books. "A bit of light reading?" the lady asked.
Yes. Yes indeed.
I felt so smart and also geeky and it was a beautiful moment in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Emma Janknegt10 July, 2012 23:40

    AWWW. You got us cups! That's so sweet! :D


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.