All the stuff

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'll try to make this quick

I need to sleep. But today was nice. I slept in, sorted drawers, and watched the Fiddler on the Roof. I appreciated it a lot more than I did in my younger days the time I kind-of saw it.
Why are the older or classic musicals always the best?
I don't know, but I love them.
There were many things I appreciated about the film, but one thing that I really like is how we follow the main character's thoughts about everything. The coolest part is that you can hardly tell his thoughts from his prayers. He thinks things through by talking to God about them! I found that really awesome.
I liked how everyone froze while he thought. It was quite dramatic. I liked how everything wasn't picture perfect, and there was no wonderful all-loose-ends-tied happy ending. It felt very real.
I liked how the camera lingered on scenery and pauses. The timing felt off compared to films these days, but it was a pleasant change. Often, we fear losing the attention span of the audience, so everything is crammed with dialogue and stuff.

And of course, the singing and dancing. It looked so fun. They were all really poor, but they didn't seem to mind too much. Sure, the main guy (sorry, I'm terrible with names, especially unfamiliar ones) dreamed about being rich, but they all got by. They all had enough.

It was interesting to see the daughters leave one by one, the first one begging for permission, the next one asking not for permission but for blessing, and finally the third begging for at least acceptance. It was heartbreaking, but I could understand how the father was torn. Here was his daughter, but here was his faith. "There is no other hand," and while in the end he blessed them, he could not agree with her choice. It was a blurry line, more like real life than the black and white right and wrong we like to have in our movies and books.

I just basically liked the whole thing.

Also, I used fabric paint to put TARDISes on a pajama shirt of mine, and managed to do something for the drawing challenge that wasn't just a thirty second scribble. So without further ado~

Day 26. Something you don't like.

And with that, I bid you good night.

1 comment:

  1. C: I haven't seen Fiddler on the Roof since I was little. But I love grey areas, because the world isn't just black and white. It's so real and yeah c:


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.