All the stuff

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Yesterday again... and today.

Yesterday was a day for libraries and reading. I finished chapter two in my history book.
OH! and I dragged my siblings along with me to eat breakfast at the park. Granola, raisins, and yogurt. Yumm. Some banana too. I only ate half a banana (I can usually never manage a whole one).

So libraries. I checked out two audio books to theoretically listen to as I draw. Lord of the Flies and Memoirs of a Geisha... both things I've heard about somewhere or another and was curious about. After that, I knew I shouldn't look for new books because I have several at home to read, so I just went into the teen room and read some manga. I do enjoy Skip Beat. I actually learned more about acting from that manga than I did from my acting class last year... go figure.

At Wal-mart I made my usual rounds (see if there are any amazing new notebooks, check for new posters that might interest me, investigate/revel in the toy section depending on what's there, scan the t-shirts and perhaps peruse the clearance rack, check the fabric remnants to see if there are any good scraps, etc), and then headed over to the book section to see if I could perhaps find something lovely to read.
I picked up Fahrenheit 451 and began reading aloud (okay, almost in a whisper--but not that creepy half whisper that people do in movies ALL THE TIME and it drives me crazy--I just read it really softly as not to draw too much attention to myself. I gave each character a different voice and tried to  really feel each of them as they spoke.
I don't know why I'm drawn to acting as I hate being the center of attention. Maybe it's my fascination with characters.
Anyway, the book was beautiful as always, but after a long while (why was this shopping trip taking longer than usual?!) I decided that perhaps my reading a good deal of the book in the store would not be smiled upon by the staff, so I met up with Kelsey and we looked at insulated cups and bedspreads and shower curtains and other things we did not need or really want and then we smelled candles and then it was finally time to go.
It seems that since Kelsey had been trying on clothes while I was reading, we spent much longer at Walmart than I was used to and I was plenty ready to leave.
And then after we got home Kelsey and I went to the other library.

Today, I despaired for the fact that I have absolutely no clothes that I care to ruin by using fabric paint on and yet I really want to use it to make a TARDIS on something. I also seem to have spent some time on the Internet, eaten cereal, and also pizza, and then read for most of the afternoon.
I'm reading The Princess Bride and it's every bit as good as the movie (only better, because I really enjoy the writing style and the extra parts they had to take out as they always must in movies).
It's an abridged version--calls itself the "good parts version"--so apparently there were long, boring passages in the original. But I have to wonder if they would be pleasant to read simply because the book is pleasant to read, not because they specifically contribute to the plot. I'll read utter nonsense if it's clever.
Anyway, I'm reading it because it was on Justin's desk and I like the movie and there it was.
I still have other books to read as well so I really don't know why I'm getting on the computer so much except that there is Sherlock and Doctor Who so I suppose that those are lovely reasons to be looking at a screen.
I know I'm really behind on the drawing challenge. I have two super simple drawings here for today and yesterday, and since they aren't of enormous quality I'll probably just upload them to tumblr via my iPod.
Lame, Lame, Lame. I know.

Oh, and the rest of today. I went to a dinner party (not really a 'dinner party' per say, but rather dinner and an appreciation party that occurred at the same time but were by no means formal.)
Before that I got lost.
Before that I went to Jerry's Artarama which was lovely but also unfruitful because I couldn't find any copic markers and they were out of micron pens in black (otherer than size 3--which is large).
The getting lost was due to the fact that Kelsey has a better sense of direction than I, somehow, but I was convinced I was right, so I went onto I-35 instead of 290 and had to pull over and call mom and then found out I was to turn onto Airport and then I could get back but then the sign was confusing so I almost didn't get there but then I did but then it was a big ramp and I KNEW that was wrong so I didn't go on it and then there was the right way if I had gone a bit farther but I had to make a U-turn so I did it at a legal spot in the median and all that but to do so I stopped in the middle of the road and somebody honked at me for a very long time and it was saddening but what could I do.
Be careful who you honk at, people. That "annoying idiot" could be a very lost and confused teenager who's never driven this road before in her life. ;^;

I made it, somehow.

After the dinner, Kelsey and I went to Half Price Books and Goodwill and I looked for The Sims 2 for Mac and didn't find it (only expansion packs which do me no good).
Then we looked at clothes, but left empty handed.
And we returned to church to pick up Phillip, got involved in the least interesting game of tag I've ever played (everyone was just standing around, pretty much), and then left and drove home and I ate a bit more and then there was the computer and I drew these drawings (not very good ones) and that was that.

Day 24- A couple (I was going to do a 50s soda shop couple but look what happened--I know I'm lazy)
Day 25. Scenery. ...yeah that barely counts.

1 comment:

  1. I totally identify with people honking at you. I am going to be very judicious with my honking in future ;~;
    Personally, I liked the Princess Bride movie better than the book, though the book is hilarious, it's just kind of over detailed. LORD OF THE FLIES!! I read that. It was creepy. But I strangely liked it. It had me on the edge of my seat. It's really disturbing though.
    Haha I love how your drawings are getting progressively more simple. It's kind of hard to draw on demand.
    I like hearing about your day because you make it sound lovely and interesting :3


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.