All the stuff

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I just saw that I had 15 posts in ten days. That doesn't surprise me, I've been blogging like normal with extra drawings thrown in.
But what happened.
We're TEN DAYS into July? I feel like I haven't done much. Let's recap...

I started the drawing challenge (good), I did a second day of work, earning money (wait that was just over a week ago? It seems longer and I love it when that happens), I had buritos, I went to Emma's for the fourth of july and wrote poetry (kind of), then next I dried basil (and hung it on a k'nex structure bwahah) and then I spent an entire day on the computer organizing except for the part where I went outside because of that, and then I had another computer day because I was still organizing and then Peggy stayed over and we watched Thor :D
and then Sunday I ate unhealthily and spent most of the afternoon outside by a pool while everyone else swam (by choice). And then yesterday I had a lazy day and watched a lot of Doctor Who.

Okay so my month hasn't been as unproductive and quick as it seemed. I think the problem is that I had about three days this past week where I was on the computer a lot.

Sheesh, I didn't know how much it affected me! This is serious stuff, man... makes me want to get off the compy right now.

I just have to check everything first...

Also I have a free day from the drawing challenge because I realized that they had no day six on the list and I had been going on anyway so I'll just draw whatever I want (probably will design my loki shirt) and put it up later today. But I get to go out (had some cabin fever so I'll run errands with mom and some brothers), so yay. Also it's been raining.

My blogs have gone downhill in grammar, I think. I ought to revise this.

1 comment:

  1. Th more you blog, the more your writing changes. Its funny how that works...


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.