All the stuff

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Guess what.

Guess what.

I found a white hair on my head today. c:

It doesn't concern me, really. I actually thought it was rather interesting.

My dad and paternal grandpa both got grey really early (like, my dad's beard was greying in his twenties). So it's in my genes. But my mom still doesn't get more than the occasional grey hair. So that's also in my genes.
Not that my mom's hair genes are altogether strongest--her dad and grandmother both lost all their hair!
Don't worry though, I have a plan. :D

If I grey early, I'll dye my hair all sorts of crazy awesome colors until it goes completely white (like my grandpa's). I may still dye it then but pure white hair is pretty neat.

If I do happen to go bald, I'll still have crazy awesome hairs--they'll just have to be wigs.

And if my hair stays nice and brown for a long time like my mom's, then GOOD FOR IT 8D

So as you can see I'm content no matter what.

Also here's today's picture. Day 17, favorite plant. Well, I don't really have a favorite, but birch trees are pretty neat.


  1. Ooh I love that! It's really simple but has a really nice autumn-y feel to it. c:
    And yay for colorful hairs!

  2. that is a really cool plan omg ;w; it almost makes me wish my hair would start graying because then i could dye and bleach and etc it without caring about going gray early BECAUSE IT'D ALREADY BE GOING GRAY
    but yay i look forward to seeing the various hairstyles of your future uAu


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.