All the stuff

Monday, July 16, 2012

Thoughts on celebrities and psalms

I have plenty of daydreams about fictional characters, fictional stories, universes, etc. It's quite lovely, actually.But I also daydream about real people occasionally. Mostly it's about meeting people. For example, "wouldn't it be cool if _____ showed up at the same place I'm going to?" It makes sense if it's someone I know or would like to talk to. But then sometimes I want to meet someone I don't know and don't really have any business knowing. These weird things called 'celebrities'.
I usually imagine that I would be rather chill about the whole thing--I can't really see myself squealing and running up to them, for example. But usually in my mind, I do something that they think is cool, and they notice me.
What is up with that, seriously? What could I possibly want from it?
Bragging rights? Eh. Who would I be trying to impress, huh? Anyone I know who I would tell first likes me anyway. I would of course tell my blog and therefore some random strangers, but what do I have to gain from other people knowing that I met someone famous?
Maybe I want an autograph? Nah. "Please scribble your name on something I own that'd be like really cool yeah whooooooo"
I mean I would get one, but then what would I do with it? It's not really of great value.
I think what I would want would be to have a nice conversation with them like a normal person. See if they're really as cool as I think they are, I guess.
And then I guess I want someone who I think is cool to also think that I am cool.
But that's a bit unrealistic, unlikely, and not extremely important to life.
I'unno why. But I do.
I think it would be awesome to be on vacation and run into a youtuber I admire, like blimeycow, charlieissocoollike, a vlogbrother... It would be totally cool to meet David Tennant or Tom Hiddleston in for example, a low-key (or Loki haha) shakespeare reading event. Or to meet the actor or voice of a character I admire at someplace like comic-con and have them for example say something directly to me like "I like your costume" or "cool art." (btw every person that I admire probably would go to comic-con, haha. I don't care about most celebrities at all)
Just something about having someone cool think you're cool, I guess...

It would be really awesome to meet my friends unexpectedly. But that's more realistic, and it feels weird and controlling to imagine a scene where you make someone you actually know say things to you, so I guess that's why it's not as easy to daydream about real friends as it is about fictional characters or practically imaginary celebrities.

But what I wanna know is what are the reasons that most people look up to celebrities? Are they the same as mine? Radically different? Do most people look up to any celebrity? Are they more selective, as I am? BETHANY I CHALLENGE YOU TO WRITE A BLOG POST
because you are probably the best one to write about celebrities because you are so much more knowledgeable in the areas of fame and music and media than i

As a side not, something that I find interesting is when people like a character and then look up all the interviews that the actor has. I don't find that very interesting at all. I appreciate the actor's work, but I'm not interested in their personal life so much.

Just a bit more about celebrities. What is the big deal about two famous chicks wearing the same pants?
Seriously? This is 'front of the yahoo page' news? Obviously, I shouldn't be looking at for news articles. But like, where do I look? XD

Here's another thing I've been noticing.
Reading the Psalms, I seem to learn more about David than God. And I think that's because I analyze characters...
My mind tends to skip over all the praises toward God because it's 'old news'--I know He's majestic, powerful, and all that. What I always notice is David's character.
And often times, I don't like him.
"Oh, God, kill everyone I don't like! They are all evil, but IIIIIIIIIIII am faithful! Smash their heads in! They deserve it!"
I dunno, it just bothers me. Praying the psalms is supposed to be really cool, and sometimes it's awesome, but I can't find myself praying those words. I don't really have all that many enemies, and even if I did, I wouldn't want to ask God to kill them! ;~;
Funny thing is, David is supposed to be like, the ultimate God-follower. And I'm not saying he's not. I'm just saying it shocks me how violent and imperfect this 'man after God's own heart' is.
At least it gives some hope--through Jesus, all sin is forgiven, no matter how bad it is. I know David was before Jesus' time, but there were sacrifices and stuff to symbolize it... complicated.
It's just interesting how so many of our Bible heroes were very imperfect. It's a bit heartening since we know we also aren't perfect.
Jesus doesn't expect us to already be perfect. He wants us to follow Him and He has taken care of the forgiveness. c:
Man, I'm so far from perfect though. It's hard to believe I'll ever get there. I'm often confused and forget to talk to God and forget to admire Him above His creations, and I get busy, and sometimes I think I understand Him and then other time's it's just like 'nope what was I thinking.'
God, I need Your help. ^^; Um. A lot.

Some more thoughts on the psalms--some of them are rather poetic. I'd like to make some poetry based off of them.

Also I can't help thinking that people would be annoyed with David if they hung out with him a lot because he'd be like a walking High School Musical (just a little less lame).
I can just imagine reporting to him "Saul is coming to kill you! We have to hide!" so he sits in his cave and starts improvising a song about it.

Just thoughts.


  1. I've often wondered the same thing about celebrities. It would be an interesting topic to explore.
    And I've kind of wondered the same thing about David from time to time, because he is rather violent. But those were different times…and…yeah. I don't know either.
    But I like the psalms because there are all sorts of different emotions to identify with c:
    And I also love when people in the Bible mess up, which sounds awful, but it's nice to know God is still with you even when you screw up big time. XP

  2. i read the psalms through last year and couldn't stand them T^T i didn't even think about how it was david who'd written them; all i could think was how heinous the book seemed like WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO KILL EVERYONE NO THAT'S NOT GOOD WHY IS THIS EVEN IN THE BIBLE.


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.