Earlier this month, when I decided to start labeling and categorizing my blogs, I realized that this could make a good monthly compilation post. So here we go–31 days, 31 things that made my day (or just made it different from any other day).
This month's calendar had the Tenth Doctor on it and the quote was: "Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much."
August 1. The weather was breezy and beautiful.
August 2. Drew curly hair, morning walk, and then something unreadable that looks like "shower all day bit of story." o____o (Oh you know what maybe it said "show" or maybe it was showering all day and I think the "bit of story" meant that my writing challenge was going somewhere (the first three days had wordcounts but I left those out).)
August 3. a spider put away its web, Noodles for lunch.
August 4. Spiderman with Bethany, Miso, tired all day
August 5. Wore a skirt.
August 6. Cleaned a LOT!
August 7. Emma and Bethany, honeydew smoothie.
August 8. Shopped for things I need/want.
August 9. Deleted almost ALL my email. (I hadn't deleted anything since I got my email address in middle school.)
August 10. Peanut butter and trail mix, long while in the car
August 11. Set up camp, went to bed earlyish.
August 12. Devotions with family, read a lot in Til We Have Faces, texted with Shadow.
August 13. I was lazy
August 14. Skinny jeans, s'mores. (This was the day I got my first skinny jeans ever. I was happy. XD)
August 15. Walked in the woods, came to Sophie's house.
August 16. Hung out with Shadow and Sophie.
August 17. Black icing. -shudder-
August 18. Baby mouse! Aww~ and yummy food.
August 19. Word game with dad, organizing.
August 20. Batman, cleaning.
August 21. Rained lightly, trail of ants, cleaning!
August 22. Blog overhaul.
August 23. Got rid of shampoo, mouthwash, lotion, etc.
August 24. Practiced school, worked on [ITS A SECRET I WON'T TELL YOU WHAT I'M WORKING ON YET]
August 25. Read Shakespeare.
August 26. Slept and ate food.
August 27. First class out early.
August 28. Breeze, sunshine, survived first big day.
August 29. Caught up on homework.
August 30. Wakarimashita! lol no, wakarimasu (I was excited that I could understand how the hiragana keyboard on my iPod worked but I was having some trouble with Japanese verb tenses because it was late at night)
August 31. Lazy day, heh (kinda).
Common things that show up on my monthly 'thing' calendars are friends and cleaning. Those make my day very often. c:
AAH THIS IS SO GREAT, AND I LIKE READING THIS BECAUSE IT SAYS SO MUCH, and i like being mentioned here multiple times ;3;