All the stuff

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Writing and COUGARS ROAR

Yesterday I did a bad job at writing. Only got a couple hundred words. So I'll take my lappytoppy to church today if I don't get an amazing amount done before I leave. Then I'll write in the car and before and after church and everyone will think I am a writer (which I am) or just that I'm buried in something like facebook (blah).
I'm really having trouble this time around. I'm not inspired. XD

WELL snap. I had something to say other than about writing but I've gone and forgotten it.

I shall edit later if I remember. XPPPPPP

EDIT: I remember. -dazzling grin-
I'm convinced there was a wildcat on the roof last night.

-horrified face-

It's just that I heard this loud walk/run (I want to say trot but it was definitely not horsey) across the roof. I'm used to hearing squirrels and stuff, but this was like, human or big dog weight, with the pacing of something that large as well.

A dog wouldn't easily get on the roof. A human might,  but any human who's sneaking around on someone else's roof at 11:30 at night is probably trying not to make their presence known and wouldn't go running across.
So that only leaves.

When I was really little, I read this Readers' Digest article about cougars and for years I refused to go outside at night.
After a while that fear faded because naw, too many humans around. Wildcats wouldn't come around here any more. The woods are too developed. Sure there used to be wildcats in these woods, but not anymore.

But now I'm slightly doubting that. XD

Mi madre thinks it's possible.
Mi padre thinks I'm exaggerating.
Hee hee.

By the way, I tried that writing-at-church thing. I felt really terrible for typing away at my computer when I probably should have been saying hi to people. But I did talk to both Peggy and Audrey so I still managed to be social enough I suppose. :P

I still have like 1300 words left today, though. Better get a move-on. XPP

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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.