All the stuff

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Overhaul

Okay, so I got a new format and made a new banner* for autumn. I'll probably change these things seasonally...

But the look isn't the only thing I'm changing!

I'm going to start tagging my posts. Most things will be filed under writing, art, lifestyle, personal, musing, media, silliness, inspiration, and 'daily little things'.

Writing will include short stories, poetry, rambles about the stuff I'm working on, etc.

Art will include pictures of all varieties--drawings, photography, crafts. I may further specify these under their own tags, but you'll be able to see all of them by clicking the art link.

Lifestyle will include my experiments with minimalism, organization, healthy eating, and various products, etc.

Personal will be most of those rambly posts I currently make. Yeah, that's right, I'm not going to stop blabbering about insignificant things in my day.

Speaking of, the 'daily little things' tag might not get used much yet, but as an experiment this year, I've been writing one thing that makes my day, every day, or at least something significant. Even if it's not so great. It makes my day different or special. I'm doing it on a calendar, but I might begin making a monthly post with all of them. Trying to make one separate post a day is ridiculous!

Musing will be where I think out loud, feeling out ideas on topics such as the Bible and faith and stuff, or non-spiritual things too.

Media will be posts about movies or books or music or whatever. Reviews, fangirling, whatever. c:

Silliness needs no explanation.

Inspiration is probably where I'll put links to things that inspire me, or if I get a sudden burst of inspiration to share.

The reason for these categories is to make it easy for people to get what they want out of my blog. Right now it's mostly a jumble, and lots of it is rambles mixed in with movie reviews. I want my family and friends to be able to see the stuff about my day, but for those who don't care about me but would like my organization tips, they'll have a tag to look under.

In a related way, I'd like to write posts that I think out more. This way my posts might actually be easy for others to read. I tend to start with a sentence and expand it and it gets long and rambly, but I'd like to be more than just journal-blogging. c:

So for an example of the tags... I could file this under lifestyle (and organization) because I'm organizing my blog. But since it's not really an important post for outsiders to see (I'll probably put links to different categories in plain sight), I'll just file it under personal.

By the way, I won't be tagging old posts any more than I already have... unless they're important.

Well, I hope you guys like my new blogging style!

*this didn't really fit in the context of the post, but the banner is me fighting a scribble zombie with noodles. This is because I consider things like college (which I'm starting Monday) to be zombies. And I like pasta.
And I needed a new banner.
It's rough on purpose. I tried to make cleaner versions but they looked terrible so I went back to a sketchy style.


  1. Silliness needs no explanation... :3 Like that. And the new design. looking forward to the "new" blog! :)

    Love eet

  2. OH yeah, and was your new design inspired by muah?

    1. No, it wasn't, actually! I had been itching to have a fall theme for weeks (because fall is my favorite season). Yesterday was close enough. (fall actually starts september 22nd not August 22nd so I have been wrong my whole life but WHATEVER).


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.