I had this long post about school and how I did all my homework and was bored and the night air was gorgeous and I liked my outfit but I think my iPod app deleted it since it had no title and was offline so I guess you're spared. Ya probably didn't care about my troubles with writing か anyway.
But uh yeah, school's going well.
Speech might not be hard like I thought and Japanese is definitely going to be easier than I expected (but still fun and challenging and history is going okay and I am mostly done with the unit (got some online stuff and a bit more reading to do) and I have a few more English things I can do tomorrow and math will be obnoxious but doable. The teacher isn't allowed to require a graphing calculator but she wants me to have one. I don't think it's a good investment since I won't be taking math past this.
Well, sorry about all the school posts. Once routine sets in they'll probably be about other things.
Yeah skip the graphing calculator. If you can do math without it and you're never going to use it again, save your $$$$