All the stuff

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Batman Begins

When Bethany and I went to see Spiderman recently, we chose that over The Dark Knight Rises (even though she wanted to see both) because I knew pretty much nothing about Batman. However, she let me borrow both Spiderman 2 and Batman Begins, which her family owns.

I didn't have anything to say about Spiderman 2, really, which is why there was no blog. I was in the middle of packing for Ohio and sewing my brother a 3DS case.

Batman was pretty good. I wouldn't call it amazing like some people (blimeycow) but in terms of quality, it was pretty good, I guess.

The female lead wasn't helpless. (She was also played by Katie Holmes who I use as a play-by for Erica Windsburg... so I kept imagining Rachel as Whirlwind. XD)
I also liked that there wasn't a perfectly wrapped up romance.

There wasn't just one plain old villain throughout the whole thing, which was nice.

The whole story was a little dark, not exactly creepy, but just kind of serious. Not goofy or full of jokes.

I think the thing that I thought about most after the movie was over was the 'main point line' thing that was said twice.

"It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you."

Obviously, this was the main point they wanted to drive home as a 'moral' if any, so I was thinking about how it lines up with Scripture. It reminded me a lot of the spot in James 2 where James is saying that faith without works is dead.
What we do does matter. It matters a lot.
And to people, it may define us. After all, men look at the outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7). But there's more to that verse. The second part says "But the LORD looks at the heart."
Who you are underneath does matter. Maybe if you think God doesn't exist or isn't important, you won't realize this. But just as faith without works is dead, works without faith don't really matter. You can't do your way into being saved. All the doing on that side of the equation was Jesus.
When we have faith in what Jesus did already, that is when we are saved. And it should naturally lead into us doing good ourselves. (If it doesn't, as James pointed out, there's something wrong.)

So I guess my conclusion is: What you do is what defines you to the people around you. And it can be very significant in a way. But as a Christian, what defines you to God is the fact that Jesus has wiped your slate clean. We are made pure enough to enter His presence and be His sons and daughters. And that doesn't depend on what we have done.

1 comment:

  1. That was a lovely post :3
    I wasn't super impressed with Batman either, but it was still pretty good anyways. ^^


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.