All the stuff

Friday, August 31, 2012

It's time to talk about the bathroom! ... :D ?

I don't understand why people keep books and magazines in their bathrooms. Like, are you planning to spend half an hour in there? Plus, it's not usually very dry. Poor paper pages.

Do my brothers really have a sudden need to visit the restroom when it's time for chores, or is that just an excuse?

I've heard many stories of people having revelations in the shower. It's happened to me before. The shower is a good place to pray, free of distractions. The only downside is that you've no way to write down these important or brilliant ideas. The very concept of paper or any sort of recording device is entirely averted to water. But maybe that's why the ideas come so freely. You've no iPhone to tap absentmindedly, refreshing twitter or whatever over and over. Your hands are busy sudsing your hair (or just plain old washing it), but your mind is free to wander with your eyes closed.

If someone from a third world country or some undeveloped tribe came to visit, I think the first thing I would show them is the public bathroom. Everything is automated these days. I don't mind too much except I greatly prefer paper towels to air blowing dryers.

Of course, all these random thoughts were just an excuse to brag about my organizing skills/love of cleaning. Read on, and wish you could do the same (and then perhaps do so!).

Using less chemicals means a neater bathroom! I got rid of everything unnecessary from under my sink:
 This includes shampoo and acne products/medicines because as I've blogged about at least twice before, I no longer use them. Mouthwash and lotion I never liked. I also finally got rid of those little travel-sized packets of everything (I never use them, except for toothpaste which I recieve twice yearly courtesy of the dentist). I also finally got rid of that bottle with only one ibuprofen left in it that had been under there for ages. And of course, a few things like the manuals for the hair dryer and flat iron that are technically both mine and Kelsey's but she's the only one who uses them. And then there's a beach towel (but I never go to the beach and if I do I'll use a normal towel. That thing doesn't dry well.)

When I was finished, this is all that was left:

:D Neatly gift-bagged for organization and aesthetic appeal. I had to keep a few -cough- necessary items, and then I also have towels and some Clorox wipes for quick cleaning stashed away. Then there's stuff like the replacement flosser heads and the one travel toothpaste I kept, and the razor comb with which I am going to cut my own hair from now on.

By the way, my shampoo-less shower is like:

That mirror does no good (for that matter, neither does the loofah) but whatever. There's a green tea facial scrub up in the corner for times of desperate need or if my friends come over and need some (shampoo I guess we'd have to borrow from another bathroom).

 The sink has my supposedly natural deoderant (internet says it's fishy but it's at least better than a lot of stuff available), my teeth care, some soap, some decorations, and THREE HAIRBRUSHES?! You were starting to think I was minimalist? Heh.

The truth is, one hairbrush is my mom's round one that I've occasionally used to make my hair kind of poofy but now I just like because the bristles don't bend at all. The other two are mine. I use the purple and blue one most of the time, and the other one is a boar-bristle one that's SUPPOSED to be good for shampooless people like me, but my hair is so thick that the bristles just bend and smush my hair rather than brushing it. :\ I'll give it away one of these days.

Boring picture! My face towel. The main reason for this picture was the fact that I oh-so-cleverly strapped my watch to the towel bar so I have a water-resistant clock in the bathroom. It's useful if you're one of those people that gets lost in thought and ends up sitting in the bathroom for ages after your shower... and then wonder exactly how much time you've lost.

Lastly, here's my bathroom from the outside. It's pretty small, but not extremely so. My hamper actually takes up a lot of space and it's too big for one person whose family does laundry three times a week. Maybe I should change it out... I'm sure I have a smaller container around.

I'd go find inspiring, artistic pictures of bathrooms to inspire you, but I'm going to try my best to use mostly my own pictures for my blog. c:

So, if you just thought it was weird that I wanted to show off my bathroom, sorry. Hey, I didn't force you to read the post. :'D

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