All the stuff

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Well, this is going well?

I decided to do my own little NaNoWriMo in August, as a few people already know.

However, I am doing monumentally badly. XD Yesterday I only made the bare minimum (1670... okay so I got three words over the minimum...), and today I've only written 1375. So I only have a couple hundred more to go. The day's not over, no big deal, right?

Yes you guys don't know me so let me explain.

My first NaNoWriMo I aimed for 2000 words per day. A little over the goal, and I didn't meet it every day, but I was excited. I finished a few days before the end of the month, proud of myself.
The next year I also aimed for 2000 words per day. I finished a day earlier than the year before. Felt pretty good about it.
Last year I wrote two novels in 20 days. 5000 words per day, pretty much without fail.
So you can see that this time around I'm feeling like an underachiever.
It took a little bit to get a story going, and it's still all over the place, but at least I have some colorful characters.
Let me introduce you to Beck.

... okay so I haven't drawn her yet. Sorry. She's got tan skin and big textured hair... tightish curls but not really frizzy. Think Chad's hair from High School Musical only a bit longer and parted in the middle. She's a girl. It's girly enough.
She keeps a fridge in it.

Her mom's a writer and her dad's an actor, and they're all a bit weird. I won't blame anybody if they don't want to read this one.
But I hope it becomes worth something. XD

Also today has been slightly unproductive because I started watching Slayers which is a little lame but also funny because it pokes fun at common TV show tropes. And it's kind of old-school. The animation wouldn't stand up to today's stuff, but I don't care if something's old, as long as it's quality. Which it is... mostly. It could definitely be better, but I'm finding it amuses me enough to keep watching.
I also want to watch the last available Sherlock episode... and then wait in agonized patience with the rest of the fandom for season three.

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.