All the stuff

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Buying things.

Today was unproductive in the writing. I didn't even try. SHAME, CLAIRE, SHAME

However, I got some things I needed (and some I didn't).

I went to ACC to purchase a parking permit for the fall semester. Very important. :D As I left, my day was ruined because a single speck of dust or SOMETHING somehow flew in my eye when a car drove past.
Throughout the walmart trip, I was miserable. I tried washing my eye out to no avail. We purchased some eye drops but they didn't seem to help. When we got to the house of the piano teacher, I washed my eye out with a proper sink (the ones at walmart were automatic and hot so not the best to wash one's irritated eye with). I got the speck out, but it had irritated the underside of my eyelid so that there was a little bump under there! So that little bump was in turn irritating my eye.

I'd like to tell you I emerged from the experience with a lesson about pointing out the speck in your brother's eye when there's a log in your own, but if anything it made me wonder HOW THE HECK YOUR BROTHER DOESN'T ALREADY KNOW HE'S GOT A SPECK. (excuse the rhyme). It's kind of hard to ignore. And I think. If I had a log in my eye. I would not be focusing on anything else. I mean, I could hardly think about anything else with only a tiny piece of something in my eye.
I wonder how that analogy came to be. I mean, maybe people were more used to dust in their eyes back when they walked on dirt a lot. But still, wouldn't the carrier of the speck notice before their brother does?



Maybe your brother /does/ know about the speck and he's in the process of trying to blink it out so he's taking care of the problem but you're all "let me help" and you just end up getting in the way.
I still don't understand, however, how you don't notice a log in your eye. I mean, for something that big, you've gotta have it lodged in your head or something.
Maybe it hit the pain center of the brain and numbed everything. Urk. I don't know. Ew. Logs lodged in brains. Let's move on.

We dropped the boys off at youth group and then I dashed into Jerry's Artarama for the very last moments of it being open and purchased an artists' mannequin (something I had considered before but waited to buy and they happened to be on sale so I got the biggest size with no shame especially since it was a gift card so that was nice) and four new micron pens in varying sizes since I couldn't quite remember which ones were almost dried up.

Next we went to Office Depot and I got a rolling backpack for school (it sounds kind of dorky, but I don't want to carry all my stuff on my back when I'll have to have two classes worth of supplies at least plus lunch and my laptop and stuff :P), and I got a laptop sleeve to protect my laptop, and I looked at earbuds and planners but purchased neither.

Next we went to the library and I looked at craft books and found no projects in them that I was interested in which was just fine because I didn't want to check anything out anyway.

Next we went to another walmart because Justin was looking for a sunglasses case. I looked at planners and found nothing but obnoxiously neon ones and not-so-great-condition ones and ones that I didn't like the inside of. Then I looked at clearance stuff and found a Liv wig which was nice because Liv stuff is expensive (and slowly disappearing from shelves everywhere o_o) and I happened to need a wig since I destroyed Hayden's with a haircut. (I really shouldn't even try. -sigh- I guess I'm not cut out to be a hairstylist. haha get it okay i know that wasn't funny)

Then we got shakes from Sonic and picked up the boys and then I came home and I battled with the ridiculous packaging on the doll hair and finally got to brush it all and put it on my doll's head and then she resembled my friend Sophie.

And then I blogged.


oh yeah and vacation soon so tomorrow's plans = clean room until it is perfect. I want to come home to a nice clean floor so I can dump all my bags on it and a nicely made bed so I can fall into it. Even if I'm not sleepy, I'm sure that the first thing I will want to do upon returning is nap.

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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
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