Friday, August 31, 2012
August Daily Little Things
Earlier this month, when I decided to start labeling and categorizing my blogs, I realized that this could make a good monthly compilation post. So here we go–31 days, 31 things that made my day (or just made it different from any other day).
This month's calendar had the Tenth Doctor on it and the quote was: "Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much."
August 1. The weather was breezy and beautiful.
August 2. Drew curly hair, morning walk, and then something unreadable that looks like "shower all day bit of story." o____o (Oh you know what maybe it said "show" or maybe it was showering all day and I think the "bit of story" meant that my writing challenge was going somewhere (the first three days had wordcounts but I left those out).)
August 3. a spider put away its web, Noodles for lunch.
August 4. Spiderman with Bethany, Miso, tired all day
August 5. Wore a skirt.
August 6. Cleaned a LOT!
August 7. Emma and Bethany, honeydew smoothie.
August 8. Shopped for things I need/want.
August 9. Deleted almost ALL my email. (I hadn't deleted anything since I got my email address in middle school.)
August 10. Peanut butter and trail mix, long while in the car
August 11. Set up camp, went to bed earlyish.
August 12. Devotions with family, read a lot in Til We Have Faces, texted with Shadow.
August 13. I was lazy
August 14. Skinny jeans, s'mores. (This was the day I got my first skinny jeans ever. I was happy. XD)
August 15. Walked in the woods, came to Sophie's house.
August 16. Hung out with Shadow and Sophie.
August 17. Black icing. -shudder-
August 18. Baby mouse! Aww~ and yummy food.
August 19. Word game with dad, organizing.
August 20. Batman, cleaning.
August 21. Rained lightly, trail of ants, cleaning!
August 22. Blog overhaul.
August 23. Got rid of shampoo, mouthwash, lotion, etc.
August 24. Practiced school, worked on [ITS A SECRET I WON'T TELL YOU WHAT I'M WORKING ON YET]
August 25. Read Shakespeare.
August 26. Slept and ate food.
August 27. First class out early.
August 28. Breeze, sunshine, survived first big day.
August 29. Caught up on homework.
August 30. Wakarimashita! lol no, wakarimasu (I was excited that I could understand how the hiragana keyboard on my iPod worked but I was having some trouble with Japanese verb tenses because it was late at night)
August 31. Lazy day, heh (kinda).
Common things that show up on my monthly 'thing' calendars are friends and cleaning. Those make my day very often. c:
This month's calendar had the Tenth Doctor on it and the quote was: "Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much."
August 1. The weather was breezy and beautiful.
August 2. Drew curly hair, morning walk, and then something unreadable that looks like "shower all day bit of story." o____o (Oh you know what maybe it said "show" or maybe it was showering all day and I think the "bit of story" meant that my writing challenge was going somewhere (the first three days had wordcounts but I left those out).)
August 3. a spider put away its web, Noodles for lunch.
August 4. Spiderman with Bethany, Miso, tired all day
August 5. Wore a skirt.
August 6. Cleaned a LOT!
August 7. Emma and Bethany, honeydew smoothie.
August 8. Shopped for things I need/want.
August 9. Deleted almost ALL my email. (I hadn't deleted anything since I got my email address in middle school.)
August 10. Peanut butter and trail mix, long while in the car
August 11. Set up camp, went to bed earlyish.
August 12. Devotions with family, read a lot in Til We Have Faces, texted with Shadow.
August 13. I was lazy
August 14. Skinny jeans, s'mores. (This was the day I got my first skinny jeans ever. I was happy. XD)
August 15. Walked in the woods, came to Sophie's house.
August 16. Hung out with Shadow and Sophie.
August 17. Black icing. -shudder-
August 18. Baby mouse! Aww~ and yummy food.
August 19. Word game with dad, organizing.
August 20. Batman, cleaning.
August 21. Rained lightly, trail of ants, cleaning!
August 22. Blog overhaul.
August 23. Got rid of shampoo, mouthwash, lotion, etc.
August 24. Practiced school, worked on [ITS A SECRET I WON'T TELL YOU WHAT I'M WORKING ON YET]
August 25. Read Shakespeare.
August 26. Slept and ate food.
August 27. First class out early.
August 28. Breeze, sunshine, survived first big day.
August 29. Caught up on homework.
August 30. Wakarimashita! lol no, wakarimasu (I was excited that I could understand how the hiragana keyboard on my iPod worked but I was having some trouble with Japanese verb tenses because it was late at night)
August 31. Lazy day, heh (kinda).
Common things that show up on my monthly 'thing' calendars are friends and cleaning. Those make my day very often. c:
It's time to talk about the bathroom! ... :D ?
Do my brothers really have a sudden need to visit the restroom when it's time for chores, or is that just an excuse?
I've heard many stories of people having revelations in the shower. It's happened to me before. The shower is a good place to pray, free of distractions. The only downside is that you've no way to write down these important or brilliant ideas. The very concept of paper or any sort of recording device is entirely averted to water. But maybe that's why the ideas come so freely. You've no iPhone to tap absentmindedly, refreshing twitter or whatever over and over. Your hands are busy sudsing your hair (or just plain old washing it), but your mind is free to wander with your eyes closed.
If someone from a third world country or some undeveloped tribe came to visit, I think the first thing I would show them is the public bathroom. Everything is automated these days. I don't mind too much except I greatly prefer paper towels to air blowing dryers.
Of course, all these random thoughts were just an excuse to brag about my organizing skills/love of cleaning. Read on, and wish you could do the same (and then perhaps do so!).
Using less chemicals means a neater bathroom! I got rid of everything unnecessary from under my sink:
This includes shampoo and acne products/medicines because as I've blogged about at least twice before, I no longer use them. Mouthwash and lotion I never liked. I also finally got rid of those little travel-sized packets of everything (I never use them, except for toothpaste which I recieve twice yearly courtesy of the dentist). I also finally got rid of that bottle with only one ibuprofen left in it that had been under there for ages. And of course, a few things like the manuals for the hair dryer and flat iron that are technically both mine and Kelsey's but she's the only one who uses them. And then there's a beach towel (but I never go to the beach and if I do I'll use a normal towel. That thing doesn't dry well.)
When I was finished, this is all that was left:
:D Neatly gift-bagged for organization and aesthetic appeal. I had to keep a few -cough- necessary items, and then I also have towels and some Clorox wipes for quick cleaning stashed away. Then there's stuff like the replacement flosser heads and the one travel toothpaste I kept, and the razor comb with which I am going to cut my own hair from now on.
By the way, my shampoo-less shower is like:
That mirror does no good (for that matter, neither does the loofah) but whatever. There's a green tea facial scrub up in the corner for times of desperate need or if my friends come over and need some (shampoo I guess we'd have to borrow from another bathroom).
The sink has my supposedly natural deoderant (internet says it's fishy but it's at least better than a lot of stuff available), my teeth care, some soap, some decorations, and THREE HAIRBRUSHES?! You were starting to think I was minimalist? Heh.
The truth is, one hairbrush is my mom's round one that I've occasionally used to make my hair kind of poofy but now I just like because the bristles don't bend at all. The other two are mine. I use the purple and blue one most of the time, and the other one is a boar-bristle one that's SUPPOSED to be good for shampooless people like me, but my hair is so thick that the bristles just bend and smush my hair rather than brushing it. :\ I'll give it away one of these days.
Boring picture! My face towel. The main reason for this picture was the fact that I oh-so-cleverly strapped my watch to the towel bar so I have a water-resistant clock in the bathroom. It's useful if you're one of those people that gets lost in thought and ends up sitting in the bathroom for ages after your shower... and then wonder exactly how much time you've lost.
Lastly, here's my bathroom from the outside. It's pretty small, but not extremely so. My hamper actually takes up a lot of space and it's too big for one person whose family does laundry three times a week. Maybe I should change it out... I'm sure I have a smaller container around.
I'd go find inspiring, artistic pictures of bathrooms to inspire you, but I'm going to try my best to use mostly my own pictures for my blog. c:
So, if you just thought it was weird that I wanted to show off my bathroom, sorry. Hey, I didn't force you to read the post. :'D
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Textbook "Trauma"
I previously discovered that I did not, in fact, need to bring my laptop to school, nor did I need to carry around my English text, and there is no book for my Public Speaking class. However, I still needed my math textbook, my Japanese textbook AND workbook, and my history textbook.
I was thinking about this thing I saw where someone cut the pages out of a textbook, rebound them into several smaller books, and then only carried the part they needed. It looked wonderful except it kills the resale value (unless you can sell it directly to another student to whom that is valuable).
Yesterday I found out that the pages of my history textbook are perforated.
The new edition just came out (I was actually apparently supposed to get that for this class but I got it early and we're making it work) so the resale value on it has already probably plummeted. So from now I will be tearing out the pages I need and keeping them in my history folder which conveniently has a place for hole punched papers (and the perforated history pages have a margin large enough for punching holes). So that's a literal weight off my shoulders, haha.
I wish I could do that to my other books but those have resale value because I believe they are standard (every college algebra class uses this book. By the way Bethany Emma or peggy, you can totally use it if you take college algebra.)
I may have already said it but my Japanese textbook is gonna last me three semesters. Whoo! Less textbook=more money in the bank!
You know, to pay the rent or something. Sheesh, a textbook could easily be a month's groceries!
And I still didn't see the student guide for history. I may just have to take the first test without learning objectives... eh, I might do just fine. Maybe I will do that Tuesday or wednesday.
Yet another school post, sorry guys, really. I'LL THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE TO TALK ABOUT SOON ;~;
I was thinking about this thing I saw where someone cut the pages out of a textbook, rebound them into several smaller books, and then only carried the part they needed. It looked wonderful except it kills the resale value (unless you can sell it directly to another student to whom that is valuable).
Yesterday I found out that the pages of my history textbook are perforated.
The new edition just came out (I was actually apparently supposed to get that for this class but I got it early and we're making it work) so the resale value on it has already probably plummeted. So from now I will be tearing out the pages I need and keeping them in my history folder which conveniently has a place for hole punched papers (and the perforated history pages have a margin large enough for punching holes). So that's a literal weight off my shoulders, haha.
I wish I could do that to my other books but those have resale value because I believe they are standard (every college algebra class uses this book. By the way Bethany Emma or peggy, you can totally use it if you take college algebra.)
I may have already said it but my Japanese textbook is gonna last me three semesters. Whoo! Less textbook=more money in the bank!
You know, to pay the rent or something. Sheesh, a textbook could easily be a month's groceries!
And I still didn't see the student guide for history. I may just have to take the first test without learning objectives... eh, I might do just fine. Maybe I will do that Tuesday or wednesday.
Yet another school post, sorry guys, really. I'LL THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE TO TALK ABOUT SOON ;~;
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
I had this long post about school and how I did all my homework and was bored and the night air was gorgeous and I liked my outfit but I think my iPod app deleted it since it had no title and was offline so I guess you're spared. Ya probably didn't care about my troubles with writing か anyway.
But uh yeah, school's going well.
Speech might not be hard like I thought and Japanese is definitely going to be easier than I expected (but still fun and challenging and history is going okay and I am mostly done with the unit (got some online stuff and a bit more reading to do) and I have a few more English things I can do tomorrow and math will be obnoxious but doable. The teacher isn't allowed to require a graphing calculator but she wants me to have one. I don't think it's a good investment since I won't be taking math past this.
Well, sorry about all the school posts. Once routine sets in they'll probably be about other things.
But uh yeah, school's going well.
Speech might not be hard like I thought and Japanese is definitely going to be easier than I expected (but still fun and challenging and history is going okay and I am mostly done with the unit (got some online stuff and a bit more reading to do) and I have a few more English things I can do tomorrow and math will be obnoxious but doable. The teacher isn't allowed to require a graphing calculator but she wants me to have one. I don't think it's a good investment since I won't be taking math past this.
Well, sorry about all the school posts. Once routine sets in they'll probably be about other things.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Let's see here.
Um, Japanese seems like it will be fun and challenging. It seems that the book will last through Japanese III so I guess I won't have to get new textbooks for that... cool. I tried to get my sensei to call me Aki. She said no. I'm stuck with エリズベス。(Erizibesu, which is Elizabeth with Japanese pronunciation blah) But someone from class called me Aki after class so that was cool.
Math is going to be annoying but doable. College Algebra, y'know. The teacher says she can't require us to have graphing calculators but we'll do a lot with graphing stuff... I don't want a new calculator. Urg. I have graph paper. She'll have some graphing calculators so if I'm forced to borrow, I'm forced to borrow.
History will probably be relatively reasonable in easiness, but it's going to take a lot of time.
English Comp 2 will be easy. 8D
And Public Speaking, well, I dunno what to make of that yet.
I got my bus pass today and checked for a book I still need that the bookstore still doesn't have.
And I sat on a bench for hours reading history. There was an occasional breeze but I sweated and probably didn't smell so great.
I brought my own lunch.
My backpack was super heavy! I'm glad it has wheels. I felt kinda obnoxious dragging that thing around while people around me had like, one messenger bag or whatever but I have to have all my stuff with me all day on tuesdays and thursdays. Other people can leave stuff in their cars and change it out as needed, but sorry, I can't. I'm wondering if my backpack will even fit in the lockers at the testing center. I may just have to take all my tests on Mondays. Except for that one math one we'll have to take in the testing center...
I did discover that I don't need my laptop, so that's a few pounds of relief.
But I have to bring my math textbook, my japanese textbook and workbook, my history book so I can study during the middle of the day, and notebooks for all those classes for note-taking plus my English notebook and any printouts I have for that so I can brainstorm and stuff, and a notebook for public speech later on so that I can prepare speeches and stuff. Plus there's my phone and wallet and lunch and iPod... the iPod isn't strictly necessary but I have alarms and room numbers and schedule on there... Hehe.
Wednesdays I'll only have to bring math and history for before and after speech class. Mondays I won't bring anything extra since I can drive home right away and I may just take any tests beforehand by going early.
Anyway I'm still figuring things out. Goodnight.
Math is going to be annoying but doable. College Algebra, y'know. The teacher says she can't require us to have graphing calculators but we'll do a lot with graphing stuff... I don't want a new calculator. Urg. I have graph paper. She'll have some graphing calculators so if I'm forced to borrow, I'm forced to borrow.
History will probably be relatively reasonable in easiness, but it's going to take a lot of time.
English Comp 2 will be easy. 8D
And Public Speaking, well, I dunno what to make of that yet.
I got my bus pass today and checked for a book I still need that the bookstore still doesn't have.
And I sat on a bench for hours reading history. There was an occasional breeze but I sweated and probably didn't smell so great.
I brought my own lunch.
My backpack was super heavy! I'm glad it has wheels. I felt kinda obnoxious dragging that thing around while people around me had like, one messenger bag or whatever but I have to have all my stuff with me all day on tuesdays and thursdays. Other people can leave stuff in their cars and change it out as needed, but sorry, I can't. I'm wondering if my backpack will even fit in the lockers at the testing center. I may just have to take all my tests on Mondays. Except for that one math one we'll have to take in the testing center...
I did discover that I don't need my laptop, so that's a few pounds of relief.
But I have to bring my math textbook, my japanese textbook and workbook, my history book so I can study during the middle of the day, and notebooks for all those classes for note-taking plus my English notebook and any printouts I have for that so I can brainstorm and stuff, and a notebook for public speech later on so that I can prepare speeches and stuff. Plus there's my phone and wallet and lunch and iPod... the iPod isn't strictly necessary but I have alarms and room numbers and schedule on there... Hehe.
Wednesdays I'll only have to bring math and history for before and after speech class. Mondays I won't bring anything extra since I can drive home right away and I may just take any tests beforehand by going early.
Anyway I'm still figuring things out. Goodnight.
Monday, August 27, 2012
The first day
So the line for the cashier's office was too long and I opted to wait until tomorrow to get a bus pass. I found all my classrooms and then sat around singing "I have confidence in sunshine, I have confidence in rain, etc" under my breath to try to calm my nerves and it worked alright.
Then I went to speech class. I went and sat down in the first available seat, avoiding looking at faces as I usually do. The girl in front of me had a paper bow the color of her shirt and a sketchbook in front of her. She seemed pretty crafty/artsy but I didn't talk to her. We had to play some little game and I found out the guy next to me drew too, and it was confirmed that the girl in front of me did. The people were friendly, so that was cool. The teacher teaches high school and might be late sometimes and at least at the beginning it looks like the class will be pretty easy.
We have to do a short self-reflective speech using an object next week. The wheels are turning... I considered bringing nothing as my object as a statement about how I feel that too much "stuff" is unnecessary, but I thought maybe that'd be pushing it... XD
Then I went to speech class. I went and sat down in the first available seat, avoiding looking at faces as I usually do. The girl in front of me had a paper bow the color of her shirt and a sketchbook in front of her. She seemed pretty crafty/artsy but I didn't talk to her. We had to play some little game and I found out the guy next to me drew too, and it was confirmed that the girl in front of me did. The people were friendly, so that was cool. The teacher teaches high school and might be late sometimes and at least at the beginning it looks like the class will be pretty easy.
We have to do a short self-reflective speech using an object next week. The wheels are turning... I considered bringing nothing as my object as a statement about how I feel that too much "stuff" is unnecessary, but I thought maybe that'd be pushing it... XD
Friday, August 24, 2012
Goals for this school year
Ever since I remember, I've been writing goal papers every August and goal review papers every May. For a long time, it was the annoying thing that Mom ALWAYS made us do. It wasn't too bad, but I would always get bored and want to format it really funny.
Last year was my senior year, so it was the last time I would ever have to write one. I was free!
Free from having concepts of personal growth thrust upon me. . . But darn if it wasn't a good idea! (what is this, Claire? Your mom was... RIGHT?!?)
Now that all my siblings are filling in their brainstorming sheets and typing a formulated essay, I, unbounded by formal writing (not that I ever really followed the formatting rules anyway), shall make my own goals, and in an act of independence, make them very large and obnoxiously bright pink. Because, hey, if I acted like this was a school thing when it no longer is, I'd be admitting that I liked it how it was. (nawwww ;P )
So the categories we always use are taken from Luke 2:52 where Dr. Luke (Not that super rich and famous music guy who writes pretty much all of the music that makes me groan... St. Luke, the physician, evangelist, etc.) relates that Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and with men.
I think I've pretty much stopped growing in stature (well, it's been like that a while) but growing in the rest of those areas is a lifetime thing.
When it comes to wisdom, knowledge, learning, academics, etc, I'd like to (prepare yourself) MANAGE MY TIME WELL SO THAT I CAN SUCCEED IN MY CLASSES AND WORK WITHOUT GOING ABSOLUTELY INSANE.
When it comes to stature, health, etc... well, I can maintain, even if I don't grow! I'll try to CONTINUE EATING AS MANY HEALTHY FOODS AS POSSIBLE AND EXERCISE REGULARLY AND CUT BACK EVEN MORE ON PROCESSED FOODS.
When it comes to favor with God, well, that's not really something I can do anything to earn. He already loves me as much as he's going to because the things that I do can't change that in either direction. I think this is probably the one that I didn't like the wording on the most. Like, I'm going to grow in favor with God! As if I could do that. I'd like to have God in a more favorable position in my life though. He might appreciate being more front and center. I'm really bad at consciously putting Him first. So my goal is to PURPOSEFULLY BRING THINGS TO GOD THROUGHOUT THE DAY. Not just a quick prayer at meals or an endless list of requests at bedtime. c: I'd like to be able to just rest in His presence, too. I don't really know how to do that except to do it? ;~; it's confusing...
Favor with man is something easily conned out of people but I don't like to con them. I tend to be brutally honest, actually, and I believe that this probably drives people away because I won't pretend that I am interested in a conversation if I'm not. (Guess how easily I make friends... -sigh- at least the people who do become friends are top quality ones). I don't want to have more shallow conversations for the sake of being 'nice' or anything because that would be a stupid goal, but I guess I'd like to HAVE MORE GENUINE LOVE FOR PEOPLE AND TREAT THEM IN THE WAY JESUS WOULD.
So there we go.
Last year was my senior year, so it was the last time I would ever have to write one. I was free!
Free from having concepts of personal growth thrust upon me. . . But darn if it wasn't a good idea! (what is this, Claire? Your mom was... RIGHT?!?)
Now that all my siblings are filling in their brainstorming sheets and typing a formulated essay, I, unbounded by formal writing (not that I ever really followed the formatting rules anyway), shall make my own goals, and in an act of independence, make them very large and obnoxiously bright pink. Because, hey, if I acted like this was a school thing when it no longer is, I'd be admitting that I liked it how it was. (nawwww ;P )
So the categories we always use are taken from Luke 2:52 where Dr. Luke (Not that super rich and famous music guy who writes pretty much all of the music that makes me groan... St. Luke, the physician, evangelist, etc.) relates that Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and with men.
I think I've pretty much stopped growing in stature (well, it's been like that a while) but growing in the rest of those areas is a lifetime thing.
When it comes to wisdom, knowledge, learning, academics, etc, I'd like to (prepare yourself) MANAGE MY TIME WELL SO THAT I CAN SUCCEED IN MY CLASSES AND WORK WITHOUT GOING ABSOLUTELY INSANE.
When it comes to stature, health, etc... well, I can maintain, even if I don't grow! I'll try to CONTINUE EATING AS MANY HEALTHY FOODS AS POSSIBLE AND EXERCISE REGULARLY AND CUT BACK EVEN MORE ON PROCESSED FOODS.
When it comes to favor with God, well, that's not really something I can do anything to earn. He already loves me as much as he's going to because the things that I do can't change that in either direction. I think this is probably the one that I didn't like the wording on the most. Like, I'm going to grow in favor with God! As if I could do that. I'd like to have God in a more favorable position in my life though. He might appreciate being more front and center. I'm really bad at consciously putting Him first. So my goal is to PURPOSEFULLY BRING THINGS TO GOD THROUGHOUT THE DAY. Not just a quick prayer at meals or an endless list of requests at bedtime. c: I'd like to be able to just rest in His presence, too. I don't really know how to do that except to do it? ;~; it's confusing...
Favor with man is something easily conned out of people but I don't like to con them. I tend to be brutally honest, actually, and I believe that this probably drives people away because I won't pretend that I am interested in a conversation if I'm not. (Guess how easily I make friends... -sigh- at least the people who do become friends are top quality ones). I don't want to have more shallow conversations for the sake of being 'nice' or anything because that would be a stupid goal, but I guess I'd like to HAVE MORE GENUINE LOVE FOR PEOPLE AND TREAT THEM IN THE WAY JESUS WOULD.
So there we go.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
asdfghjkl. The tomatoes in this one. |
I'm not entirely sure what that vegetable is, but there is definitely soy sauce in there, and it looks scrumptious. |
Beautiful simplicity :'9 |
Pesto is the best-o |
This basil sauce looks like it would compliment the noodles perfectly~ |
and google
Batman Begins
When Bethany and I went to see Spiderman recently, we chose that over The Dark Knight Rises (even though she wanted to see both) because I knew pretty much nothing about Batman. However, she let me borrow both Spiderman 2 and Batman Begins, which her family owns.
I didn't have anything to say about Spiderman 2, really, which is why there was no blog. I was in the middle of packing for Ohio and sewing my brother a 3DS case.
Batman was pretty good. I wouldn't call it amazing like some people (blimeycow) but in terms of quality, it was pretty good, I guess.
The female lead wasn't helpless. (She was also played by Katie Holmes who I use as a play-by for Erica Windsburg... so I kept imagining Rachel as Whirlwind. XD)
I also liked that there wasn't a perfectly wrapped up romance.
There wasn't just one plain old villain throughout the whole thing, which was nice.
The whole story was a little dark, not exactly creepy, but just kind of serious. Not goofy or full of jokes.
I think the thing that I thought about most after the movie was over was the 'main point line' thing that was said twice.
"It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you."
Obviously, this was the main point they wanted to drive home as a 'moral' if any, so I was thinking about how it lines up with Scripture. It reminded me a lot of the spot in James 2 where James is saying that faith without works is dead.
What we do does matter. It matters a lot.
And to people, it may define us. After all, men look at the outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7). But there's more to that verse. The second part says "But the LORD looks at the heart."
Who you are underneath does matter. Maybe if you think God doesn't exist or isn't important, you won't realize this. But just as faith without works is dead, works without faith don't really matter. You can't do your way into being saved. All the doing on that side of the equation was Jesus.
When we have faith in what Jesus did already, that is when we are saved. And it should naturally lead into us doing good ourselves. (If it doesn't, as James pointed out, there's something wrong.)
So I guess my conclusion is: What you do is what defines you to the people around you. And it can be very significant in a way. But as a Christian, what defines you to God is the fact that Jesus has wiped your slate clean. We are made pure enough to enter His presence and be His sons and daughters. And that doesn't depend on what we have done.
I didn't have anything to say about Spiderman 2, really, which is why there was no blog. I was in the middle of packing for Ohio and sewing my brother a 3DS case.
Batman was pretty good. I wouldn't call it amazing like some people (blimeycow) but in terms of quality, it was pretty good, I guess.
The female lead wasn't helpless. (She was also played by Katie Holmes who I use as a play-by for Erica Windsburg... so I kept imagining Rachel as Whirlwind. XD)
I also liked that there wasn't a perfectly wrapped up romance.
There wasn't just one plain old villain throughout the whole thing, which was nice.
The whole story was a little dark, not exactly creepy, but just kind of serious. Not goofy or full of jokes.
I think the thing that I thought about most after the movie was over was the 'main point line' thing that was said twice.
"It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you."
Obviously, this was the main point they wanted to drive home as a 'moral' if any, so I was thinking about how it lines up with Scripture. It reminded me a lot of the spot in James 2 where James is saying that faith without works is dead.
What we do does matter. It matters a lot.
And to people, it may define us. After all, men look at the outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7). But there's more to that verse. The second part says "But the LORD looks at the heart."
Who you are underneath does matter. Maybe if you think God doesn't exist or isn't important, you won't realize this. But just as faith without works is dead, works without faith don't really matter. You can't do your way into being saved. All the doing on that side of the equation was Jesus.
When we have faith in what Jesus did already, that is when we are saved. And it should naturally lead into us doing good ourselves. (If it doesn't, as James pointed out, there's something wrong.)
So I guess my conclusion is: What you do is what defines you to the people around you. And it can be very significant in a way. But as a Christian, what defines you to God is the fact that Jesus has wiped your slate clean. We are made pure enough to enter His presence and be His sons and daughters. And that doesn't depend on what we have done.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Overhaul
Okay, so I got a new format and made a new banner* for autumn. I'll probably change these things seasonally...
But the look isn't the only thing I'm changing!
I'm going to start tagging my posts. Most things will be filed under writing, art, lifestyle, personal, musing, media, silliness, inspiration, and 'daily little things'.
Writing will include short stories, poetry, rambles about the stuff I'm working on, etc.
Art will include pictures of all varieties--drawings, photography, crafts. I may further specify these under their own tags, but you'll be able to see all of them by clicking the art link.
Lifestyle will include my experiments with minimalism, organization, healthy eating, and various products, etc.
Personal will be most of those rambly posts I currently make. Yeah, that's right, I'm not going to stop blabbering about insignificant things in my day.
Speaking of, the 'daily little things' tag might not get used much yet, but as an experiment this year, I've been writing one thing that makes my day, every day, or at least something significant. Even if it's not so great. It makes my day different or special. I'm doing it on a calendar, but I might begin making a monthly post with all of them. Trying to make one separate post a day is ridiculous!
Musing will be where I think out loud, feeling out ideas on topics such as the Bible and faith and stuff, or non-spiritual things too.
Media will be posts about movies or books or music or whatever. Reviews, fangirling, whatever. c:
Silliness needs no explanation.
Inspiration is probably where I'll put links to things that inspire me, or if I get a sudden burst of inspiration to share.
The reason for these categories is to make it easy for people to get what they want out of my blog. Right now it's mostly a jumble, and lots of it is rambles mixed in with movie reviews. I want my family and friends to be able to see the stuff about my day, but for those who don't care about me but would like my organization tips, they'll have a tag to look under.
In a related way, I'd like to write posts that I think out more. This way my posts might actually be easy for others to read. I tend to start with a sentence and expand it and it gets long and rambly, but I'd like to be more than just journal-blogging. c:
So for an example of the tags... I could file this under lifestyle (and organization) because I'm organizing my blog. But since it's not really an important post for outsiders to see (I'll probably put links to different categories in plain sight), I'll just file it under personal.
By the way, I won't be tagging old posts any more than I already have... unless they're important.
Well, I hope you guys like my new blogging style!
*this didn't really fit in the context of the post, but the banner is me fighting a scribble zombie with noodles. This is because I consider things like college (which I'm starting Monday) to be zombies. And I like pasta.
And I needed a new banner.
It's rough on purpose. I tried to make cleaner versions but they looked terrible so I went back to a sketchy style.
But the look isn't the only thing I'm changing!
I'm going to start tagging my posts. Most things will be filed under writing, art, lifestyle, personal, musing, media, silliness, inspiration, and 'daily little things'.
Writing will include short stories, poetry, rambles about the stuff I'm working on, etc.
Art will include pictures of all varieties--drawings, photography, crafts. I may further specify these under their own tags, but you'll be able to see all of them by clicking the art link.
Lifestyle will include my experiments with minimalism, organization, healthy eating, and various products, etc.
Personal will be most of those rambly posts I currently make. Yeah, that's right, I'm not going to stop blabbering about insignificant things in my day.
Speaking of, the 'daily little things' tag might not get used much yet, but as an experiment this year, I've been writing one thing that makes my day, every day, or at least something significant. Even if it's not so great. It makes my day different or special. I'm doing it on a calendar, but I might begin making a monthly post with all of them. Trying to make one separate post a day is ridiculous!
Musing will be where I think out loud, feeling out ideas on topics such as the Bible and faith and stuff, or non-spiritual things too.
Media will be posts about movies or books or music or whatever. Reviews, fangirling, whatever. c:
Silliness needs no explanation.
Inspiration is probably where I'll put links to things that inspire me, or if I get a sudden burst of inspiration to share.
The reason for these categories is to make it easy for people to get what they want out of my blog. Right now it's mostly a jumble, and lots of it is rambles mixed in with movie reviews. I want my family and friends to be able to see the stuff about my day, but for those who don't care about me but would like my organization tips, they'll have a tag to look under.
In a related way, I'd like to write posts that I think out more. This way my posts might actually be easy for others to read. I tend to start with a sentence and expand it and it gets long and rambly, but I'd like to be more than just journal-blogging. c:
So for an example of the tags... I could file this under lifestyle (and organization) because I'm organizing my blog. But since it's not really an important post for outsiders to see (I'll probably put links to different categories in plain sight), I'll just file it under personal.
By the way, I won't be tagging old posts any more than I already have... unless they're important.
Well, I hope you guys like my new blogging style!
*this didn't really fit in the context of the post, but the banner is me fighting a scribble zombie with noodles. This is because I consider things like college (which I'm starting Monday) to be zombies. And I like pasta.
And I needed a new banner.
It's rough on purpose. I tried to make cleaner versions but they looked terrible so I went back to a sketchy style.
Happy Birthday to Kurea, and a new blog design!
Today is August 22, theoretically my favorite day of the year. The start of fall (except in Texas, it's still summer). [EDIT: apparently I have been wrong my entire life, fall starts in september... blah i don't care] Fall is my favorite season, so I'm excited to get a pretty orange leafy background! After I finish this post, I'm going to go redesign my blog and stuff. c:
August 22nd, being my favorite day, became the birthday of my first well-developed original character (made for the Naruto universe). Of course, at the time, she wasn't too well-developed. Let's take a visit back to Webkinz Insider, the forum I frequented in middle school when I first got into anime, thanks to Brittany and Bethany.
(hah, I logged on and saw I had seven new messages despite the fact that I haven't been active in years... they were just birthday messages from random people)
This is the very first picture of her. Obviously, I was in my 'digital art' days (MS Paint was the coolest and I was beast at it) She looked like me and wore clothes that I owned. A Mary Sue for sure. Thankfully I was unique enough (hah) that she didn't turn out completely lame and boring. She was just really random (I thought I was hilarious).
Of course, I helped/forced Bethany to make a character as well, and they were obviously BFFs. By this point, I had re-thought Kurea's hair, and she became a little less mary-sue-ish... except then I thought she was SO cool that I got my own hair cut like hers...
ohohoh I was so silly. It didn't turn out like I drew it, exactly, but my friends thought it was cool since I came up with it myself.
Here we have the first full-body picture ever! Still bad at proportion, still MS Painting... Her outfit basically hasn't changed. I know ninjas in the Naruto world don't wear converse, but she really needs the knee socks. :P
The main difference is that I've stopped trying to 'christianize'
the universe, so that cross-star headband has changed to a normal, dark blue leaf headband.
This one was REALLY GOOD OMG
(because I traced a photo oh aw snap you thought I had dramatically improved my art)
Still sporting the cross headband. By the way, I totally cosplayed Kurea once or twice.
Kurea was and is a hyper and obnoxious thirteen year old. Not exactly in the same way as Naruto. She's more... insane. But I have a feeling that she may be putting it all on and actually be super intelligent and mature underneath... and is such a good actor she's even hiding it from me.
She has a secret passion for techno music. She received her training from Ronin Tokugawa, a 'rogue' of sorts who established an unofficial training camp on the fringes of the Land of Fire. A lot of their routines involved music and dance to learn fighting, which explains her secret obsession. Hehe. Originally, I had her train under "Might Giru", Might Guy's brother... Obviously I have changed this. That was one of the most Mary-Sue-ish things about her in the first place--on top of basing her off of me, her existence depended on a canon character or a convenient relative of a canon character. Good OCs can exist all by themselves.
She used to train with Besani and Jaki, the characters of Bethany and her friend Vanessa, but since neither of them really did much with their Naruto characters, Kurea ended up having an older-brother figure named Masahiko Kurosaki. Another character I put into her little universe was Yufi, Ronin-sensei's sister.
Sometimes, in alternate universes or roleplays or whatever, she's teammates with Brittany's OC, Asuna Myuki.
Anyway, this is about Kurea, not her friends.
She can't use genjutsu. It makes her pass out. Her ninjutsu skills are average. She excels in Taijutsu (I wanted her and Lee to have a bonding element, heh). Here are her stats (if I can find them).
Her favorite food is sugar, but if she has it, she gets really really fast and maniacal. This is good for short bursts of fighting and stuff, but afterward, she just stops and can't be convinced to do anything (sugar crash, obviously).
Since she is banned from sugar (sensei's orders) her favorite food is onions. Just onions. Plain. And in things too.
It's a shame, but I can't find the specific picture I was thinking of... probably my most recent. Well, I may edit if I find it... man. That's disappointing.
August 22nd, being my favorite day, became the birthday of my first well-developed original character (made for the Naruto universe). Of course, at the time, she wasn't too well-developed. Let's take a visit back to Webkinz Insider, the forum I frequented in middle school when I first got into anime, thanks to Brittany and Bethany.
(hah, I logged on and saw I had seven new messages despite the fact that I haven't been active in years... they were just birthday messages from random people)
This is the very first picture of her. Obviously, I was in my 'digital art' days (MS Paint was the coolest and I was beast at it) She looked like me and wore clothes that I owned. A Mary Sue for sure. Thankfully I was unique enough (hah) that she didn't turn out completely lame and boring. She was just really random (I thought I was hilarious).
Of course, I helped/forced Bethany to make a character as well, and they were obviously BFFs. By this point, I had re-thought Kurea's hair, and she became a little less mary-sue-ish... except then I thought she was SO cool that I got my own hair cut like hers...
That's me, on the left. ...yeah, no. I'm obviously the kid. |
Here we have the first full-body picture ever! Still bad at proportion, still MS Painting... Her outfit basically hasn't changed. I know ninjas in the Naruto world don't wear converse, but she really needs the knee socks. :P
The main difference is that I've stopped trying to 'christianize'
the universe, so that cross-star headband has changed to a normal, dark blue leaf headband.
This one was REALLY GOOD OMG
(because I traced a photo oh aw snap you thought I had dramatically improved my art)
Still sporting the cross headband. By the way, I totally cosplayed Kurea once or twice.
With Besani-chan~ |
I think that was supposed to be "Kurea Akihoshi" in nihongo |
Kurea was and is a hyper and obnoxious thirteen year old. Not exactly in the same way as Naruto. She's more... insane. But I have a feeling that she may be putting it all on and actually be super intelligent and mature underneath... and is such a good actor she's even hiding it from me.
She has a secret passion for techno music. She received her training from Ronin Tokugawa, a 'rogue' of sorts who established an unofficial training camp on the fringes of the Land of Fire. A lot of their routines involved music and dance to learn fighting, which explains her secret obsession. Hehe. Originally, I had her train under "Might Giru", Might Guy's brother... Obviously I have changed this. That was one of the most Mary-Sue-ish things about her in the first place--on top of basing her off of me, her existence depended on a canon character or a convenient relative of a canon character. Good OCs can exist all by themselves.
She used to train with Besani and Jaki, the characters of Bethany and her friend Vanessa, but since neither of them really did much with their Naruto characters, Kurea ended up having an older-brother figure named Masahiko Kurosaki. Another character I put into her little universe was Yufi, Ronin-sensei's sister.
Sometimes, in alternate universes or roleplays or whatever, she's teammates with Brittany's OC, Asuna Myuki.
Anyway, this is about Kurea, not her friends.
She can't use genjutsu. It makes her pass out. Her ninjutsu skills are average. She excels in Taijutsu (I wanted her and Lee to have a bonding element, heh). Here are her stats (if I can find them).
Her favorite food is sugar, but if she has it, she gets really really fast and maniacal. This is good for short bursts of fighting and stuff, but afterward, she just stops and can't be convinced to do anything (sugar crash, obviously).
Since she is banned from sugar (sensei's orders) her favorite food is onions. Just onions. Plain. And in things too.
So of COURSE she had a crush on Rock Lee. (Because he was and is like the best character okay)
I thought this picture was so good, but honestly I didn't draw Lee (I don't remember where the picture is from), and Kurea was basically Lee flipped over and all the features changed. I did add the blushes and changed Lee's eyebrow position...
I had fanfictions, still have character profiles, etc, but it's all too much to post here. In any case, I still love Kurea, and I'm glad today is her birthday so she can have some cake (but be prepared for her to go crazy).
Here are some things I've made with dollmakers etc:
![]() |
Search "Naruto Character Creator" on DeviantART and this should come up. |
This one is by someone on DA. If you google 'anime facemaker fox richards' I think it will come up. |
![]() | |||||
You can probably find this by googling | "anime facemaker" |
![]() |
This is from 'dream selfy', a site based off of the tinierme avatars. |
Now let's find some recentish pictures of Kurea and I'll let this long picture heavy blog post be done. c:
It's a shame, but I can't find the specific picture I was thinking of... probably my most recent. Well, I may edit if I find it... man. That's disappointing.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Where do I even start?
Vacation was fulfilling, I suppose. c: I will resist the temptation to post individual blog posts for each day and just try to put the highlights in this one post.
Overall pros for like, every day: Got lots of exercise! Saw pretty trees~
Overall cons: I ate unhealthily and too much. I had no self control ;~; also, mosquito bites. Urk.
Thankfully the exercise seems to have combatted the unhealthy eating, so that problem is mostly non-existant. The mosquito bites were pretty bad, though.
So let's see. On Friday we began driving, conflict was kept to a pretty good minimum, I took lots of pictures
and they were mostly of siblings and gas stations. We retrieved Josh and I sat next to him for a lot of the trip. (The drivers were all in the front four seats, though I never had to drive~ partayyyy)
Saturday was pretty much the same. The whole car ride was pretty uneventful except for the time Mom accidentally started swerving because she thought a truck was going to run her off the road (it looked like he was putting on his turn signals--he was actually putting on his work lights because we had our brights on and didn't notice. But afterwards the truck was pretty mean about it by practically blinding us). I guess we nearly ran out of gas once too. But it was right at a gas station, so it was okay.
When we got there on Saturday afternoon we set everything up. Dad and I set up a hammock between two trees and it was rather lovely. That night I slept in it, but I went to bed at like nine thirty or ten so I woke up at four and couldn't sleep again. I was also having trouble keeping my pillow and the sheet and my blanket all in the hammock (it was new, and it hadn't stretched out at all, so the sides didn't come up around me and envelop me like I would have liked). I also thought I heard something walking around in the woods (it was probably a fox haha) and of course that kept me from going back to sleep too. So eventually (around five, I think?) I got up and read a lot of 'Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis. It was a pretty good book.
Then, it was obviously Sunday. I wore a skirt and stuff because we were supposed to bring nice things for church. But then we ended up only having a little church/prayertime/devotional thing as a family. And it was good, but I didn't need the skirt. XD
By the way, did I mention that it was COLD when we got there? (Well like in the forties to fifties Fahrenheit, I think... maybe sixties... I can't remember... but it was chilly...)
I didn't bring any long pants with me, either, because last year it was unusually warm for Ohio. And we heard that it had been pretty hot up there this year too. And it was August. :P
So our uncle brought over a huge basket of sweatshirts. XD Thankfully I had the common sense/premonition to bring a jacket. I didn't have to borrow a sweatshirt.
That night, I hammocked again. Yay! I forced myself to stay up late so that I would sleep through the morning. XD I think it worked.
Hmmm, on Monday I guess we got into the swing-o-things... I don't really remember what I did. It all blurs together. 8D That's what happens when your days aren't structured by day-specific events.
Monday night, it was supposed to rain, so I slept on the picnic table on the porch. It didn't end up raining until the morning, so I would have been fine in the hammock, but I didn't know.
On Tuesday, I think we went shopping at Wal-Mart because mom needed something from the pharmacy and grandma needed groceries and I needed pants. ;~;
I looked through some clearance stuff and found some skinny jeans but they were too small because they were skinny jeans and I also didn't know how the sizing worked.
I found some colored skinnies (yes! I had been looking for some!) except that they were expensive and I didn't like the colors of any of them particularly well except for some sky blue ones but then money.
Just when I was thinking I'd never find a pair of pants (I was actually just going to look through the clearance racks one more time), my mom told me there were a bunch of clearance clothes in the back.
There were skinny jeans for like, three dollars each! o_____o
(The reason for my focus on skinny jeans is not that I like them the best. But I already have some bootcut ones here at home. I've actually never had skinny jeans before this. And pretty much all the jeans at the walmart up there were skinny jeans. There were some others but I didn't like them.)
So I got a pair of grey ones that I really really like and a pair of white ones (I'd wanted white jeans for a while now~). I got them both several sizes up because of what was available and what fit best (skinny jeans in the 'normal' size are probably squeezy and uncomfortable... D: ).
I wonder if I should turn this into a blog post about clothes sizing and insecurity and everyone being beautiful no matter what and hm no I won't do that XD I'll let Bethany write that if she wants to because she has more clothes expertise and is also nicer. c:
Tuesday night I was a lame-o and slept inside because the hammock was wet and someone had put the cooler on the picnic table. I could have moved it but I was being lame. :P
On tuesday night I had planned things with Shadow and Sophie. So on Wednesday, my daddy drove me to Sophie's house and Shadow and I surprised TWIG by me being at Sophie's house and we laughed more than was necessary and then when Sophie got back we played a sixth grade edition of Trivial Pursuit and were feeling really smart until Sophie joined us and informed us of the fact that we weren't playing the normal game. ^^;
After that was an old version of super mario and food and ice cream and it was all delicious.
Sophie was reading a huge impressive book that had plays and stuff in it while Shadow and I tried to keep Yoshi from running away from us.
That night there was sleeping and I woke up at daybreakish and read a book of Grimms Fairy Tales from Sophie's bookshelves because it was so quiet and stuff. c:
By the time we ate breakfast and stuff it was like eleven, I think, and I was being really indecisive because there were just so many OPTIONS and I didn't want to inconvenience Sophie's mum by asking for something that would cause extra work but then I realized that my indecisiveness was probably even more inconvenient so i just asked for the same thing Shadow ate which was eggs and toast and it was good.
After that I showered and found Shadow playing Pokemon and Sophie still reading that impressive book so I joined them and drew pictures so we were all kind of sitting around together but not talking or anything. XD
After a while, Sophie's mum took Shadow and I to a coffee shop that they had taken Shadow to before and she wanted to show it to me. Sophie stayed at home for some reason I either can't remember or never heard.
There was some drawing and writing and dictionarying but there was also pokemoning and I checked stuff on my iPod because there was wifi and I hadn't checked stuff in a while. Then my iPod died so I illustrated a song and there was also hot chocolate and coffee and cookies and yum.
Then Elle came and got us and Shadow and Sophie and I played Munchkin which thoroughly confused me for the first few rounds and then I kind of got it. Then we played Apples to Apples over the phone with Bella (shadow's little sister).
After that Shadow and I played more super mario and Sophie made us ramen since dinner was still in the making and Shadow was hungry.
Dinner was this delicious pizza thing with fresh tomatoes that were cooked right onto it and it was delicioso~
We began reading this roleplay aloud that Shadow and I had and were inviting Sophie to join. We ended up reading it to her and her parents while we sat around a fire and there were smores and yum.
Then we all went inside and put more posts on the roleplay and I ate some more ice cream.
Then I slept and then I got up in the morning and read almost exactly half of The Fault in Our Stars which I liked significantly better than any other John Green books I had read.
Sophie had a musical on and we ate some breakfasts which was leftover pizza.
After that I had to leave and Shadow came with and Sophie stayed behind. Sophie's dad drove us to the coffee shop and I examined a hole in the floor and then just as Shadow and I were starting a game of checkers with sugar packets, Sophie's mum showed up and then we left and ran over a hubcap somehow and had to stop on a bridge but a repairman of sorts was driving right behind us and got out a cone and fished the hubcap from beneath the car. :D three cheers for that guy!
Then Elle was dropped off at the airport and then we headed toward the campground but then stopped at Wendy's to get Shadow some food and then we got to the campground and they met mi madre and then I packed things up and that night Judah, Kelsey, LaRissa and I slept inside since they wanted to pack up our tent. The boys stayed in the tent they had been in since it was our uncle's tent.
Then Saturday morning we left and there was a family reunion which for me was admittedly quite boring but the food was good and I saw a baby mouse and talked on the phone with Bethany.
Then we drove and it was rather boring but we had music this time so I played all my indie music and enlightened Josh as to why indie isn't so much a genre as a production choice.
When Mom was driving I kept conversation with her about desks and school plans for this year. When Josh drove, I tried to sleep because during the night it was my job to keep Dad awake while he drove (from like midnight to six). We were both terribly unmotivated to stay awake because it was kind of boring and dad felt like just pulling off in a rest stop and sleeping except we couldn't do that.
I tried to make conversations but they were short.
Then I suggested we play a word game so we started out going through the alphabet with interesting words but it quickly became a 'go through the alphabet with interesting words and try to find ones that Claire has to look up' game and the dictionary history on my dictionary app probably tripled at least. XD
But by X I was falling asleep. Thankfully Josh was awake by that time and Dad drove for a while longer before mom took over and the rest of the drive was basically dad and I sleeping on each other on and off. XD
Until the afternoon when dad moved up to the passenger seat and then we ate some food and I finally got my Peace Tea (Flying Js and Pilots don't have them, blahhhhhhh and those are the stops my father favors).
We got home and did laundry and stuff and I cleared a desk mostly and we ate pizza because everyone was too tired to cook. XDDD
Overall pros for like, every day: Got lots of exercise! Saw pretty trees~
Overall cons: I ate unhealthily and too much. I had no self control ;~; also, mosquito bites. Urk.
Thankfully the exercise seems to have combatted the unhealthy eating, so that problem is mostly non-existant. The mosquito bites were pretty bad, though.
So let's see. On Friday we began driving, conflict was kept to a pretty good minimum, I took lots of pictures
and they were mostly of siblings and gas stations. We retrieved Josh and I sat next to him for a lot of the trip. (The drivers were all in the front four seats, though I never had to drive~ partayyyy)
Saturday was pretty much the same. The whole car ride was pretty uneventful except for the time Mom accidentally started swerving because she thought a truck was going to run her off the road (it looked like he was putting on his turn signals--he was actually putting on his work lights because we had our brights on and didn't notice. But afterwards the truck was pretty mean about it by practically blinding us). I guess we nearly ran out of gas once too. But it was right at a gas station, so it was okay.
When we got there on Saturday afternoon we set everything up. Dad and I set up a hammock between two trees and it was rather lovely. That night I slept in it, but I went to bed at like nine thirty or ten so I woke up at four and couldn't sleep again. I was also having trouble keeping my pillow and the sheet and my blanket all in the hammock (it was new, and it hadn't stretched out at all, so the sides didn't come up around me and envelop me like I would have liked). I also thought I heard something walking around in the woods (it was probably a fox haha) and of course that kept me from going back to sleep too. So eventually (around five, I think?) I got up and read a lot of 'Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis. It was a pretty good book.
Then, it was obviously Sunday. I wore a skirt and stuff because we were supposed to bring nice things for church. But then we ended up only having a little church/prayertime/devotional thing as a family. And it was good, but I didn't need the skirt. XD
By the way, did I mention that it was COLD when we got there? (Well like in the forties to fifties Fahrenheit, I think... maybe sixties... I can't remember... but it was chilly...)
I didn't bring any long pants with me, either, because last year it was unusually warm for Ohio. And we heard that it had been pretty hot up there this year too. And it was August. :P
So our uncle brought over a huge basket of sweatshirts. XD Thankfully I had the common sense/premonition to bring a jacket. I didn't have to borrow a sweatshirt.
That night, I hammocked again. Yay! I forced myself to stay up late so that I would sleep through the morning. XD I think it worked.
Hmmm, on Monday I guess we got into the swing-o-things... I don't really remember what I did. It all blurs together. 8D That's what happens when your days aren't structured by day-specific events.
Monday night, it was supposed to rain, so I slept on the picnic table on the porch. It didn't end up raining until the morning, so I would have been fine in the hammock, but I didn't know.
On Tuesday, I think we went shopping at Wal-Mart because mom needed something from the pharmacy and grandma needed groceries and I needed pants. ;~;
I looked through some clearance stuff and found some skinny jeans but they were too small because they were skinny jeans and I also didn't know how the sizing worked.
I found some colored skinnies (yes! I had been looking for some!) except that they were expensive and I didn't like the colors of any of them particularly well except for some sky blue ones but then money.
Just when I was thinking I'd never find a pair of pants (I was actually just going to look through the clearance racks one more time), my mom told me there were a bunch of clearance clothes in the back.
There were skinny jeans for like, three dollars each! o_____o
(The reason for my focus on skinny jeans is not that I like them the best. But I already have some bootcut ones here at home. I've actually never had skinny jeans before this. And pretty much all the jeans at the walmart up there were skinny jeans. There were some others but I didn't like them.)
So I got a pair of grey ones that I really really like and a pair of white ones (I'd wanted white jeans for a while now~). I got them both several sizes up because of what was available and what fit best (skinny jeans in the 'normal' size are probably squeezy and uncomfortable... D: ).
I wonder if I should turn this into a blog post about clothes sizing and insecurity and everyone being beautiful no matter what and hm no I won't do that XD I'll let Bethany write that if she wants to because she has more clothes expertise and is also nicer. c:
Tuesday night I was a lame-o and slept inside because the hammock was wet and someone had put the cooler on the picnic table. I could have moved it but I was being lame. :P
On tuesday night I had planned things with Shadow and Sophie. So on Wednesday, my daddy drove me to Sophie's house and Shadow and I surprised TWIG by me being at Sophie's house and we laughed more than was necessary and then when Sophie got back we played a sixth grade edition of Trivial Pursuit and were feeling really smart until Sophie joined us and informed us of the fact that we weren't playing the normal game. ^^;
After that was an old version of super mario and food and ice cream and it was all delicious.
Sophie was reading a huge impressive book that had plays and stuff in it while Shadow and I tried to keep Yoshi from running away from us.
That night there was sleeping and I woke up at daybreakish and read a book of Grimms Fairy Tales from Sophie's bookshelves because it was so quiet and stuff. c:
By the time we ate breakfast and stuff it was like eleven, I think, and I was being really indecisive because there were just so many OPTIONS and I didn't want to inconvenience Sophie's mum by asking for something that would cause extra work but then I realized that my indecisiveness was probably even more inconvenient so i just asked for the same thing Shadow ate which was eggs and toast and it was good.
After that I showered and found Shadow playing Pokemon and Sophie still reading that impressive book so I joined them and drew pictures so we were all kind of sitting around together but not talking or anything. XD
After a while, Sophie's mum took Shadow and I to a coffee shop that they had taken Shadow to before and she wanted to show it to me. Sophie stayed at home for some reason I either can't remember or never heard.
There was some drawing and writing and dictionarying but there was also pokemoning and I checked stuff on my iPod because there was wifi and I hadn't checked stuff in a while. Then my iPod died so I illustrated a song and there was also hot chocolate and coffee and cookies and yum.
Then Elle came and got us and Shadow and Sophie and I played Munchkin which thoroughly confused me for the first few rounds and then I kind of got it. Then we played Apples to Apples over the phone with Bella (shadow's little sister).
After that Shadow and I played more super mario and Sophie made us ramen since dinner was still in the making and Shadow was hungry.
Dinner was this delicious pizza thing with fresh tomatoes that were cooked right onto it and it was delicioso~
We began reading this roleplay aloud that Shadow and I had and were inviting Sophie to join. We ended up reading it to her and her parents while we sat around a fire and there were smores and yum.
Then we all went inside and put more posts on the roleplay and I ate some more ice cream.
Then I slept and then I got up in the morning and read almost exactly half of The Fault in Our Stars which I liked significantly better than any other John Green books I had read.
Sophie had a musical on and we ate some breakfasts which was leftover pizza.
After that I had to leave and Shadow came with and Sophie stayed behind. Sophie's dad drove us to the coffee shop and I examined a hole in the floor and then just as Shadow and I were starting a game of checkers with sugar packets, Sophie's mum showed up and then we left and ran over a hubcap somehow and had to stop on a bridge but a repairman of sorts was driving right behind us and got out a cone and fished the hubcap from beneath the car. :D three cheers for that guy!
Then Elle was dropped off at the airport and then we headed toward the campground but then stopped at Wendy's to get Shadow some food and then we got to the campground and they met mi madre and then I packed things up and that night Judah, Kelsey, LaRissa and I slept inside since they wanted to pack up our tent. The boys stayed in the tent they had been in since it was our uncle's tent.
Then Saturday morning we left and there was a family reunion which for me was admittedly quite boring but the food was good and I saw a baby mouse and talked on the phone with Bethany.
Then we drove and it was rather boring but we had music this time so I played all my indie music and enlightened Josh as to why indie isn't so much a genre as a production choice.
When Mom was driving I kept conversation with her about desks and school plans for this year. When Josh drove, I tried to sleep because during the night it was my job to keep Dad awake while he drove (from like midnight to six). We were both terribly unmotivated to stay awake because it was kind of boring and dad felt like just pulling off in a rest stop and sleeping except we couldn't do that.
I tried to make conversations but they were short.
Then I suggested we play a word game so we started out going through the alphabet with interesting words but it quickly became a 'go through the alphabet with interesting words and try to find ones that Claire has to look up' game and the dictionary history on my dictionary app probably tripled at least. XD
But by X I was falling asleep. Thankfully Josh was awake by that time and Dad drove for a while longer before mom took over and the rest of the drive was basically dad and I sleeping on each other on and off. XD
Until the afternoon when dad moved up to the passenger seat and then we ate some food and I finally got my Peace Tea (Flying Js and Pilots don't have them, blahhhhhhh and those are the stops my father favors).
We got home and did laundry and stuff and I cleared a desk mostly and we ate pizza because everyone was too tired to cook. XDDD
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Posts will be sparse
Sorry for the lack of computer. But it's good for me. So this week I am camping. Possibly seeing friends. Definitely seeing family. Sleeping in a hammock.
Expect some make-up posts next week before school starts...
Expect some make-up posts next week before school starts...
Thursday, August 9, 2012
I deleted almost all six thousand emails I had in my inbox (college mail, old communications...)
I hadn't deleted hardly anything since I got the account three years ago.
It was very refreshing but also very boring and annoying.
I hadn't deleted hardly anything since I got the account three years ago.
It was very refreshing but also very boring and annoying.
Giving up?!?
Hello, random russians and friends. It is approximately seven ante meridian and I just enjoyed the experience of two alarm clocks going off at once (not my own... I've been up for about ten minutes since my clock tends to run fast). They were almost musical in the way they went off together. There goes another one, by itself. Hehehe. Another thought on alarm clocks OH LOOK ANOTHER ONE (my entire family is waking up). My other thought is that alarm clocks get too harsh too early. You start with a little beep (not pleasant but not too annoying) and as you begin to wade your way out of the slushy, thick pools of sleep, it becomes angry-sounding almost right away.
I hate angry sounding noises. They are so stressful. I often bang the snooze button on my alarm clock before I even flip the switch to off. (Don't worry, I keep my alarm clock in my closet to deter the staying-in-bed-and-turning-the-clock off thing. Even if I hit snooze three times, by the end of it, I've walked across my room six times).
I can understand wanting to wake up to music or a sound that gradually fades in. How less stressful! :'D But the problem is that if it is pleasant I may continue laying in my bed listening to the beautiful noises.
I think my main problem with getting up is my lack of window. Whenever I stay over at a friend's house, even if I was up way late, the sunshine wakes me up before anyone else. That's not to say that once I regularly have a window I will always get up (I'd probably learn to ignore it just like learning to ignore pleasant music). The best fix is probably just to go to bed earlier.
Well, I didn't mean to write a post about alarm clocks. Or sleeping. Or getting up.
What I meant to tell you is that I'm giving up. (I almost wrote getting up there.)
I didn't say life. >__> Anyway, what kind of person muses on lifelong habits like waking up in the morning if they don't plan to for much longer? :PPPPP
Okay, that was an unnecessary paragraph. You probably didn't assume I was giving up on life in the first place. But what am I giving up on?
I'm quitting (that may be a better word) my personal NaNoWriMo this August. I've been storyless and easily distracted, and the story I really want to be focusing on isn't a novel at all. Maybe these are all excuses, but I really have no need of yet another raw novel at this point, especially one turning out this way. I do like the characters--I may re-use them somewhere.
The lack of motivation has been most of it, I think. NaNoWriMo works for me because there's a deadline, a really tight goal. Those drive me to write. Word wars are also my friends. As I writer, I can hardly get anything done otherwise. The problem with doing NaNoWriMo out of season is that while I have a goal and maybe even a few recruited partners, I'm not racing anybody. I mean, I did just say I recruited some people, but many (or maybe all? I don't know) of them haven't made any progress or at least haven't been checking in. And there's no drive to be the "elite" and finish faster than the slowpokes who only write 1667 words per day.
I feel bad about giving up, really. But I'm not going to stop writing.
The story I want to focus on now is the superhero story. It needs so much brainstorming and turning over. I need to write freewrites and drabbles and backstories and I also need to be sketching it a lot. I feel like I haven't been hardly drawing at all this month and I am ashamed. If it comes down to it, I'd choose drawing over writing, so if I'm wasting all my time procrastinating from writing, I'm not doing anything I love.
This doesn't really feel like a defeat since I have inspiring excuses, but if any of my friends are actually still doing this, I'm sad to let them down. I'll be doing November as usual (and maybe the structure of school and not having time to write will help me to squeeze it in wherever possible instead of prorastinating).
I don't think I'll have a specific writing goal for this month anymore, but rather I'll sketch and write when I feel it would be beneficial to me or when I have free time or whatever. I also. need. to. stop. browsing. tumblr. That place is a time eater (understatement) and while there are some amusing or cool things on it, my usual emotion after looking at pages and pages of my friends' reblogs is "blah" because rarely any of it is a proper level of brilliance. I don't follow anyone, so I have to pointedly go to my friends' pages, but I don't even want to be doing that, honestly. I just want to blog stuff for other people to enjoy/waste their time looking at, and spend my time elsewhere.
Well, this has been really long. Today I need to clean my room and possibly my email inbox. Oh my gingersnaps. Six thousand and one emails because I never delete them, but now I want to delete them so that I only have emails I need in my inbox. And I guess if there are funny ones I can file them away somewhere. Ciao!
I hate angry sounding noises. They are so stressful. I often bang the snooze button on my alarm clock before I even flip the switch to off. (Don't worry, I keep my alarm clock in my closet to deter the staying-in-bed-and-turning-the-clock off thing. Even if I hit snooze three times, by the end of it, I've walked across my room six times).
I can understand wanting to wake up to music or a sound that gradually fades in. How less stressful! :'D But the problem is that if it is pleasant I may continue laying in my bed listening to the beautiful noises.
I think my main problem with getting up is my lack of window. Whenever I stay over at a friend's house, even if I was up way late, the sunshine wakes me up before anyone else. That's not to say that once I regularly have a window I will always get up (I'd probably learn to ignore it just like learning to ignore pleasant music). The best fix is probably just to go to bed earlier.
Well, I didn't mean to write a post about alarm clocks. Or sleeping. Or getting up.
What I meant to tell you is that I'm giving up. (I almost wrote getting up there.)
I didn't say life. >__> Anyway, what kind of person muses on lifelong habits like waking up in the morning if they don't plan to for much longer? :PPPPP
Okay, that was an unnecessary paragraph. You probably didn't assume I was giving up on life in the first place. But what am I giving up on?
I'm quitting (that may be a better word) my personal NaNoWriMo this August. I've been storyless and easily distracted, and the story I really want to be focusing on isn't a novel at all. Maybe these are all excuses, but I really have no need of yet another raw novel at this point, especially one turning out this way. I do like the characters--I may re-use them somewhere.
The lack of motivation has been most of it, I think. NaNoWriMo works for me because there's a deadline, a really tight goal. Those drive me to write. Word wars are also my friends. As I writer, I can hardly get anything done otherwise. The problem with doing NaNoWriMo out of season is that while I have a goal and maybe even a few recruited partners, I'm not racing anybody. I mean, I did just say I recruited some people, but many (or maybe all? I don't know) of them haven't made any progress or at least haven't been checking in. And there's no drive to be the "elite" and finish faster than the slowpokes who only write 1667 words per day.
I feel bad about giving up, really. But I'm not going to stop writing.
The story I want to focus on now is the superhero story. It needs so much brainstorming and turning over. I need to write freewrites and drabbles and backstories and I also need to be sketching it a lot. I feel like I haven't been hardly drawing at all this month and I am ashamed. If it comes down to it, I'd choose drawing over writing, so if I'm wasting all my time procrastinating from writing, I'm not doing anything I love.
This doesn't really feel like a defeat since I have inspiring excuses, but if any of my friends are actually still doing this, I'm sad to let them down. I'll be doing November as usual (and maybe the structure of school and not having time to write will help me to squeeze it in wherever possible instead of prorastinating).
I don't think I'll have a specific writing goal for this month anymore, but rather I'll sketch and write when I feel it would be beneficial to me or when I have free time or whatever. I also. need. to. stop. browsing. tumblr. That place is a time eater (understatement) and while there are some amusing or cool things on it, my usual emotion after looking at pages and pages of my friends' reblogs is "blah" because rarely any of it is a proper level of brilliance. I don't follow anyone, so I have to pointedly go to my friends' pages, but I don't even want to be doing that, honestly. I just want to blog stuff for other people to enjoy/waste their time looking at, and spend my time elsewhere.
Well, this has been really long. Today I need to clean my room and possibly my email inbox. Oh my gingersnaps. Six thousand and one emails because I never delete them, but now I want to delete them so that I only have emails I need in my inbox. And I guess if there are funny ones I can file them away somewhere. Ciao!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Buying things.
Today was unproductive in the writing. I didn't even try. SHAME, CLAIRE, SHAME
However, I got some things I needed (and some I didn't).
I went to ACC to purchase a parking permit for the fall semester. Very important. :D As I left, my day was ruined because a single speck of dust or SOMETHING somehow flew in my eye when a car drove past.
Throughout the walmart trip, I was miserable. I tried washing my eye out to no avail. We purchased some eye drops but they didn't seem to help. When we got to the house of the piano teacher, I washed my eye out with a proper sink (the ones at walmart were automatic and hot so not the best to wash one's irritated eye with). I got the speck out, but it had irritated the underside of my eyelid so that there was a little bump under there! So that little bump was in turn irritating my eye.
I'd like to tell you I emerged from the experience with a lesson about pointing out the speck in your brother's eye when there's a log in your own, but if anything it made me wonder HOW THE HECK YOUR BROTHER DOESN'T ALREADY KNOW HE'S GOT A SPECK. (excuse the rhyme). It's kind of hard to ignore. And I think. If I had a log in my eye. I would not be focusing on anything else. I mean, I could hardly think about anything else with only a tiny piece of something in my eye.
I wonder how that analogy came to be. I mean, maybe people were more used to dust in their eyes back when they walked on dirt a lot. But still, wouldn't the carrier of the speck notice before their brother does?
Maybe your brother /does/ know about the speck and he's in the process of trying to blink it out so he's taking care of the problem but you're all "let me help" and you just end up getting in the way.
I still don't understand, however, how you don't notice a log in your eye. I mean, for something that big, you've gotta have it lodged in your head or something.
Maybe it hit the pain center of the brain and numbed everything. Urk. I don't know. Ew. Logs lodged in brains. Let's move on.
We dropped the boys off at youth group and then I dashed into Jerry's Artarama for the very last moments of it being open and purchased an artists' mannequin (something I had considered before but waited to buy and they happened to be on sale so I got the biggest size with no shame especially since it was a gift card so that was nice) and four new micron pens in varying sizes since I couldn't quite remember which ones were almost dried up.
Next we went to Office Depot and I got a rolling backpack for school (it sounds kind of dorky, but I don't want to carry all my stuff on my back when I'll have to have two classes worth of supplies at least plus lunch and my laptop and stuff :P), and I got a laptop sleeve to protect my laptop, and I looked at earbuds and planners but purchased neither.
Next we went to the library and I looked at craft books and found no projects in them that I was interested in which was just fine because I didn't want to check anything out anyway.
Next we went to another walmart because Justin was looking for a sunglasses case. I looked at planners and found nothing but obnoxiously neon ones and not-so-great-condition ones and ones that I didn't like the inside of. Then I looked at clearance stuff and found a Liv wig which was nice because Liv stuff is expensive (and slowly disappearing from shelves everywhere o_o) and I happened to need a wig since I destroyed Hayden's with a haircut. (I really shouldn't even try. -sigh- I guess I'm not cut out to be a hairstylist. haha get it okay i know that wasn't funny)
Then we got shakes from Sonic and picked up the boys and then I came home and I battled with the ridiculous packaging on the doll hair and finally got to brush it all and put it on my doll's head and then she resembled my friend Sophie.
And then I blogged.
oh yeah and vacation soon so tomorrow's plans = clean room until it is perfect. I want to come home to a nice clean floor so I can dump all my bags on it and a nicely made bed so I can fall into it. Even if I'm not sleepy, I'm sure that the first thing I will want to do upon returning is nap.
However, I got some things I needed (and some I didn't).
I went to ACC to purchase a parking permit for the fall semester. Very important. :D As I left, my day was ruined because a single speck of dust or SOMETHING somehow flew in my eye when a car drove past.
Throughout the walmart trip, I was miserable. I tried washing my eye out to no avail. We purchased some eye drops but they didn't seem to help. When we got to the house of the piano teacher, I washed my eye out with a proper sink (the ones at walmart were automatic and hot so not the best to wash one's irritated eye with). I got the speck out, but it had irritated the underside of my eyelid so that there was a little bump under there! So that little bump was in turn irritating my eye.
I'd like to tell you I emerged from the experience with a lesson about pointing out the speck in your brother's eye when there's a log in your own, but if anything it made me wonder HOW THE HECK YOUR BROTHER DOESN'T ALREADY KNOW HE'S GOT A SPECK. (excuse the rhyme). It's kind of hard to ignore. And I think. If I had a log in my eye. I would not be focusing on anything else. I mean, I could hardly think about anything else with only a tiny piece of something in my eye.
I wonder how that analogy came to be. I mean, maybe people were more used to dust in their eyes back when they walked on dirt a lot. But still, wouldn't the carrier of the speck notice before their brother does?
Maybe your brother /does/ know about the speck and he's in the process of trying to blink it out so he's taking care of the problem but you're all "let me help" and you just end up getting in the way.
I still don't understand, however, how you don't notice a log in your eye. I mean, for something that big, you've gotta have it lodged in your head or something.
Maybe it hit the pain center of the brain and numbed everything. Urk. I don't know. Ew. Logs lodged in brains. Let's move on.
We dropped the boys off at youth group and then I dashed into Jerry's Artarama for the very last moments of it being open and purchased an artists' mannequin (something I had considered before but waited to buy and they happened to be on sale so I got the biggest size with no shame especially since it was a gift card so that was nice) and four new micron pens in varying sizes since I couldn't quite remember which ones were almost dried up.
Next we went to Office Depot and I got a rolling backpack for school (it sounds kind of dorky, but I don't want to carry all my stuff on my back when I'll have to have two classes worth of supplies at least plus lunch and my laptop and stuff :P), and I got a laptop sleeve to protect my laptop, and I looked at earbuds and planners but purchased neither.
Next we went to the library and I looked at craft books and found no projects in them that I was interested in which was just fine because I didn't want to check anything out anyway.
Next we went to another walmart because Justin was looking for a sunglasses case. I looked at planners and found nothing but obnoxiously neon ones and not-so-great-condition ones and ones that I didn't like the inside of. Then I looked at clearance stuff and found a Liv wig which was nice because Liv stuff is expensive (and slowly disappearing from shelves everywhere o_o) and I happened to need a wig since I destroyed Hayden's with a haircut. (I really shouldn't even try. -sigh- I guess I'm not cut out to be a hairstylist. haha get it okay i know that wasn't funny)
Then we got shakes from Sonic and picked up the boys and then I came home and I battled with the ridiculous packaging on the doll hair and finally got to brush it all and put it on my doll's head and then she resembled my friend Sophie.
And then I blogged.
oh yeah and vacation soon so tomorrow's plans = clean room until it is perfect. I want to come home to a nice clean floor so I can dump all my bags on it and a nicely made bed so I can fall into it. Even if I'm not sleepy, I'm sure that the first thing I will want to do upon returning is nap.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Today was good.
Haha, I didn't write again today...
Well, not for my novely thingy.
But I walked around a small part of Austin with Bethany and Emma and visited shops and took photos and had a yummy smoothie and sat on the grass at the Capitol and noticed that in a painting, some important man's bow tie resembled a moustache. 8D
We're going on vacation soon so I have some organizing to do. I think mom would like me to get my clothes packed already. XD
I haven't managed to listen to the audiobooks I borrowed from the library either.
So tomorrow I need to do organization in the morning and also WRITE LIKE MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT and then in the afternoon/evening I'll be going out again... errands and library and stuff.
Well, not for my novely thingy.
But I walked around a small part of Austin with Bethany and Emma and visited shops and took photos and had a yummy smoothie and sat on the grass at the Capitol and noticed that in a painting, some important man's bow tie resembled a moustache. 8D
We're going on vacation soon so I have some organizing to do. I think mom would like me to get my clothes packed already. XD
I haven't managed to listen to the audiobooks I borrowed from the library either.
So tomorrow I need to do organization in the morning and also WRITE LIKE MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT and then in the afternoon/evening I'll be going out again... errands and library and stuff.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Productive--or not so
Well, today I cleaned a good bit of my house. The playroom, the dining room counter, the hallway/school supplies table, the game shelves, the kitchen counter... and I made good progress on organizing my binders, folders, and textbooks for the fall.
But I haven't written a word of fiction.
And I was already behind.
And tomorrow is busy.
This is my least successful nanowrimo yet. XDD
But just watch me! I won't let myself fail. (If worst comes to worst I'll be in a car for over twenty hours next week so I can write a ton then. But hopefully I'll be back on track by that point...)
But I haven't written a word of fiction.
And I was already behind.
And tomorrow is busy.
This is my least successful nanowrimo yet. XDD
But just watch me! I won't let myself fail. (If worst comes to worst I'll be in a car for over twenty hours next week so I can write a ton then. But hopefully I'll be back on track by that point...)
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Writing and COUGARS ROAR
Yesterday I did a bad job at writing. Only got a couple hundred words. So I'll take my lappytoppy to church today if I don't get an amazing amount done before I leave. Then I'll write in the car and before and after church and everyone will think I am a writer (which I am) or just that I'm buried in something like facebook (blah).
I'm really having trouble this time around. I'm not inspired. XD
WELL snap. I had something to say other than about writing but I've gone and forgotten it.
I shall edit later if I remember. XPPPPPP
EDIT: I remember. -dazzling grin-
I'm convinced there was a wildcat on the roof last night.
-horrified face-
It's just that I heard this loud walk/run (I want to say trot but it was definitely not horsey) across the roof. I'm used to hearing squirrels and stuff, but this was like, human or big dog weight, with the pacing of something that large as well.
A dog wouldn't easily get on the roof. A human might, but any human who's sneaking around on someone else's roof at 11:30 at night is probably trying not to make their presence known and wouldn't go running across.
So that only leaves.
When I was really little, I read this Readers' Digest article about cougars and for years I refused to go outside at night.
After a while that fear faded because naw, too many humans around. Wildcats wouldn't come around here any more. The woods are too developed. Sure there used to be wildcats in these woods, but not anymore.
But now I'm slightly doubting that. XD
Mi madre thinks it's possible.
Mi padre thinks I'm exaggerating.
Hee hee.
By the way, I tried that writing-at-church thing. I felt really terrible for typing away at my computer when I probably should have been saying hi to people. But I did talk to both Peggy and Audrey so I still managed to be social enough I suppose. :P
I still have like 1300 words left today, though. Better get a move-on. XPP
I'm really having trouble this time around. I'm not inspired. XD
WELL snap. I had something to say other than about writing but I've gone and forgotten it.
I shall edit later if I remember. XPPPPPP
EDIT: I remember. -dazzling grin-
I'm convinced there was a wildcat on the roof last night.
-horrified face-
It's just that I heard this loud walk/run (I want to say trot but it was definitely not horsey) across the roof. I'm used to hearing squirrels and stuff, but this was like, human or big dog weight, with the pacing of something that large as well.
A dog wouldn't easily get on the roof. A human might, but any human who's sneaking around on someone else's roof at 11:30 at night is probably trying not to make their presence known and wouldn't go running across.
So that only leaves.
When I was really little, I read this Readers' Digest article about cougars and for years I refused to go outside at night.
After a while that fear faded because naw, too many humans around. Wildcats wouldn't come around here any more. The woods are too developed. Sure there used to be wildcats in these woods, but not anymore.
But now I'm slightly doubting that. XD
Mi madre thinks it's possible.
Mi padre thinks I'm exaggerating.
Hee hee.
By the way, I tried that writing-at-church thing. I felt really terrible for typing away at my computer when I probably should have been saying hi to people. But I did talk to both Peggy and Audrey so I still managed to be social enough I suppose. :P
I still have like 1300 words left today, though. Better get a move-on. XPP
Saturday, August 4, 2012
SPOILERS Where I mostly compare the new Spiderman to the old one...
The plot had a similar structure to the old movie with some paralells. I can't say how it relates to the comics, as I've never read them.
Peter's character was all over the place. Kind of understandable, with all the stuff he's going through. New powers, losing his uncle, getting a girlfriend, being bullied, feeling cool, feeling attacked, feeling lonely, betrayed, etc. I have to admit I prefer the geeky Peter from the first movie a bit more.
I also felt like his photography had less to do with it here and was more of a throw-in that wasn't all that necessary to the plot at all. I don't know how it was in the comics.
I felt like Uncle Ben and Aunt May fought too much. I was under the impression that they were a gentle but firm elderly couple. Then again, maybe it's just the old movie talking.
This movie felt less wise than the old one. Uncle Ben talked about the same topics, but they barely came to conclusion or felt resonant because Peter didn't want to hear it. I know he didn't want to hear it in the old one either, but he at least let Uncle Ben speak his piece and didn't counter with a "if it was so important then..."
The lines were written to sound heroic, but they lacked a depth of meaning.
The lead's romantic relationship seemed to come a lot easier than in the other movie, but then again, in the other movie, Peter wasn't already attractive and tall and stuff. :P He was a geek, someone practically invisible to Mary Jane. Gwen was more reachable and Peter wasn't a nobody, I guess.
Speaking of romance, it bothered me that after making this promise to Gwen's father, Peter decided to go ahead and pursue Gwen, rather than honor her father's wishes to keep his daughter safe. "But looooooooooooooooove is more important than anything~!" the romantics protest.
I disagree. A choice to pursue a relationship with someone, knowing that it would put them in danger, isn't real love. It's infatuation. It's feelings. The loving choice would have been to keep a distance, to keep her safe. To me, that would have actually been a more satisfying ending. Everyone doesn't have to be happy in the end. And that line about the best kind of promises being the ones you can't keep was pretty much the dumbest thing in the whole movie, if you ask me.
Edit: One more thing that Bethany pointed out. Gwen's father died and she seemed more concerned about Peter not hanging out with her anymore. And instead of honoring his last concerns, they'll "listen to their hearts" and who knows what trouble that will cause. D:
I don't know how the comics went, but I preferred the first Spiderman movie's sad ending where Peter made the choice to keep the girl at a distance to keep her safe.
There was a bit more crudeness than I like. A girl loses her shirt, in a couple instances there was mention of or hits to guys in the sensitive area... Gwen blames PMS for her moodiness (though I have to admit I found that part funny, being a girl. I just don't usually appreciate it being part of something like a movie). There was a bit of language: Peter says mother-something at one point (but the something isn't the word usually used there, thank goodness), and there are several uses of "oh my god." There might be some others, but my brain usually skips over and I forget them. Usually, though, the language wasn't just thrown around. It was at least somewhat understandable for the intense situations.
I know I've been complaining a lot (guess I'm critcal, haha! Can't watch something without picking it apart, eh?). So I should talk about the parts I liked.
I appreciate the fact that Curt Connors initially had the same response as Peter's dad-- no, they would not do human testing so soon. But then, when finding that he'd be kicked out, his desire to have his own arm back took over. It was kind of sad, because I thought he was a cool guy.
When he realized what was going wrong, he immediately went to find the one guy to warn him, which I thought was very good of him, but the lizard took over and his will was compromised, I guess. Despite all that, he was a good guy in the beginning and the end, and I guess that's what counts.
I liked how Peter took off his mask and let the kid he saved wear it to inspire and comfort him. That was really great.
I really, really liked how the kid's dad in turn mobilized all these people who could have been evacuating for their own safety, to help Spiderman when he was in need. He really couldn't have done it on his own, which is interesting, because it seems that usually in superhero movies, the hero pushes through and maybe some other minor characters help, but it's usually not a nameless guy who had one or two previous lines.
Edit: I also really appreciated how that mean kid, Flash, ended up becoming Peter's friend. Despite how they didn't get along, he let Peter knock him around a bit and apologized. He must have lost someone close to him too. I really, really liked that. It wasn't some revolutionary change, but it was a change for the better. It wasn't even because of the influence of the main character.
Wow. XD Just. The bully befriending the main character (and not for an ulterior motive). For some reason, that's just lovely.
Come to think of it, that was in the old Spiderman too. The citizens chipping in. I like that. I like it a lot.
Um, I think that is all the thoughts I had on it. It wasn't my favorite (man, it takes a lot for movies to impress me, I guess), but it sure wasn't terrible.
The fact that I went to see it with one of my best friends, Bethany, an awesomesauce superhero fan, made it a great experience. And we went to H-E-B afterwards and bought miso. c:
She also lent me Batman begins and Spiderman 2, so I'll be watching those soon enough.
Now all that remains is for me and Emma to go see a movie (because Peggy and I went together to see the Hunger Games back in... was it March?).
Friday, August 3, 2012
That's pretty cool?
The girl who set a world record in some swimming event--Missy Franklin... she's younger than I am. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. xD
I didn't realize before this month how young a lot of olympians are.
But seriously, she looks older than 17 (but I've always been bad at estimating ages...). Maybe it's all the muscle she forms being a swimmer.
On another hand...
Where do they get their swimsuits? It's so hard to find something so simple and modest in the stores I tend to be in. D:
Maybe I should go to Academy or some sports-oriented place. I don't really need anything extra streamlined or anything, but I'd like something that isn't showy. :PPPP
I just heard Owl City on THE OLYMPICS (okay well it was a little promo that was probably only seen on NBC but whateverrr)
Now NBC is FINALLY doing something other than water sports and gymnastics.
I've been waiting to see some running.
I didn't realize before this month how young a lot of olympians are.
But seriously, she looks older than 17 (but I've always been bad at estimating ages...). Maybe it's all the muscle she forms being a swimmer.
On another hand...
Where do they get their swimsuits? It's so hard to find something so simple and modest in the stores I tend to be in. D:
Maybe I should go to Academy or some sports-oriented place. I don't really need anything extra streamlined or anything, but I'd like something that isn't showy. :PPPP
I just heard Owl City on THE OLYMPICS (okay well it was a little promo that was probably only seen on NBC but whateverrr)
Now NBC is FINALLY doing something other than water sports and gymnastics.
I've been waiting to see some running.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Well, this is going well?
I decided to do my own little NaNoWriMo in August, as a few people already know.
However, I am doing monumentally badly. XD Yesterday I only made the bare minimum (1670... okay so I got three words over the minimum...), and today I've only written 1375. So I only have a couple hundred more to go. The day's not over, no big deal, right?
Yes you guys don't know me so let me explain.
My first NaNoWriMo I aimed for 2000 words per day. A little over the goal, and I didn't meet it every day, but I was excited. I finished a few days before the end of the month, proud of myself.
The next year I also aimed for 2000 words per day. I finished a day earlier than the year before. Felt pretty good about it.
Last year I wrote two novels in 20 days. 5000 words per day, pretty much without fail.
So you can see that this time around I'm feeling like an underachiever.
It took a little bit to get a story going, and it's still all over the place, but at least I have some colorful characters.
Let me introduce you to Beck.
... okay so I haven't drawn her yet. Sorry. She's got tan skin and big textured hair... tightish curls but not really frizzy. Think Chad's hair from High School Musical only a bit longer and parted in the middle. She's a girl. It's girly enough.
She keeps a fridge in it.
Her mom's a writer and her dad's an actor, and they're all a bit weird. I won't blame anybody if they don't want to read this one.
But I hope it becomes worth something. XD
Also today has been slightly unproductive because I started watching Slayers which is a little lame but also funny because it pokes fun at common TV show tropes. And it's kind of old-school. The animation wouldn't stand up to today's stuff, but I don't care if something's old, as long as it's quality. Which it is... mostly. It could definitely be better, but I'm finding it amuses me enough to keep watching.
I also want to watch the last available Sherlock episode... and then wait in agonized patience with the rest of the fandom for season three.
However, I am doing monumentally badly. XD Yesterday I only made the bare minimum (1670... okay so I got three words over the minimum...), and today I've only written 1375. So I only have a couple hundred more to go. The day's not over, no big deal, right?
Yes you guys don't know me so let me explain.
My first NaNoWriMo I aimed for 2000 words per day. A little over the goal, and I didn't meet it every day, but I was excited. I finished a few days before the end of the month, proud of myself.
The next year I also aimed for 2000 words per day. I finished a day earlier than the year before. Felt pretty good about it.
Last year I wrote two novels in 20 days. 5000 words per day, pretty much without fail.
So you can see that this time around I'm feeling like an underachiever.
It took a little bit to get a story going, and it's still all over the place, but at least I have some colorful characters.
Let me introduce you to Beck.
... okay so I haven't drawn her yet. Sorry. She's got tan skin and big textured hair... tightish curls but not really frizzy. Think Chad's hair from High School Musical only a bit longer and parted in the middle. She's a girl. It's girly enough.
She keeps a fridge in it.
Her mom's a writer and her dad's an actor, and they're all a bit weird. I won't blame anybody if they don't want to read this one.
But I hope it becomes worth something. XD
Also today has been slightly unproductive because I started watching Slayers which is a little lame but also funny because it pokes fun at common TV show tropes. And it's kind of old-school. The animation wouldn't stand up to today's stuff, but I don't care if something's old, as long as it's quality. Which it is... mostly. It could definitely be better, but I'm finding it amuses me enough to keep watching.
I also want to watch the last available Sherlock episode... and then wait in agonized patience with the rest of the fandom for season three.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
That's not creepy at all...
The Internet has officially gone too far.
I looked up "rolling backpacks" on office depot's website, because I'm thinking about having to carry around my textbooks in less than a month.
An hour or so later I get a video ad on a completely different site for the exact bag I was looking at.
I looked up "rolling backpacks" on office depot's website, because I'm thinking about having to carry around my textbooks in less than a month.
An hour or so later I get a video ad on a completely different site for the exact bag I was looking at.
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