So yesterday, me an mah gurlz went to sign a lease for our apartment!
...however we discovered that we were supposed to make an appointment, and we hadn't. So we scheduled it for a week later and just hung out all evening instead.
We saw where Bethany and Peggy have been living, ate some foods, took some walks, etc. It was super fun! I think I'm really going to enjoy living there. There are lots of trees, there's wifi at the pool, there's chickens, there's an herb garden, there's Peggy's whole family pretty much... and there's a FREE STUFF TABLE!
We were walking to hang out at the pool when Peggy quickly ushered us back out through the gate. It seemed to me like she had seen an authority and we were in a place we weren't supposed to be (though that was a ridiculous proposition as we were breaking no rules), but it turned out that Peggy had spotted something through a window, so we went around to the free table, and there were three saucepans and two skillets there. WHAAAT?
So cool. We snatched them up. It was a gift from God, no joke. We were all pretty much in awe. I had been saying to Emma a couple weeks ago that we needed a small saucepan and a smaller skillet pan, and
there they were. Completely free. And in pretty good condition, too.
It got me thinking about how God has provided for us all along the line. We got our applications and all that started in time, because when my family dropped off our cosign form, there were only about 3 left... that would be available in August!
The staff is being really helpful.
It's a BEAUTIFUL place to live.
It's relatively convenient and I won't need a car to get to places I need to go.
Peggy's family is already there so we won't be stranded all alone.
Thank you God! So much blessing~~~
After that dish miracle we hung out at the pool more.
Having been inside an apartment (not ours, specifically), I know what size to expect, more, and I'm pretty confident that there will not be room for my desk. With a book case and both Emma's and my beds, we will have enough stuff in our room already, I think!
The kitchen is pretty small, but we can make stuff work. I think we're skipping the microwave and going for a toaster oven instead, as it's more useful.
We've decided that the kotatsu (which I need to get Dad to help me build) would be our coffee table. It makes sense, as kotatsus are floor tables and this is western culture... but everyone's pretty excited about tables with heaters in them, especially Peggy and Bethany (they get cold a lot.)
I'm so excited to just pack all my stuff in boxes already. Goodness. I know I don't need to yet, though.
I'm also even more determined now to leave things behind that I don't need. Those apartments will seem small if there are four people with too much stuff. XD
Also, we saw our future home from the outside! We have a yard! (sort of) There is a big rock in the middle and of course we have to share it with the neighbors, but there's this lovely patch of grass just in front of our building. And plenty of porch space for bikes... We even have an upstairs apartment which means BALCONY! The only downer is that it looks like our balcony is adjacent to our neighbors'... which basically means we share one and there's a divider down the middle. Could be awkward. Hope the neighbors are cool.
Like me. |