So here I am, sitting (or more accurately, slouching) on my uncomfortable chair in front of my slow computer that isn't slow for anything I'm currently doing but that is slow for videos and I happen to like the faster computer better. But if I don't use my own computer, it could get taken away. So.... *sigh* At least I have my own computer. I don't know why I'm complaining, really. Anyway, continuing.
So here I am, slouching in front of my computer eating cereal out of a baby food dish... yes, a baby food dish, stop looking at me weird! Okay okay, take a look. Well you can't exactly see, so dust off your imagination and try to put it to use. It's pinkish-purpley, and full of sparkles. Got that? It's got two small sections, so like an oval bowl with a dent up the middle. And the handle is all pretty and twisty.
Still confused as to why I am using it? Soon, your confusion will be a thing of the past. Because it's...
terribly convenient. I wanted two kinds of cereal for breakfast this morning. Those large, apple flavored cheerios that come in orange and green, and chocolate cereal with marshmallows in it. (I do not use name brands because, 1: We buy the generic brands, and 2: I forget their actual names. ._.) Anyway, those two do not sound like a good mix and I was not fond of the idea of carrying two bowls upstairs. I kind of discovered later, however, that there is hardly any cereal in this bowl. XD I might have to go back, because I'm still hungryish.
Next order of business, I have a lot of projects to do. Such as, catching up on this manga I'm supposed to be making, wrapping presents so my mom doesn't have to, reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (and writing a report on it!!) cleaning my room, and various other things that make up a list about three quarters of a page long.
I also want to watch Star Trek. (the original seasons) I feel that I cannot claim to be a true geek/nerd until I have accomplished this. *shrug*
So I have a lot of stuff to do, and I'm blogging. Why? Because I can't eat my cereal in my room while wrapping presents. Because I felt like telling my blog about the baby food bowl. Because I'm procrastinating. Because it's the break and I want to do everything except what I should be doing... okay, okay, conscience, you win.
I have a few things to do such as washing my hair (urg it feels all greasy DX) and washing my sheets (it's Thursday) and then I have to go work on wrapping presents.
BTW, God is awesome. Just throwin' that out there- because it's TRUE! :D
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Well, this is just lovely.
I quit Soul Eater. At least for now. Probably forever. It just gives me this weird feeling. *sigh* Now I'm having to change all these wallpapers, icons, my blog background, etc...
I'm not going to think about the things I liked about SE because well, I might be tempted to go back. And I don't really want to. I thought Kid was awesome and all that, but I don't feel that way now, just because of the rough time I've had emotionally from feeling the need to quit. Grr.
Um, yes. So now you get to enjoy a lovely background of Otani from Lovely Complex. Yay for shojo XD
I'm not going to think about the things I liked about SE because well, I might be tempted to go back. And I don't really want to. I thought Kid was awesome and all that, but I don't feel that way now, just because of the rough time I've had emotionally from feeling the need to quit. Grr.
Um, yes. So now you get to enjoy a lovely background of Otani from Lovely Complex. Yay for shojo XD
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The floor is calling me
And I don't know what else to do
The energy in here is fire
And the speakers, too
I won NaNoWriMo *dances*
I got sick earlier this week, and also decided to take a break from watching Soul Eater because I was getting obsessive. LOL.
So I won't watch that until at least Tuesday. That's when I got sick and I haven't watched it since then. I watched a bit of Cardcaptor Sakura, and it was okay. Not my favorite, but a classic, I suppose. XD
I watched an episode of Ouran yesterday. I wish Nekozawa wasn't into all that stuff he does... because he'd be awesome if he wasn't!
Other than that.... Hm. Not much to say? My mind is blank.
My mom gave me and my cousin a lesson on sound waves vs ears because I'm so paranoid about losing my hearing due to headphones. Hahah.
I got new headphones yesterday and.... they're pink.
I don't hate pink anymore and I haven't for a while. But everyone thinks I still do, lol. It's still not my color of choice but I don't mind it.
Oh yeah, Thanksgiving! Well, being sick Tuesday threw my hungriness schedule out of whack for a while and I only ate a normal amount of food on Thanksgiving. A cold front came in! Woohoo! *dancey*
I didn't dominate at Mario Karts today. :(
This is my melody
and it's just a raver's fantasy
cuz I know if you're in love with me tonight
we're raving through the night.
Monday, November 22, 2010
I've been watching Soul Eater. I like it. I found this parody video that is hilarious. XD
That's all.
That's all.
Friday, October 22, 2010
This morning I woke up to thunder. Not the most pleasant thing when you're supposed to go camping that weekend. But I prayed about it and reminded myself that I'm not camping right here and it might be bright and sunny there. :) Now the weather's cleared up and it's actually REALLY nice out, though still a bit thundery. I have hot chocolate (because I wanted it, not because it's cold) and I have the fan on under my desk because of that.
I can't wait until NaNoWriMo. I've fleshed out three more characters to be in my main character's popular persona's clique. I pretended to be them and talked to Cleverbot to see how they would react in conversations. Cleverbot, on a good day, can actually be useful :O
By the time I got to the third character, though, his attention span had been lost and I gave up on him. :P, if you want to talk to it. It's an artificial intellegence bot that talks like a human and has convinced itself that it's not cleverbot. O_O
Hm, Nano. :3
I'm still saving up for an iTouch (somehow I doubt I'll get it soon, even getting it by christmastime is a long-shot)
Ah well.
Nohm, chocolate. *smiling chocolatey smile*
I hope I have fun this weekend, I'm sure I will. Because I hate carrying bags, I'm going to have to carry my waterbottle and my notebook in my hands. I'm so stubborn D:<
Life is good. I teased my brothers (not meanly, I hope) and felt like a good older sister. :3
Ahhahah. I also got frustrated with Jo, though. Whoops. Why am I telling you blog-stalkers this? AHhahhaha.
VOICE ACTING! me. want.

By the time I got to the third character, though, his attention span had been lost and I gave up on him. :P, if you want to talk to it. It's an artificial intellegence bot that talks like a human and has convinced itself that it's not cleverbot. O_O
Hm, Nano. :3
I'm still saving up for an iTouch (somehow I doubt I'll get it soon, even getting it by christmastime is a long-shot)
Ah well.
Nohm, chocolate. *smiling chocolatey smile*
I hope I have fun this weekend, I'm sure I will. Because I hate carrying bags, I'm going to have to carry my waterbottle and my notebook in my hands. I'm so stubborn D:<
Life is good. I teased my brothers (not meanly, I hope) and felt like a good older sister. :3
Ahhahah. I also got frustrated with Jo, though. Whoops. Why am I telling you blog-stalkers this? AHhahhaha.
VOICE ACTING! me. want.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I love packing.
I do. I pack early, like DAYS in advance. My favorite parts have to be deciding what I won't bring because I've managed to squish everything into a very small bag, or what extra things I'll bring because my bag has too much room. Also the bragging and showing off of my neatly packed very small bag or alternately, all the empty space in my larger bag. Ah, yes, I love packing. When I was younger I used to pack stuff for an imaginary weekend trip because I just wanted to pack. Once I pretended I was going to visit my grandparents for the weekend so I packed up on friday. Turns out I was going to my grandparents that weekend, so when Mom said to go pack, I was already ready. :D
So as you might expect, I'm already packed for the youth group camping trip this weekend.
Packing early has a lot of neat little benefits. Like the fact that I can do it slowly, and calmly, making it a relaxing rather than stressful activity. Also, I couldn't find my swim shorts. That would have had me really upset if I had packed on Friday. I would have been running around trying to find them, and without a clear head probably wouldn't have. But instead, I walked downstairs, thought about where it could be, searched all my brothers' drawers, asked around, and then determined that since they are the same color as my Dad's, somebody may have given them to him. So I went and looked and after finally finding where his were, (it took like, ten minutes) I found them with his. So not-stressful, 'tis lovely. :D
Packing is my favorite.
Weeeeelll, not my favorite... but one of them. ;D
So as you might expect, I'm already packed for the youth group camping trip this weekend.
Packing early has a lot of neat little benefits. Like the fact that I can do it slowly, and calmly, making it a relaxing rather than stressful activity. Also, I couldn't find my swim shorts. That would have had me really upset if I had packed on Friday. I would have been running around trying to find them, and without a clear head probably wouldn't have. But instead, I walked downstairs, thought about where it could be, searched all my brothers' drawers, asked around, and then determined that since they are the same color as my Dad's, somebody may have given them to him. So I went and looked and after finally finding where his were, (it took like, ten minutes) I found them with his. So not-stressful, 'tis lovely. :D
Packing is my favorite.
Weeeeelll, not my favorite... but one of them. ;D
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Look at this cool little flower-pot man on a tricycle that's in the yard of the people who my brothers take piano lessons from!
I probably should go to bed. I'm tired even though I took a long nap until 9 :P well, more like 8: 45.
still. Nothin to report........ *sigh*
so bored.....
so tired....
school tomorrow....
OH! I did some cosplay today! but by myself so it was kind of boring. *sigh*.
Haruhi Fujioka, again. I wish my blazer had longer sleeves. And was not a petite. It's so short D:
*falls asleep on keyboard*
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I took the PSAT today. Yay! Um.. yeahthat'sit. *sigh* not much to say.
Enjoy this picture of a... whatever I choose.
And it turned out to be Han and Leia! Not too shabby. XD bye.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
"...The scent clawed its way up my nose, stinging my nostrils." This was a thought I had earlier, when I opened an old container of pineapple. Whoo-ee. Yuck. Now I'm gnawing on a frozen mozzerella stick while waiting for dinner to be ready. My brothers are watching Phineas and Ferb.
I'm taking the PSAT tomorrow. Help?
Earlier today my brother Phillip brought out his Lego Club Magazine and pointed at something in it. "Hey Drew" he said, addressing another brother, "You know that guy who has the purple sword? I think he's a she."
Immediately, I felt the situation needed some musical enhancement. "Nana, Nana" I sang, "Dude looks like a lady!!" Me and Kelsey were the only ones who've ever heard that, so everyone else didn't get it but me and Kelsey found it rather amusing.
I don't even know the name of that song. Or who it's by. Or the rest of the words. xD
So.... Yeah. I did a lot of reading today! :3
For school though.
La La La... nothing to say...
I'm taking the PSAT tomorrow. Help?
Earlier today my brother Phillip brought out his Lego Club Magazine and pointed at something in it. "Hey Drew" he said, addressing another brother, "You know that guy who has the purple sword? I think he's a she."
Immediately, I felt the situation needed some musical enhancement. "Nana, Nana" I sang, "Dude looks like a lady!!" Me and Kelsey were the only ones who've ever heard that, so everyone else didn't get it but me and Kelsey found it rather amusing.
I don't even know the name of that song. Or who it's by. Or the rest of the words. xD
So.... Yeah. I did a lot of reading today! :3
For school though.
La La La... nothing to say...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
ALLGERGIES. Or whatever this is. GO AWAY! DX
in other news, church was cool today. They had all the people stand up who had been healed when somebody prayed for them or who had prayed for somebody that was healed. Like, half the people stood up. It was great. And then all of of that stood got to pray for people. :3 God gave me a picture for someone and as it turned out it was what their name meant! So I thought that was really really cool.
I'm nearing the end of the book I'm writing with Allison. :3
And.... hmm. I drew Mori-senpai. for once. I referenced manga pics of him though. It took like three tries for his eyes not to look girly. DX
well, let's see. I poured honey on my plain cheerios because we don't have honey nut cheerios out right now and we cant open them until the regular ones are gone.
I need my sleep. I've been sleeping really erratically and the allergies aren't helping. I noticed yesterday or today that I have small dark circles under my eyes. DX Gah. Nuuuu!!!! So as 9:30 approaches, I shall finish this post, abandon the computer, get ready for bed, and maybe read some manga or draw some more. And then I shall SLEEP. =_=
I made an AMV friday night that I had been wanting to make for a while. I dislike Ino from Naruto but I felt like using a song that suggests maybe she just doesn't know how to be who she wants to be, and is asking that people put up with her as she discovers who she is. ^^
We said goodbye to Eric and Abi (our youth group leaders for a while) last night, since they're moving away soon. We dressed them up as a queen and king. I got to be a fairy that fanned Abi. I had a funnel on my head. Tabitha was the other elf and she had a pointy hat too. But hers was an actual hat and everyone was trying it on afterwards.
Me and Joseph were drawing hair, and realized we didn't know how to draw braids. So I went over to Allison and said "I need to borrow your hair." She was confused, but I explained, and then braided it and studied it and then came back and presented my findings. Heehee.
Well, That's about it. Sooooo... bye, interwebs. Claire is tired. Peace out!
in other news, church was cool today. They had all the people stand up who had been healed when somebody prayed for them or who had prayed for somebody that was healed. Like, half the people stood up. It was great. And then all of of that stood got to pray for people. :3 God gave me a picture for someone and as it turned out it was what their name meant! So I thought that was really really cool.
I'm nearing the end of the book I'm writing with Allison. :3
And.... hmm. I drew Mori-senpai. for once. I referenced manga pics of him though. It took like three tries for his eyes not to look girly. DX
well, let's see. I poured honey on my plain cheerios because we don't have honey nut cheerios out right now and we cant open them until the regular ones are gone.
I need my sleep. I've been sleeping really erratically and the allergies aren't helping. I noticed yesterday or today that I have small dark circles under my eyes. DX Gah. Nuuuu!!!! So as 9:30 approaches, I shall finish this post, abandon the computer, get ready for bed, and maybe read some manga or draw some more. And then I shall SLEEP. =_=
I made an AMV friday night that I had been wanting to make for a while. I dislike Ino from Naruto but I felt like using a song that suggests maybe she just doesn't know how to be who she wants to be, and is asking that people put up with her as she discovers who she is. ^^
We said goodbye to Eric and Abi (our youth group leaders for a while) last night, since they're moving away soon. We dressed them up as a queen and king. I got to be a fairy that fanned Abi. I had a funnel on my head. Tabitha was the other elf and she had a pointy hat too. But hers was an actual hat and everyone was trying it on afterwards.
Me and Joseph were drawing hair, and realized we didn't know how to draw braids. So I went over to Allison and said "I need to borrow your hair." She was confused, but I explained, and then braided it and studied it and then came back and presented my findings. Heehee.
Well, That's about it. Sooooo... bye, interwebs. Claire is tired. Peace out!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Well, that's Texas for ya.
Moths and wasps. There's so many of them.... inside our house. TT_TT I just swatted one of the stingy ones (wasp, for you people who may think that moths sting xD) and dumped it down the toilet.
The weather's been great though, so we've had our windows open. I guess that let some buggys in.
As long as they stay out of my personal space, I'm good. Well, with the moths anyway. They mostly reside in the kitchen and bathrooms O_O. I swat wasps when I see 'em. Inside, that is. I won't hurt them if they're outside.
I'm about to babysit my brothers. So this may be pretty short. I have nothing to say except OH WAIT. I have been doing NaNoWriMo planning. :3
The weather's been great though, so we've had our windows open. I guess that let some buggys in.
As long as they stay out of my personal space, I'm good. Well, with the moths anyway. They mostly reside in the kitchen and bathrooms O_O. I swat wasps when I see 'em. Inside, that is. I won't hurt them if they're outside.
I'm about to babysit my brothers. So this may be pretty short. I have nothing to say except OH WAIT. I have been doing NaNoWriMo planning. :3
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Let's see. what's been happening?
I am so looking forward to NaNoWriMo. only a month! I got 3 of my best friends to do it with me this year. We are gonna have a blast! I love the song 'hey you' by nordkapp. For some reason it's pretty much non-existant except on youtube and playlist.
My grandparents got here yesterday! they came for dinner and my grandpa cut his ice cream with a steak knife because the freezer had been set on the wrong temperature and the ice cream was hard. I didn't even use a steak knife on my meat, like i was supposed to. I just tear at it with my fork and my teeth. Hey, they're called incisors for a reason! *is shunned for bad manners*
Moving right along!
Uh, Hmm. I went to youth group. I played soccer afterwards with some of the guys and Peggy. Me and Peggy are beastly. >:3 we even carried the soccer nets and it took the guys a while to realize that maybe they should offer to help. Apparently I was marching when I was walking, because people kept commenting on it. Hahah. I had leftovers and a microwavable egg sandwich thingy for dinner once I got home. I was SO hungry. My eating schedule was wacky today, plus youth group is from 5-8ish, so it falls right over dinner-time. They were showing Monsters Inc at the park where we went to play soccer, so all the big lights were out. It was hard to play soccer in the dark!
My grandparents got here yesterday! they came for dinner and my grandpa cut his ice cream with a steak knife because the freezer had been set on the wrong temperature and the ice cream was hard. I didn't even use a steak knife on my meat, like i was supposed to. I just tear at it with my fork and my teeth. Hey, they're called incisors for a reason! *is shunned for bad manners*
Moving right along!

Blahblahblah I can't think of what to write
The picture I have here is of my Naruto OC, Kurea. I used a character creator (search naruto character creator on deviantart, and you should find it easily) but I edited it in paint so it is pretty much spot on.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Guess what. Today, I read an entire One Piece volume out loud... you can imagine how my throat feels. But my Luffy voice was pretty good, so I don't mind. I read a lot of Wild Ones (not out loud) today. Internet manga readers are so annoying... but I finished volumes 2 and 3 the night I got them from the library and I can't wait a week or two to read volume four! so I read it online. Wild Ones is my favorite Shojo manga at the moment. Maybe of all time. I'm not sure. xD I tried to make grilled cheese in teh toaster oven..... it burned. Now I have orange fla-vor-ice and I'm enjoying it's food coloring and fake flavoring. LOL. >>
Anyway.... Here's a siggy I made like... a year ago.
Anyway.... Here's a siggy I made like... a year ago.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wow, I haven't posted in a while.
Let's see. What's up with my life? Well, I got my learners permit! (Cue big smile)
I've been working on re-doing Kurea's backstory. Having her sensei be the brother of Guy-Sensei just adds to the non-originalness, so I completely redesigned her sensei. I changed her reasons for coming to Konoha, and added an older-brother figure (though her biological family is a complete mystery) I'll still have her as an add-on to Guy's team though. At least let me have that!!! Boo you, mary-sue police! If my OC can't have any interaction with the canon characters at all then what's the point? :P Just be glad I didn't make my OC the twin sister of Sakura or something like that.
So I'm throwing together a power-point presentation with all of Kurea's stats (Yes, I am that dorky/organized) and... yeah. our local library has a poor, poor manga selection. :P Just throwing that out there. I found pokemon stickers today.... oddly enough just like the ones I found in another library book from a different library. Here's my theory.
1: I find the stickers in a library book from the next town over.
2: I use one of them, then give the remaining three to Bethany to use in Peggy's scrapbook.
3: She uses one, the one above the one I used, then uses the sticker sheet as a bookmark in a book from the library in this town.
4: She returns the book. I check out the same book. And here are the stickers.
There's my hypothesis. Bethany, you can tell me if I'm dead wrong or dead on. :) For added info, the book is 'Chatroom Chatter' by Justin Lookadoo or something to that end.
Anywho. I went to the dentist.... I uh, did school.... I went to College Station the weekend before last... I planned to blog from the hotel room but never got around to it. There was a pool. I didn't waver from my longhorn-ness. And I don't think I said 'Howdy' to anyone. Even though that's more of a Texas thing, not just College Station. xDD
I've been working on re-doing Kurea's backstory. Having her sensei be the brother of Guy-Sensei just adds to the non-originalness, so I completely redesigned her sensei. I changed her reasons for coming to Konoha, and added an older-brother figure (though her biological family is a complete mystery) I'll still have her as an add-on to Guy's team though. At least let me have that!!! Boo you, mary-sue police! If my OC can't have any interaction with the canon characters at all then what's the point? :P Just be glad I didn't make my OC the twin sister of Sakura or something like that.
So I'm throwing together a power-point presentation with all of Kurea's stats (Yes, I am that dorky/organized) and... yeah. our local library has a poor, poor manga selection. :P Just throwing that out there. I found pokemon stickers today.... oddly enough just like the ones I found in another library book from a different library. Here's my theory.
1: I find the stickers in a library book from the next town over.
2: I use one of them, then give the remaining three to Bethany to use in Peggy's scrapbook.
3: She uses one, the one above the one I used, then uses the sticker sheet as a bookmark in a book from the library in this town.
4: She returns the book. I check out the same book. And here are the stickers.
There's my hypothesis. Bethany, you can tell me if I'm dead wrong or dead on. :) For added info, the book is 'Chatroom Chatter' by Justin Lookadoo or something to that end.
Anywho. I went to the dentist.... I uh, did school.... I went to College Station the weekend before last... I planned to blog from the hotel room but never got around to it. There was a pool. I didn't waver from my longhorn-ness. And I don't think I said 'Howdy' to anyone. Even though that's more of a Texas thing, not just College Station. xDD
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Today I woke up only about five minutes before I needed to leave for church. ('Cause I forgot to set my alarm.) so I dashed around the house and ended up eating my breakfast in the van. (which was a yummeh muffin!) At church, I got asked to help with the offering plates so I did that, and I didn't mess up (at least... not too much.... I think I sent it down the wrong row once or twice but my partner worked around that xD)
The sermon was about Stephen's long speech thing before he was martyred. The pastor brought out some things I'd never noticed before. Cuz before, when I read it, it looked like he was reciting their history. Which he was, but now I can see that he was bringing up examples from their history when God showed He wasn't bound by their land, or the temple, or the law. Which was cool!
After church we headed to a swimming/lunch thing with some people from my parents' small group. One of the ladies (an elderly one) tripped and ended up with a couple cuts on her head, thank God my dad is an EMT and he knew what to do. She ended up having to go to a clinic and get stitches. But thankfully, it wasn't worse than that, she didn't break any bones or have a concussion. ^^ Thank You, God!!!
Well, because we had to wait for her to get back from the clinic to go home (My dad drove her and her husband there), and then they ended up talking afterwards, we didn't get home until like, six thirty. I really wanted to get on the computer but I decided to shower first. Then I realized I forgot to do my vaccumming this week so I hurried and did that and finally got on the computer. :3
And here I am.
The sermon was about Stephen's long speech thing before he was martyred. The pastor brought out some things I'd never noticed before. Cuz before, when I read it, it looked like he was reciting their history. Which he was, but now I can see that he was bringing up examples from their history when God showed He wasn't bound by their land, or the temple, or the law. Which was cool!
After church we headed to a swimming/lunch thing with some people from my parents' small group. One of the ladies (an elderly one) tripped and ended up with a couple cuts on her head, thank God my dad is an EMT and he knew what to do. She ended up having to go to a clinic and get stitches. But thankfully, it wasn't worse than that, she didn't break any bones or have a concussion. ^^ Thank You, God!!!
Well, because we had to wait for her to get back from the clinic to go home (My dad drove her and her husband there), and then they ended up talking afterwards, we didn't get home until like, six thirty. I really wanted to get on the computer but I decided to shower first. Then I realized I forgot to do my vaccumming this week so I hurried and did that and finally got on the computer. :3
And here I am.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Dashu, Dashu!
That's how a Japanese person would probably pronounce 'Dash'. As in, running quickly! XD The reason I bring this up.... I ATE LUNCH AT THE PARK TODAY :DD
So after finishing my schoolwork, I made bento (I wish, it was just a packed lunch xD) and went to the park with my cousin and my two youngest brothers. We ate there and then I drew while Judah and Josiah played on the playset and Kelsey just sat there. Then we went back. But we forgot Judah's lunch box. And so I went back and got it. And I just realized, we left the fan on there. I actually better go NOW and go turn that off. >>
Edit: It's later. I decided that rather than walking half a mile to the park and half a mile back for the THIRD TIME today, I should ride my bike. Well, my bike has a flat tire. So I rode the one LaRissa left behind when she moved. And I discovered that my helmet has a GIANT bird's nest in it. So I wore some random blue one. I think it's my mom's. xD
And when I got there, I found the water fountain leaking and I still dunno who to call about that. *sigh*
I had fun the second time when I was walking by myself and it was sooo hot out.... every time a car passed I put my hair in my face and tried to make myself look like an emo so that the people driving would think I was weird. xD Do emos wear perry the platypus T-shirts? And when nobody was driving past me (which was most of the time) I pretended I was delivering a package to Tsunade. HAHAH. It's been forever since I've imagined about Naruto stuff.
Begin Imagination Scenario.......So as I was walking along, Lee was training and it was SO HOT OUT that he could only do 500 push ups so he joined me as I walked and he was jogging and he wanted to race me. But I said that it was too hot and too far. So he said I had to run as soon as we could see the Hokage's mansion thingy. (my mailbox) So once I could see it I grudgingly began to run, but then I stopped because I had started too fast and I got a stitch. >>
Then I got home. End Imagination Scenario
So yeah. When I am alone, I do in fact make up stories and act them out. ^^
And yes, that is all for now. I had exercise today. Dashu, Dashu!
So after finishing my schoolwork, I made bento (I wish, it was just a packed lunch xD) and went to the park with my cousin and my two youngest brothers. We ate there and then I drew while Judah and Josiah played on the playset and Kelsey just sat there. Then we went back. But we forgot Judah's lunch box. And so I went back and got it. And I just realized, we left the fan on there. I actually better go NOW and go turn that off. >>
Edit: It's later. I decided that rather than walking half a mile to the park and half a mile back for the THIRD TIME today, I should ride my bike. Well, my bike has a flat tire. So I rode the one LaRissa left behind when she moved. And I discovered that my helmet has a GIANT bird's nest in it. So I wore some random blue one. I think it's my mom's. xD
And when I got there, I found the water fountain leaking and I still dunno who to call about that. *sigh*
I had fun the second time when I was walking by myself and it was sooo hot out.... every time a car passed I put my hair in my face and tried to make myself look like an emo so that the people driving would think I was weird. xD Do emos wear perry the platypus T-shirts? And when nobody was driving past me (which was most of the time) I pretended I was delivering a package to Tsunade. HAHAH. It's been forever since I've imagined about Naruto stuff.
Begin Imagination Scenario.......So as I was walking along, Lee was training and it was SO HOT OUT that he could only do 500 push ups so he joined me as I walked and he was jogging and he wanted to race me. But I said that it was too hot and too far. So he said I had to run as soon as we could see the Hokage's mansion thingy. (my mailbox) So once I could see it I grudgingly began to run, but then I stopped because I had started too fast and I got a stitch. >>
Then I got home. End Imagination Scenario
So yeah. When I am alone, I do in fact make up stories and act them out. ^^
And yes, that is all for now. I had exercise today. Dashu, Dashu!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Haha today has been great.
So today, I knew I had to leave by ten. So I set my alarm for 9:30, right? Well, I wake up around seven thirty, since I've been getting up at seven fortyfiveish all this week. Which is good that my body's in the habit of waking up, but I didn't get to bed until like one. lol.
So I fall back asleep until 8:30, when Josh texts me and asks me how many breakfast tacos I want, one or two. And then two minutes later, he texts me again asking if I want them extra spicy. I decide sleeping at this point is a lost cause, so I text back a 'yeah, sure' and then get up.
I am on the computer for a little bit and then Josh gets back. So I eat my yummy extra spicy breakfast taco. And my lips are burning but it's a good kind of pain. Then I go with Dad to Fry's, and now I have a nice set of speakers for my computer. and only $27! (about)
Um, and then I got home, and got on the computer (again >>) and then made myself some leftovers-sandwich-yummy food. See, sandwiches were what were for lunch. but I didn't want peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese so I got tortillias for my bread, and wrapped up left over meatballs, spaggeti, and sauce in them. yum. x3
and now I'm sitting here happy and full and I get to go to youth group later! woo hooooooooooooo :D
So I fall back asleep until 8:30, when Josh texts me and asks me how many breakfast tacos I want, one or two. And then two minutes later, he texts me again asking if I want them extra spicy. I decide sleeping at this point is a lost cause, so I text back a 'yeah, sure' and then get up.
I am on the computer for a little bit and then Josh gets back. So I eat my yummy extra spicy breakfast taco. And my lips are burning but it's a good kind of pain. Then I go with Dad to Fry's, and now I have a nice set of speakers for my computer. and only $27! (about)
Um, and then I got home, and got on the computer (again >>) and then made myself some leftovers-sandwich-yummy food. See, sandwiches were what were for lunch. but I didn't want peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese so I got tortillias for my bread, and wrapped up left over meatballs, spaggeti, and sauce in them. yum. x3
and now I'm sitting here happy and full and I get to go to youth group later! woo hooooooooooooo :D
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Mmm satisfaction.
Beans and rice are such a yummy meal. I started watching Trigun today. SO GOOD! :DD I watched the first four episodes, I can't wait (ok ok, i can and will) until FUNimation adds more to their streaming list. :)
uh, other than that, my mom got me pocky (YAY!!)
And my driver's ED doesn't take an hour anymore. woohoo!
Uh, tried Goodbye Mister Despair, and decided not to watch it, I watched an ep of Shugo Chara (episode 29) and uh, first couple eps of Pandora Hearts. Yeah. That's it...
Well, yeah. My day has been: School, Anime, Food. and yeah. haha. xD
uh, other than that, my mom got me pocky (YAY!!)
And my driver's ED doesn't take an hour anymore. woohoo!
Uh, tried Goodbye Mister Despair, and decided not to watch it, I watched an ep of Shugo Chara (episode 29) and uh, first couple eps of Pandora Hearts. Yeah. That's it...
Well, yeah. My day has been: School, Anime, Food. and yeah. haha. xD
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I'm doing something kinda crazy right now. I'm uh, drinking hot chocolate. In.. august. In texas. why? I really dunno.
We got Windows 7! My computer is beautiful now. But uh, I can't download any programs without Dad's password so... no flash player yet, so no anime yet.
There's this site called Songs to Wear Pants To. O_O it's pretty funny.
i downloaded 4 songs.
and uh yeah. I started school yesterday. Drivers Ed drags on forever. But I've logged enough hours to get my permit!
I just have to actually finish the material. xD
We got Windows 7! My computer is beautiful now. But uh, I can't download any programs without Dad's password so... no flash player yet, so no anime yet.
There's this site called Songs to Wear Pants To. O_O it's pretty funny.
i downloaded 4 songs.
and uh yeah. I started school yesterday. Drivers Ed drags on forever. But I've logged enough hours to get my permit!
I just have to actually finish the material. xD
Friday, August 13, 2010
I know I said I've got something to say but it's kind of all boring right now.
Well.... Okay. I am SOOOO sorry for keeping you hypothetical readers in the dark about my life. Sorry that nothing's really been happening. Well, the youth group went to Krause Springs last wednesday, I guess I could have written about that. Okay so, I didn't swim but I stuck my feet in the water. And people were splashing but I was being a bad sport and said they couldn't splash me since I wasn't dressed for swimming but I splashed them anyway. We played Ultimate Frisbee. I only threw the frisbee once. xD but I ran around a lot so that was good.
At youth group that weekend we played soccer (which I actually don't fail at) so that was fun. then the beginning of this week was kinda uneventful. I did drivers ed though.... then Peggy got home. On wednesday. I haven't seen her yet.
Bethany and Emma both quit Facebook, so I decided that while I won't shut mine down, I'll spend more time emailing people and less time on facebook.
I mean, with two of the most awesome people gone from facebook it won't be quite as fun, but I still would like to have the contact with family and stuff and plus I get updates from FUNimation on facebook. :P
And I can post videos there. I haven't figured out how to do that with Picasa yet. I think you hafta download something. :PPP
At youth group that weekend we played soccer (which I actually don't fail at) so that was fun. then the beginning of this week was kinda uneventful. I did drivers ed though.... then Peggy got home. On wednesday. I haven't seen her yet.
Bethany and Emma both quit Facebook, so I decided that while I won't shut mine down, I'll spend more time emailing people and less time on facebook.
I mean, with two of the most awesome people gone from facebook it won't be quite as fun, but I still would like to have the contact with family and stuff and plus I get updates from FUNimation on facebook. :P
And I can post videos there. I haven't figured out how to do that with Picasa yet. I think you hafta download something. :PPP
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Random and not about my life
dead flower
How may I help you?
dead flower
purple cabin fluff
honeybees :)
CRUSHED ICEHow may I help you?
you like rodents
Apologies for the apparent lack of post-ness. Nothing has been happening. Here is a picture to make up for it.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
So what have I done today OTHER than change my voicemail, work on an awesome drawing, watch a Sailor Moon episode in both japanese and english to see how much they changed, eat a fudgesicle, punch watermelon rinds and.... yeah, I punched watermelon rinds....
Is that.. weird...?
oh. >.>
Um, so... yeah. There's not much going on. I WOULD have gone skating with Bethany, but alas, I was in charge of dinner and Mom was out with Justin and Phillip and Kelsey had friends over..... so yeah. No worky out. It's okay, I guess. Bethany texted me and said it was really crowded. I wanna go to Otakon. But that's not happening. Not this year. Cuz it's THIS weekend. And it's in Baltimore. And I bet it's sold out. And yeah.
In the hypothetical future when I'm making enough money to go off to random cities on random weekends and hang out with other geeks, I will find a way. I might be not-a-teenager by then though. Oh well. Who says I can't still have fun when I'm an adult!? ;DD
I don't have much else to say right now. yeah... mmhmm.
OH! mom got me some colorless prismacolor pencil blenders. SWEET! now I don't have to use the white for that anymore! :3
I have two main kinds of geek-ness. Art geeky, and otaku geeky. My otaku specialties are anime and manga. The two kinds of geekiness kinda intertwine. :)
This picture is of me as an emo-style girl and Bethany as a punk-style girl. It was some dress up game.
Is that.. weird...?
oh. >.>
Um, so... yeah. There's not much going on. I WOULD have gone skating with Bethany, but alas, I was in charge of dinner and Mom was out with Justin and Phillip and Kelsey had friends over..... so yeah. No worky out. It's okay, I guess. Bethany texted me and said it was really crowded. I wanna go to Otakon. But that's not happening. Not this year. Cuz it's THIS weekend. And it's in Baltimore. And I bet it's sold out. And yeah.
In the hypothetical future when I'm making enough money to go off to random cities on random weekends and hang out with other geeks, I will find a way. I might be not-a-teenager by then though. Oh well. Who says I can't still have fun when I'm an adult!? ;DD
I don't have much else to say right now. yeah... mmhmm.
OH! mom got me some colorless prismacolor pencil blenders. SWEET! now I don't have to use the white for that anymore! :3
I have two main kinds of geek-ness. Art geeky, and otaku geeky. My otaku specialties are anime and manga. The two kinds of geekiness kinda intertwine. :)
This picture is of me as an emo-style girl and Bethany as a punk-style girl. It was some dress up game.
Monday, July 26, 2010
LOL so yeah. Thiiiis is life
I had this song stuck in my head earlier:
Here's the link, if you can't see the embedded video.
I love the song except for a couple parts, not the music video so much. It's pointless. It's just her lip syncing and hanging out in a room full of documents and art... which come to think of it isn't so bad... I mean it's a cool room for the most part... But nothing happened in the music video. Like at all. She could have at least had some cool paper-flying-everywhere thing or something... or gradually changing the room.. but no. She just laid on the couch, and stared at the camera... which was shaky... and walked around messing with stuff. And then that grass in the one room was so CG it wasn't even funny. and it went from waist high to shoulder high. inconsistencys... >.>
Enuff ranting. I have to get to work on writing my manga. I also need a good site to host it on. for free. I don't want to pay :P Also, I don't want to have to give them my adress... creepy.
I had a nice long conversation with my parents today. :) hehe. I love them.
I found out that TWIG has a facebook page and also that they're converting the site, like.. today. O.o. I wasn't paying much attention/wasn't really getting on the computer much recently.
lessee.... I'm outta things to talk about, that are interesting anyway. I know you don't want to hear the same old, same old 'i can't find any good anime' rant. You don't want to hear me complain about my brothers (who I love, even though they're annoyingall the time sometimes :] lol)
I have a love/hate relationship with technology. *sigh* computers, ipods, phones...
I've been waking up 9:30ish lately. Which is good for me, I suppose. I should start getting back into my get-off-the-computer-by-a-certain-time rules again. That gives me approximately half an hour but I may get off before then. cuz it's not a school night so, 11 o'clock.
on school nights, it's supposed to be 9:30, and nights that aren't school nights but i still have to get up reasonably early the next day (aka saturday nights) is supposed to be 10. 'cept saturdays end up running way late. xD I heart youth group.
SPEAKING OF! Oh, well I might have already told you stalkers this, but at central market saturday, I got to eat an eclair. How special. :) If I posted about this before, I apologize, so here's a picture of one to make up for it:
That isn't to the T of what they had at Central Market, but it's close.
I'm drawing a cool picture of a girl in stripey clothes jumping through the air. It was inspired by some video game cover... Nights, Journey of dreams. I think it's a Sonic spin-off. I saw it in some store. It's kinda different though. My picture that is.
Well, see ya I guess. XD
Here's the link, if you can't see the embedded video.
I love the song except for a couple parts, not the music video so much. It's pointless. It's just her lip syncing and hanging out in a room full of documents and art... which come to think of it isn't so bad... I mean it's a cool room for the most part... But nothing happened in the music video. Like at all. She could have at least had some cool paper-flying-everywhere thing or something... or gradually changing the room.. but no. She just laid on the couch, and stared at the camera... which was shaky... and walked around messing with stuff. And then that grass in the one room was so CG it wasn't even funny. and it went from waist high to shoulder high. inconsistencys... >.>
Enuff ranting. I have to get to work on writing my manga. I also need a good site to host it on. for free. I don't want to pay :P Also, I don't want to have to give them my adress... creepy.
I had a nice long conversation with my parents today. :) hehe. I love them.
I found out that TWIG has a facebook page and also that they're converting the site, like.. today. O.o. I wasn't paying much attention/wasn't really getting on the computer much recently.
lessee.... I'm outta things to talk about, that are interesting anyway. I know you don't want to hear the same old, same old 'i can't find any good anime' rant. You don't want to hear me complain about my brothers (who I love, even though they're annoying
I have a love/hate relationship with technology. *sigh* computers, ipods, phones...
I've been waking up 9:30ish lately. Which is good for me, I suppose. I should start getting back into my get-off-the-computer-by-a-certain-time rules again. That gives me approximately half an hour but I may get off before then. cuz it's not a school night so, 11 o'clock.
on school nights, it's supposed to be 9:30, and nights that aren't school nights but i still have to get up reasonably early the next day (aka saturday nights) is supposed to be 10. 'cept saturdays end up running way late. xD I heart youth group.
SPEAKING OF! Oh, well I might have already told you stalkers this, but at central market saturday, I got to eat an eclair. How special. :) If I posted about this before, I apologize, so here's a picture of one to make up for it:
That isn't to the T of what they had at Central Market, but it's close.
I'm drawing a cool picture of a girl in stripey clothes jumping through the air. It was inspired by some video game cover... Nights, Journey of dreams. I think it's a Sonic spin-off. I saw it in some store. It's kinda different though. My picture that is.
Well, see ya I guess. XD
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I have not been on the computer much the last few days, therefore, I have not been blogging. The last two days of Immerse were great. Well, Friday was. Thursday was too, but I had a rough spot. :(
Treasure Hunting on Thursday went reasonably well, it was fun and I love running around malls xDD
Then Friday we went to Landa Park. And that was good. :)
Theeeennn I went to a prayer meeting Friday night. It is SOO fun to just soak in God's presence.
I stayed the night at Bethany's and watched Howl's Moving Castle. We talked until 1:30.
Mom picked me up around 11 the next day and I was so tired but somehow I didn't feel like napping so I watched Aladdin 3 with my brothers.
Then I went to Central Market with the youth group and hung out with allison part of the time and drew the rest of the time. I was in a very mellow mood. And then my parents came and Dad got me an eclair. I felt like I needed to have one. I was... drawn to it, somehow.
This morning we visited Red River church because Justin was helping lead worship there.
Then this afternoon we had Golden Chick for lunch and I found out we had a subway. O_O After living here 12 years, you would think I'd have figured that out by now.
Anyway, toodloo!
Treasure Hunting on Thursday went reasonably well, it was fun and I love running around malls xDD

Theeeennn I went to a prayer meeting Friday night. It is SOO fun to just soak in God's presence.
I stayed the night at Bethany's and watched Howl's Moving Castle. We talked until 1:30.
Mom picked me up around 11 the next day and I was so tired but somehow I didn't feel like napping so I watched Aladdin 3 with my brothers.
Then I went to Central Market with the youth group and hung out with allison part of the time and drew the rest of the time. I was in a very mellow mood. And then my parents came and Dad got me an eclair. I felt like I needed to have one. I was... drawn to it, somehow.
This morning we visited Red River church because Justin was helping lead worship there.
Then this afternoon we had Golden Chick for lunch and I found out we had a subway. O_O After living here 12 years, you would think I'd have figured that out by now.
Anyway, toodloo!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
That oil smells like bubble mix.
Today at Immerse we all prayed for Bethany's ear, and played ninja.
We had prayer time and there was a video camera but I tried to act normal. :)
Then Mr. Cogdell had his talk, and beforehand he had people introduce themselves. I accidentally said my name was Bethany. 9_9
It was on Happy Holiness. I want to be like that. :)
I think my favorite piece from his talk was that the phrase that Jesus used, "The spirit is willing but the body is weak" was a diagnosis, but not a declaration. The body does not HAVE to be weak
We played 4 on a couch. Those light-shirts had to win. >:(
we made prophetic pictures for the people on our right. i got a good one. :D
Everyone prayed for my jaw. Nothing seemed to happen immediately, but I think there was a little improvement cuz I felt something in my jaw when I was being prayed for, and i can feel a liiiiittle movement on the left side now. :))))
We had prayer time and there was a video camera but I tried to act normal. :)
Then Mr. Cogdell had his talk, and beforehand he had people introduce themselves. I accidentally said my name was Bethany. 9_9
It was on Happy Holiness. I want to be like that. :)
I think my favorite piece from his talk was that the phrase that Jesus used, "The spirit is willing but the body is weak" was a diagnosis, but not a declaration. The body does not HAVE to be weak
We played 4 on a couch. Those light-shirts had to win. >:(
we made prophetic pictures for the people on our right. i got a good one. :D
Everyone prayed for my jaw. Nothing seemed to happen immediately, but I think there was a little improvement cuz I felt something in my jaw when I was being prayed for, and i can feel a liiiiittle movement on the left side now. :))))
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Numero Dos Immersos (okay, I made up that last word)
Today was awesomesauce.
Sooo first we got there (on time, today) and I sat down with Bethany and she gave me this AWESOME picture of me as a DDR character. in 3 different outfits. I LOVE it. It went right on my wall when I got home.
The first thing we did.... was have a prayer time. we prayed about things that Jesus has been to us or done for us, and prayed leadership over each other. I drew a picture (started one anyway) on the art wall that I got during the bible study yesterday on Psalm 23:5. We also prayed for things in a group of what was getting in the way of loving God and people.
At the beginning of Immerse, Matt or someone was saying that people lose pens at Immerse. So I had decided I would not lose my pen. Guess what happened. Yep. My pen fell out of my journal in the main area so at this point in the day I went looking for it and found it and then sat down and then Phillipe had his talk about reconciliation. It was greattttttttttt.
Then, we had LUNCH. Beans. And Rice. My favorite :3
Theeeennnn we played this game. The game was where they scooted the chairs in close into a circle and we all had to move over to fill the vacant seat so the person in the middle couldn't sit down. There was a group of like four people in a row (Tabitha, Me, Joseph, and Micah) who would all scoot over at the same time like we were all stuck together or something. And it worked. Then we played the murder-wink game. I was pretty ignorant and tried to wink at someone right when Moriah (or whoever it was) was facing me. They saw me. I stunk at it. XD When it was my turn to guess, it took me forever.
Theenn, we had worship and prayer, and there were two people who did that with us. I had this kinda picture/vision in my head during that time and one of the two people (who were apparently from IHOP) was able to tell me what it meant- which was way cool. Because sometimes I get something and I can scrape a meaning out of it, but he like, saw stuff in it that I totally couldn't have guessed. it was like---- whoa.
I probably ought to go write that down, actually. Before it becomes fuzzy and stuff, because my memory is awful. Which is why I've started blogging. :)
Then Will Matthews had a time with us when we asked the Holy Spirit to come and He totally did, we were laughing a lot, I was crying, it was just amazing and SO much fun. I don't think I've had that much fun with God in a long long time. I didn't get exhausted until after we left this time, which was good, but this time it was Joseph's turn to be very tired. Sleep deprivation... TT.TT It's no fun. I'm praying for Holy Spirit Caffeine for everyone tomorrow so we can be awake and alert and ready to have fun and be charged up with God! And I'll end up there early tomorrow since one of my parents (probably dad) is driving. :)))
God, I love you. SOooooooooo much. You ROCK!
And anyone who reads this, God wants to pour out his blessings on you. And I'm also getting 'confidence'. Be encouraged! ;D
Today was awesomesauce.
Sooo first we got there (on time, today) and I sat down with Bethany and she gave me this AWESOME picture of me as a DDR character. in 3 different outfits. I LOVE it. It went right on my wall when I got home.
The first thing we did.... was have a prayer time. we prayed about things that Jesus has been to us or done for us, and prayed leadership over each other. I drew a picture (started one anyway) on the art wall that I got during the bible study yesterday on Psalm 23:5. We also prayed for things in a group of what was getting in the way of loving God and people.
At the beginning of Immerse, Matt or someone was saying that people lose pens at Immerse. So I had decided I would not lose my pen. Guess what happened. Yep. My pen fell out of my journal in the main area so at this point in the day I went looking for it and found it and then sat down and then Phillipe had his talk about reconciliation. It was greattttttttttt.
Then, we had LUNCH. Beans. And Rice. My favorite :3
Theeeennnn we played this game. The game was where they scooted the chairs in close into a circle and we all had to move over to fill the vacant seat so the person in the middle couldn't sit down. There was a group of like four people in a row (Tabitha, Me, Joseph, and Micah) who would all scoot over at the same time like we were all stuck together or something. And it worked. Then we played the murder-wink game. I was pretty ignorant and tried to wink at someone right when Moriah (or whoever it was) was facing me. They saw me. I stunk at it. XD When it was my turn to guess, it took me forever.
Theenn, we had worship and prayer, and there were two people who did that with us. I had this kinda picture/vision in my head during that time and one of the two people (who were apparently from IHOP) was able to tell me what it meant- which was way cool. Because sometimes I get something and I can scrape a meaning out of it, but he like, saw stuff in it that I totally couldn't have guessed. it was like---- whoa.
I probably ought to go write that down, actually. Before it becomes fuzzy and stuff, because my memory is awful. Which is why I've started blogging. :)
Then Will Matthews had a time with us when we asked the Holy Spirit to come and He totally did, we were laughing a lot, I was crying, it was just amazing and SO much fun. I don't think I've had that much fun with God in a long long time. I didn't get exhausted until after we left this time, which was good, but this time it was Joseph's turn to be very tired. Sleep deprivation... TT.TT It's no fun. I'm praying for Holy Spirit Caffeine for everyone tomorrow so we can be awake and alert and ready to have fun and be charged up with God! And I'll end up there early tomorrow since one of my parents (probably dad) is driving. :)))
God, I love you. SOooooooooo much. You ROCK!
And anyone who reads this, God wants to pour out his blessings on you. And I'm also getting 'confidence'. Be encouraged! ;D
Monday, July 19, 2010
Immerse Day One
I started off my day by getting up at seven (never a fun thing) and singing along to mah ipod while getting on my shoes. It's glitchy, cuz it was a refurb. So one of the four songs I put on my 'wake up' playlist (aka, my top rated, so I can easily set the alarm to them and change them on the ipod instead of having to sync to the computer) didn't play. I went down, and ate a cinnamon roll.... which was sweet... and um, sugar is not my favorite breakfast food, at least not when I get up early and/or have to ride in the car after that. Then I ate some pineapple for fruit. I should have eaten it first cuz I got full and it was healthier. Then I got in the car. We picked Emma up and discovered that John the Baptist has short hair in my manga bible. Gasp. Somebody didn't do their research. hehe. Anyway, then we dropped Justin off at church and then drove to AHOP. We were an hour early, so me and Emma sat around while Bethany, Callie, and Micah prepared their prayer time leading stuff for the day. Then we played dodgeball (not dodgeball, foursquare, what was I thinking?) with Callie and some kids that I don't know. We had to do a 'jester dance' when we got in the 4th square (the bottom square). I did the caramelldansen. :3
After that, people started coming and I got SUPER hyper. I dubbed a certain chair the 'king chair' and whoever sat in it was king. I was king for a while but I got bored of not being near my subjects and felt all lonely so I went and sat with Joseph and Callie and Bethany. On the cool couch :)
We all told our names, ages, schools, and favorite Amy's ice cream flavor. There were some old friends from last year, some people from youth group, and a few new people I hadn't met before.
Then we played a would you rather game. Some of them were annoying. Because given a choice between a tattoo or a piercing, I'd really rather go live in a cave.
Then we had some prayer time, where we thanked God for stuff, and praised Him through the alphabet (starting with P) and gave up things that were hindering us from getting close to God. and then we went to goodwill. it took me forEVER to find a shirt, and I ended up getting a short sleeve hoodie thing instead. Oh well. :)
I got tater tots at sonic, and a jr burger thingy... and a cherry limeade. YUMMM....
we went back, we ate, we played chief... haha.... that was fun. I guessed right on my very first try, cause, i guess I have good hearing. I heard the first clap. and the direction. from behind me! :)
We had prayer time again, and we all prayed for the person on our left! And we prayed our gifts over everyone else. Then we had a teaching from Matt about Intimacy with God. I took a lot of notes. :)
Then we learned ways to behold God through reading the Bible and praying and journaling.
Then I got VERY tired. I guess getting up at seven kicked in. I sat around a bit, and played one game of ninja, but my mom was waiting for me, so I had to go.
Thank God, I don't have to get up that early tomorrow. Emma's mom is driving, which means we're not tied to the schedule of dropping Justin off at nine. Which means, more sleepytime for Clairey. :DD
I think my favorite part about today, was seeing how much I've changed in the last year. I still remember some of how I was last year at Immerse. I've gone from the shy, anti-social almost invisible girl, to someone who really participates and stuff, and my favorite part is that I'm able to listen to God more easily, something with which I struggled up until January of this year.
Isn't God amazing?
After that, people started coming and I got SUPER hyper. I dubbed a certain chair the 'king chair' and whoever sat in it was king. I was king for a while but I got bored of not being near my subjects and felt all lonely so I went and sat with Joseph and Callie and Bethany. On the cool couch :)
We all told our names, ages, schools, and favorite Amy's ice cream flavor. There were some old friends from last year, some people from youth group, and a few new people I hadn't met before.
Then we played a would you rather game. Some of them were annoying. Because given a choice between a tattoo or a piercing, I'd really rather go live in a cave.
Then we had some prayer time, where we thanked God for stuff, and praised Him through the alphabet (starting with P) and gave up things that were hindering us from getting close to God. and then we went to goodwill. it took me forEVER to find a shirt, and I ended up getting a short sleeve hoodie thing instead. Oh well. :)
I got tater tots at sonic, and a jr burger thingy... and a cherry limeade. YUMMM....
we went back, we ate, we played chief... haha.... that was fun. I guessed right on my very first try, cause, i guess I have good hearing. I heard the first clap. and the direction. from behind me! :)
We had prayer time again, and we all prayed for the person on our left! And we prayed our gifts over everyone else. Then we had a teaching from Matt about Intimacy with God. I took a lot of notes. :)
Then we learned ways to behold God through reading the Bible and praying and journaling.
Then I got VERY tired. I guess getting up at seven kicked in. I sat around a bit, and played one game of ninja, but my mom was waiting for me, so I had to go.
Thank God, I don't have to get up that early tomorrow. Emma's mom is driving, which means we're not tied to the schedule of dropping Justin off at nine. Which means, more sleepytime for Clairey. :DD
I think my favorite part about today, was seeing how much I've changed in the last year. I still remember some of how I was last year at Immerse. I've gone from the shy, anti-social almost invisible girl, to someone who really participates and stuff, and my favorite part is that I'm able to listen to God more easily, something with which I struggled up until January of this year.
Isn't God amazing?
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sorry for the no updates
I'm sorry for not going into depth and all that but I have to get good sleep. Immerse tomorrow! woo hoo!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Shoving in this blog post kinda late.
So, once again, I wasted away the whole day. Well, almost. I got up and ate my muffins that were saved for me from breakfast. Then I cleaned my bathroom. Because it was getting dusty and gross, and I like playing with Scrubbing Bubbles.
Then I wasted time away on the computer and watched Naruto: Shippuden for the first time in a long time... It's as bad as I remembered. Ugh. Even though it's no longer on filler, the animation is awful. It's like they weren't even trying. The rocks are shaped like cubes when they shatter. Plus, Shippuden is just more boring than the original series. I just don't like it. Um, Sargent Frog seems weird even though I've only seen the first episode twice (once in japanese, once in english dub, for comparison. I do that with the first episode of anime sometimes to figure out which version is better. If they change too much in the dub, I watch the sub.)
Anyway... I'm sitting here with my Teamonade... (that's my personal mixture of iced tea and lemonade powder) I have rediscovered my apparent lack of any complete cosplays. The only one that's pretty much perfect is Kankuro, and that's ONLY if shoes don't matter AND I don't need any puppets. TT.TT my hinata cosplay still needs the fluff sewn on, not to mention the decals. My Ouran uniform... well, let's just say it's extremely stylized and the blazer is too purple and fitted for a woman, it's kind of too small and the sleeves are too short, it's got WAY too many buttons and no patch..... Not to mention I fail at finding generic white dress shirts. Tenten, well, the sweatpants need some repairs, and the jacket is way puffy, but that could be considered stylized, I guess. but I don't got the hair. My girl's version of the ouran uniform is complete about in the same way as the ouran boy's uniform, since the blazer is the same, though, having it fit to a woman doesn't matter in this case. I could do the generic schoolgirl thing, probably.... but I need my own tie. *sigh*. It also wouldn't hurt to invest in a pair of cat ears. lol. Just shove them on with any wacky outfit, instant character. Oh, that reminds me, I do have two original character cosplays. ^_^ nobody can tell me how to do those. So, those count as complete. lolz....
woooow. I just filled up a blog post with my geek talk that probably nobody else understands but Bethany and the random anime fan that may stumble across here..... once in a million years.
Bye for now, and don't put scrubbing bubbles on your wall. It dissolves the paint. ;)
Then I wasted time away on the computer and watched Naruto: Shippuden for the first time in a long time... It's as bad as I remembered. Ugh. Even though it's no longer on filler, the animation is awful. It's like they weren't even trying. The rocks are shaped like cubes when they shatter. Plus, Shippuden is just more boring than the original series. I just don't like it. Um, Sargent Frog seems weird even though I've only seen the first episode twice (once in japanese, once in english dub, for comparison. I do that with the first episode of anime sometimes to figure out which version is better. If they change too much in the dub, I watch the sub.)
Anyway... I'm sitting here with my Teamonade... (that's my personal mixture of iced tea and lemonade powder) I have rediscovered my apparent lack of any complete cosplays. The only one that's pretty much perfect is Kankuro, and that's ONLY if shoes don't matter AND I don't need any puppets. TT.TT my hinata cosplay still needs the fluff sewn on, not to mention the decals. My Ouran uniform... well, let's just say it's extremely stylized and the blazer is too purple and fitted for a woman, it's kind of too small and the sleeves are too short, it's got WAY too many buttons and no patch..... Not to mention I fail at finding generic white dress shirts. Tenten, well, the sweatpants need some repairs, and the jacket is way puffy, but that could be considered stylized, I guess. but I don't got the hair. My girl's version of the ouran uniform is complete about in the same way as the ouran boy's uniform, since the blazer is the same, though, having it fit to a woman doesn't matter in this case. I could do the generic schoolgirl thing, probably.... but I need my own tie. *sigh*. It also wouldn't hurt to invest in a pair of cat ears. lol. Just shove them on with any wacky outfit, instant character. Oh, that reminds me, I do have two original character cosplays. ^_^ nobody can tell me how to do those. So, those count as complete. lolz....
woooow. I just filled up a blog post with my geek talk that probably nobody else understands but Bethany and the random anime fan that may stumble across here..... once in a million years.
Bye for now, and don't put scrubbing bubbles on your wall. It dissolves the paint. ;)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I maaade PIZZA!!!
Today, I slept in, and Justin tried to wake me up by texting me, but HAHAH, I had left the phone on silent, coincidentally. I got up, and ate a bagel with cream cheese and honey.... and spent a lot of my afternoon on google. First I was looking for references for the characters in my manga. Then I started looking at photos from anime conventions. Then I looked around and tried to find local anime cons. Then I started searching for cosplay. THEN i just looked on eBay for anime merchandise. GAH. all those cute little PVC figurines are SOOOO expensive. *sigh* I wish I had some sculpey and the ability to make my own.... anyway...
Oh yes, and I wrote for the first time in however long, but it was only a goofy story.
The junior-highers went swimming, or maybe they still are. When Kelsey was about to leave me and Judah invaded her room and played with her a while. I stuck a snowman keychain in her bag and then pretended to discover it and asked what it was doing there. She suspected Judah. Also, judah said something and kelsey dramatically dropped her jaw and just stared at Judah, so I took a small rubber ball away from Judah and stuck it in Kelsey's mouth. She spit it out and we hit each other with pillows.
I'm so glad that Ikkicon doesn't plan to always do their con over the new year. Cuz I like Ikkicon, but I like Dedicate better. and God comes before anime. So, I don't know if I'll be making it to Ikkicon this year, since it's december 31-january 2, but when it goes back to being in february I'll be happy camper otaku. :)
O_O does that mean I have to wait almost 2 years to go to another con?! TT_TT I hope not.
Today, I slept in, and Justin tried to wake me up by texting me, but HAHAH, I had left the phone on silent, coincidentally. I got up, and ate a bagel with cream cheese and honey.... and spent a lot of my afternoon on google. First I was looking for references for the characters in my manga. Then I started looking at photos from anime conventions. Then I looked around and tried to find local anime cons. Then I started searching for cosplay. THEN i just looked on eBay for anime merchandise. GAH. all those cute little PVC figurines are SOOOO expensive. *sigh* I wish I had some sculpey and the ability to make my own.... anyway...
Oh yes, and I wrote for the first time in however long, but it was only a goofy story.
The junior-highers went swimming, or maybe they still are. When Kelsey was about to leave me and Judah invaded her room and played with her a while. I stuck a snowman keychain in her bag and then pretended to discover it and asked what it was doing there. She suspected Judah. Also, judah said something and kelsey dramatically dropped her jaw and just stared at Judah, so I took a small rubber ball away from Judah and stuck it in Kelsey's mouth. She spit it out and we hit each other with pillows.
O_O does that mean I have to wait almost 2 years to go to another con?! TT_TT I hope not.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The way of the chopstick
I just had some yummy chicken nuggets. They were so good! It's kind of depressing to think of all the processing they went through though.... >.>
Last night we had asian-ish food, so of course we had the option of using chopsticks. I decided to use them, partly because we don't use them often, but mostly just because I CAN. I'm actually rather pleased with my ability to eat with chopsticks. I don't even remember when I learned, I don't remember the point where I just 'got it.' I remember the distant past where I was sure you held them like an X and worked them like scissors, and the recent past where I am able to work them (okay, ALMOST) flawlessly. I tried to teach Judah how, but he hated the idea of holding anything in any way other than a fist. *sigh*. He claimed he was eating with chopsticks, but in truth he was eating the same way he eats 'with a fork'. Utensil clenched in fist, while opposite hand shovels everything into his mouth.
I did a bunch of filing and copying earlier. After I woke up. I was so confused this morning. I was only half listening to Mom and judah trying to get me out of bed. I thought I heard mom say that the oven people were coming by and turning off the electricity, and Judah was convinced that it was wednesday afternoon. (9_9)
I wish I had something more to do than sit around/do boring stuff all day. I can't really go do anything on an average day, due to where I live, my inability to drive, etc.
Tuesday night prayer is today. sweet!
um, and.... yeah.
I am often amazed at the talent God has given me for drawing. I'll look at something and be like 'whoa... I drew that.' Because God gave me such an awesome talent that I use every day, I am very happy. :)
oh yeah, and that video? Up there? Bethany did that voice. Not me. It is awesome, no?
Last night we had asian-ish food, so of course we had the option of using chopsticks. I decided to use them, partly because we don't use them often, but mostly just because I CAN. I'm actually rather pleased with my ability to eat with chopsticks. I don't even remember when I learned, I don't remember the point where I just 'got it.' I remember the distant past where I was sure you held them like an X and worked them like scissors, and the recent past where I am able to work them (okay, ALMOST) flawlessly. I tried to teach Judah how, but he hated the idea of holding anything in any way other than a fist. *sigh*. He claimed he was eating with chopsticks, but in truth he was eating the same way he eats 'with a fork'. Utensil clenched in fist, while opposite hand shovels everything into his mouth.
I did a bunch of filing and copying earlier. After I woke up. I was so confused this morning. I was only half listening to Mom and judah trying to get me out of bed. I thought I heard mom say that the oven people were coming by and turning off the electricity, and Judah was convinced that it was wednesday afternoon. (9_9)
I wish I had something more to do than sit around/do boring st
Publish Post
Tuesday night prayer is today. sweet!
um, and.... yeah.
I am often amazed at the talent God has given me for drawing. I'll look at something and be like 'whoa... I drew that.' Because God gave me such an awesome talent that I use every day, I am very happy. :)
oh yeah, and that video? Up there? Bethany did that voice. Not me. It is awesome, no?
Monday, July 12, 2010
um bored...?
I slept through my alarm this morning. Well, not exactly. I woke up, listened to it, and went back to sleep. I didn't want to bother. Last night I configured the new Kids Mobile Phone, which Justin has to carry since he's going to the N2worship camp thingy. I. Hate. Touch. Screen. Phones. Also, I don't like stick phones. I really just don't like touch-screens in general, though. They're prone to failure, and really, who needs em? What's wrong with a mouse, or buttons, or a joystick? The touch screen on our oven has given us grief, the 'convection', '3' '2' and 'upper oven light' buttons don't work half the time. Mom's touch screen on her phone doesn't always work. *sigh*. Please, Razr, don't give out on me until I have the money to buy a non-touch-screen flip phone. I'm not looking forward to a hand-me-down palm pre or whatever it is, it's a touch screen, it's a stick, it doesn't reach from my ear to my mouth and it's... flat. I don't like having the phone flat up against my face, I'd rather it curve, like a flip phone. Except for a few minor things, the Razr is still pretty much the perfect phone for me.
but enough of my rambling about phones. As long as that old razr can hold on, I'm good. :)
Moving right along. Mom got me pocky today!
Yay! Anyway, I know I had more to write about, but I forgot. Because my mind is very much in a state of 'meh' right now. er, yes. My day was average, normal... I watched anime, and almost watched more than 6 episodes before I caught myself. whoops.
well, I have gotten distracted looking at phones. *eyeroll* seeya later
but enough of my rambling about phones. As long as that old razr can hold on, I'm good. :)
Moving right along. Mom got me pocky today!
Yay! Anyway, I know I had more to write about, but I forgot. Because my mind is very much in a state of 'meh' right now. er, yes. My day was average, normal... I watched anime, and almost watched more than 6 episodes before I caught myself. whoops.
well, I have gotten distracted looking at phones. *eyeroll* seeya later
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Ow, ow.....
Well, today was great- kinda. Oww... my eye itches/stings. Wanna know why? I'll tell you. I poked myself in the eye... with my own pencil. By accident! Oww...... I wasn't thinking...
So today I got up at 7:30 by my iPod, and I went downstairs, and ate a donut and a half. Then went to church, that was good. The sermon was along the lines of how the church is about God, and He's not really what we want Him to be which is why a lot of people get bored of church. Oh yeah, and before church, Bethany showed up and suprised me! Yayyy!!! But, she couldn't stay, she had to go home. I saw Callie from Immerse last year. That was good. I ran into Alli at the last minute before we left to go see Toy Story 3. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!! In my opinion it was better than the first two. And, I was hoping to not join this group but, it made me cry. A little bit. :')
After the movie we were raving (well not raving, but expressing our opinions) about how good it was. [unrelated note: it's hard to type with one eye closed. >:P] I decided that I want to do voices for Pixar as well as anime. :) around then was the time I poked myself in the eye. I had my pencil in my hand and I reached up to put my hair behind my ear or something, and then I felt this... something in my eye and I realized I had poked myself in the eye. Not the part where I see, the white part. I could still see but it felt like i had an eyelash in it and it was watering and stuff so I handed my stuff off and went into the bathroom to look and there was a red dot but it wasn't bleeding, it just looked irritated, but I think i got a small scratch or something cuz it itches when I move my eye around when it's closed. When we got home Dad took a look and said it looked fine and he put some eye drop thing in my eye that made my vision blurry. I looked at it again and it looked better but it still itches. I just now stopped holding it closed cuz it just feels unnatural. I think it's gonna be okay. *sigh* how annoying. Instead of jabbering with my bros about how good the movie was I ended up sitting near the front with my eye closed trying to text bethany about it at the same time and both of my eyes watering (kinda crying from my stupidity and the fact that when you get something in your eye, you cry involuntarily). Anyway.... yeah. soo good/bad day.
I listened to the voices in the commercials and imagined the voice actor who was saying the lines, but when the actual movie came I just enjoyed it. You can tell a voice actor's good when you don't even notice them there. The best ones can use their voice almost invisibly so you only hear what they're saying.(A good example is the VO for discovery channel. Until they pointed him out in mythbusters, I hadn't even noticed.) Unless the character or whatever is SUPPOSED to have an unnatural voice, of course. But enough of my rambling. I hope you don't have to be in one of those guilds to do some voices for Pixar. I dun wanna join a guild. seems like too much trouble. lol... they sound restrictive and unless you're well known enough, you wouldn't get very many jobs.
today is Jacob and Judah's birthday party. I still have to draw Judah's picture. They brought home some chocolate cake from church plus we have one of those giant cookie things. At the movie I ate popcorn even though I'm not too fond of it because we were GOING to get hot dogs but the theater only had four left. :O (there's ten of us)
We all got giant sodas.... man. I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the movie so I missed the part where 'They turned Buzz evil. and now they're in jail." At least, that's what Kelsar told me when I asked her to fill me in.
I think this post is long enough, especially since just about NOBODY reads my blog. seeya!
So today I got up at 7:30 by my iPod, and I went downstairs, and ate a donut and a half. Then went to church, that was good. The sermon was along the lines of how the church is about God, and He's not really what we want Him to be which is why a lot of people get bored of church. Oh yeah, and before church, Bethany showed up and suprised me! Yayyy!!! But, she couldn't stay, she had to go home. I saw Callie from Immerse last year. That was good. I ran into Alli at the last minute before we left to go see Toy Story 3. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!! In my opinion it was better than the first two. And, I was hoping to not join this group but, it made me cry. A little bit. :')
After the movie we were raving (well not raving, but expressing our opinions) about how good it was. [unrelated note: it's hard to type with one eye closed. >:P] I decided that I want to do voices for Pixar as well as anime. :) around then was the time I poked myself in the eye. I had my pencil in my hand and I reached up to put my hair behind my ear or something, and then I felt this... something in my eye and I realized I had poked myself in the eye. Not the part where I see, the white part. I could still see but it felt like i had an eyelash in it and it was watering and stuff so I handed my stuff off and went into the bathroom to look and there was a red dot but it wasn't bleeding, it just looked irritated, but I think i got a small scratch or something cuz it itches when I move my eye around when it's closed. When we got home Dad took a look and said it looked fine and he put some eye drop thing in my eye that made my vision blurry. I looked at it again and it looked better but it still itches. I just now stopped holding it closed cuz it just feels unnatural. I think it's gonna be okay. *sigh* how annoying. Instead of jabbering with my bros about how good the movie was I ended up sitting near the front with my eye closed trying to text bethany about it at the same time and both of my eyes watering (kinda crying from my stupidity and the fact that when you get something in your eye, you cry involuntarily). Anyway.... yeah. soo good/bad day.
today is Jacob and Judah's birthday party. I still have to draw Judah's picture. They brought home some chocolate cake from church plus we have one of those giant cookie things. At the movie I ate popcorn even though I'm not too fond of it because we were GOING to get hot dogs but the theater only had four left. :O (there's ten of us)
We all got giant sodas.... man. I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the movie so I missed the part where 'They turned Buzz evil. and now they're in jail." At least, that's what Kelsar told me when I asked her to fill me in.
I think this post is long enough, especially since just about NOBODY reads my blog. seeya!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
My life is awesome.
I just finished coloring Jacob's birthday picture. His birthday is today. Judah's is tomorrow. How does that happen? haha. I still gotta do Judah's picture, but more time for that one. ;D
Now what's wrong with this picture? Ah, it must be the fact that it's saturday... and it's eleven o'clock... AND I'M ALREADY UP?!? Yes, I got up at nine today. I set my iPod alarm to 'something to say' by what's his name, matthew west. Not a bad song to wake up to. I'm really trying to fix my sleeping habits. but only 8 or 9 hours isn't cutting it for me. During the school year when I have to be up by eight, I'm gonna have to be going to bed at ten at least. O_o I dread. the school year.
Where did the summer go? It's like it's already gone and I haven't really done anything of worth, except NBC's. I'm also suffering from friend-deprivation. I skipped youth group last week, because I had something else that i might have been doing, but it got canceled. As it turns out, we had some people over for dinner anyway, but now I feel like I haven't seen my friends in forever. I have youth group tonight so that should help some, but I still won't have seen Bethalbopper and Emmzy, so I'm still gonna miss them. Until Immerse. BUT I DON'T GET TO SEE PEGGY UNTIL SUMMER'S OVER!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh, there's this annoying buzzy sound whenever I type. Like if my typing is making some teensy metal ball vibrate somewhere. Uuurrrrrggghhh.
So Um Yeah. I wish Megavideo didn't have the 72-minutes-at-a-time-unless-you-wait-54-more-minutes deal going on. I mean, I know they want to convince people to sign up, but it's such an inconvenient number. *sigh* I guess that's the point. >.>
We're going to see Toy Story 3 tomorrow, at least that's what we're planning. It's kinda for Jacob and Judah's birthdays. I was gonna make a cake, but our oven's completely out of commission, so I think Mom bought something. Cakes are some of the only things I can make without completely screwing up. XD and that's if they're just flat in the pan, so there's a large flat space for DECORATING!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA :x was that evil cackle out loud? Whoops.
I read James (not the whole thing, but I'm not exactly sure how much) last night. It's got some intense stuff. It's easy to read out loud, though. I like how the Message puts it.
There's glue on my desk.
That was random.
I think this post is aching to be finished.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Progress and happenings
Here I am, blogging from my own computer. Why, you ask? Or rather, why don't you normally? See, my computer is kinda slow. Not extremely such, but YouTube lags. :\ anyway, I usually use my mom's computer. But, after downloading a virus onto it by accident for like what, the THIRD TIME? Dad told me I need to be using my own or he'll take it away. Makes sense, I guess. Well, here I am. I just wish videos didn't lag over here. *sigh*.
Moving on. God is pretty much amazing. He's so cool! He's given me talent, and opportunity, and friends and a personality that is SO ME and SO UNIQUE that it can't even be put into words. I'm seeking to live out who I am (that is, who God made me) and not hide myself or hold myself back. I'm going to pursue my dreams (at the moment, that is to become a voice actor for anime) and trust God to guide me. I'm going for the goal, like Paul wrote about. Even if I have to take some parts of the course slower, finishing is what I'm aiming for. Getting there. To have finished the race is better than running really fast but giving up halfway there. Anyway.... that sounded like I was trying to give an inspirational speech. hee! Main point: God is cool.
Aaalso.... I got two books on Voice Acting yesterday. Voice Over Voice Actor: what it's like behind the mic by Yuri Lowenthal and Tara Platt, and VO(with some subtitle) by Harlan Hogan. Mom said I needed to take notes, or highlight them and go back through and put my notes on the computer. I opted for highlighting. So the inside of Voice Over Voice Actor is all orangey now (I read the whole thing yesterday and it was great) and I'm about halfway through VO with my blue highlighter. I suspect Bethany would want to borrow them sometime, so I apologize in advance for all the marking, bestie. :D
I made a Gaia online account (I used to have one before, but forgot the password) and I've been on there a little bit. Mainly cuz the avatars are cool, and I'm entered in an art contest. But for the most part, it's not my kinda site. The atmosphere is very PG-13. *sigh*
Neeeeext up, anime. I gotta update on anime!!! Ummm, recently I've been watching Shugo Chara. Miki is awesome! she's blue, she doesn't wear a dress, and she draws. All components of a really awesome character. :D Lesse..... I got Solty Rei from the library. It's okay.. I wish Roy wouldn't cuss so much. :\ *sigh* anyway, I like Solty's outfit and don't like it at the same time. I like the colors, design, and originality but it's kind of awkwardish. And too tight. moving right along. The bastrop library doesn't have that much anime. It has a lot of manga, but it's anime selection consists of things that I have seen, or things that are constantly checked out, or things I'm not interested in, like Death Note, and Bleach. I tried watching Vampire Knight, but it wasn't really my kinda anime. Vampires + fluff doesn't really suit my tastes. The only vampire anime I have watched is Karin. It's..... okay... except for the opening sequence which I hate and ALWAYS skipped. I liked the different take it took on vampires. I mean people still hated them and were scared of them and I still am not a vampire fan but it was obvious that someone put some thought into this and broke stereotypes without completely ruining the whole concept. But enough about that. Karin gets about three stars out of five. Shugo Chara... uh, four out of five. Vampire knight... I'd have to give it two out of five, and Solty Rei, three out of five.
1 being, I really don't like it. 2 being, I'll watch it if I HAVE to. 3 being, meh, it's okay, I don't mind watching it but if there's other options I like better I'll go for those. 4 being, I like it, pretty good! and 5 being: AWESOME SAUCE!!
haha. Otaku here!!! Most anime I watch, I would rate 4 stars. Ouran gets five :))
Think I've talked about anime enough? NEVER. hah. Time for Cosplay stuff! I want to cosplay Miki from Shugo Chara, Cisqua from Elemental Gelade, Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Club, and uh... well, I have a lot of materials for Hinata and hair similar to hers so might as well keep her on the list even though Naruto is WAY over-rated (but I still like the old series, though not shippuden or most of the fillers).
Alright, NOW I'm done with anime. Immerse is in a coupla weeks. woohoo! good times with friends and God. I'm looking forward to it! I can't wait to learn all sorts of stuff and hang out at AHOP and FINALLY see Bethany again. It's been way too long TT.TT
It seems like she's been having a blast at Persist. I wish I could do it next year but I dunno about transportation. That would mean driving into Austin EVERY DAY for several weeks. Anyway...
It was raining pleasantly for a while until it stopped. I dunno when that was but it was sometime while I was on the computer. I have some drawing I should probably do, and some reading, and I'm trying to limit my computer time, so I'd better get off now. This is probably my longest blog ever. Hm. :)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Neighborhood bible clubs
This will be short because I am about to leave but this week we are doing NBC (neighborhood Bible clubs) and It's been great! today we are playing with water balloons.
here's a picture instead:
here's a picture instead:
Friday, May 7, 2010
My oh-so-boring day
so far.
I mean, it's only 7:41 in the morning, so... SEVEN FORTY ONE!? HOW AM I AWAKE/ALIVE AT THIS HOUR!?! oh yeah, 'cause I slept downstairs on the couch (too warm in my room) and brothers woke me up at six (asked 'em to) so that I could get a head start on my school for once. Well I completed 3 subjects... which is good... My neck is sore from sleepin' on the couch... which is not good...
nanana.... I'm awake and I'm alive.... :3 (skillet)
I still have to take a science test and vacuum the office/stairs and do writing time and read that CS lewis book and..... umm... i'm pretty sure you don't wanna hear about my school ;)
yeah, right, like anybody reads this anyway.
p.s., been checking out some new anime and manga, here's what I've determined:
Read/watch: Case Closed (detective conan)
Do not watch/read: Fushigi yugi- the mysterious play (why? maturity. ick.)
I also looked into Samurai champloo and FLCL, didn't like those either. the former was graphically violent and confusing, and you don't know what 'this makes no sense!' means until you've seen FLCL, or even 5 minutes of it. it makes no sense, it's pointless, and it's weird in a not very cool way.
I'm thinking about watching Solty Rei once the dub comes out... it looks intresting.
enuff of my rambling :)
I mean, it's only 7:41 in the morning, so... SEVEN FORTY ONE!? HOW AM I AWAKE/ALIVE AT THIS HOUR!?! oh yeah, 'cause I slept downstairs on the couch (too warm in my room) and brothers woke me up at six (asked 'em to) so that I could get a head start on my school for once. Well I completed 3 subjects... which is good... My neck is sore from sleepin' on the couch... which is not good...
nanana.... I'm awake and I'm alive.... :3 (skillet)
I still have to take a science test and vacuum the office/stairs and do writing time and read that CS lewis book and..... umm... i'm pretty sure you don't wanna hear about my school ;)
yeah, right, like anybody reads this anyway.
p.s., been checking out some new anime and manga, here's what I've determined:
Read/watch: Case Closed (detective conan)
Do not watch/read: Fushigi yugi- the mysterious play (why? maturity. ick.)
I also looked into Samurai champloo and FLCL, didn't like those either. the former was graphically violent and confusing, and you don't know what 'this makes no sense!' means until you've seen FLCL, or even 5 minutes of it. it makes no sense, it's pointless, and it's weird in a not very cool way.
I'm thinking about watching Solty Rei once the dub comes out... it looks intresting.
enuff of my rambling :)
Monday, April 26, 2010
Once again, haven't posted in a while.
I like the band Falling Up, too bad they broke up by the time I found out about them. I went to the youth group Fun Night as a ninja. I got a perry the platypus T-shirt. Homestarrunner is awesome. I watched all of Lucky Star, it was okay. Gotta work on finishing Tsubasa Chronicle now. Not much is going on in my world, OH WAIT I PLAYED SUPER SMASH BROS BRAWL, FINALLY!!!! I've been playing video games a bit more. (like once a week, yes that's OFTEN)
well I'm really supposed to be in bed by now. Shhh, don't tell mom!!! jk, my curfew is self-set, but really, I should go. >.>
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
So a lot has happened
on top of the normal craziness i went to a lockin last friday and that was pretty epic cuz i got to see some friends I hadn't seen since Dedicate :)
also, the weather has been INSANE. Last tuesday it was hot enough that I moved a fan to my desk, and then saturday it got COLD(and rainy). then it warmed up and got dry and now it's raining again.
the rains actually kinda nice tho. when I'm inside that is x3
i've been drawing a lot. (like always) and today I made a documentary of my day. yaaay. lightning!
also, the weather has been INSANE. Last tuesday it was hot enough that I moved a fan to my desk, and then saturday it got COLD(and rainy). then it warmed up and got dry and now it's raining again.
the rains actually kinda nice tho. when I'm inside that is x3
i've been drawing a lot. (like always) and today I made a documentary of my day. yaaay. lightning!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Thought that I should update.
I went to Dedicate and that was amazing. It was uber cool and fun. We went treasure hunting. I found a buncha my places, but sadly none of my people. That was okay though. Ninja is the most epic game ever and I am officially addicted. We played it every possible second. x3 woot woot!
I went to Ikkicon and I went as Haruhi. Cool, right? about 4 people recognized my cosplay. I don't know if that's a lot or a little, comparatively. It was my first con. :P
I went to Ikkicon and I went as Haruhi. Cool, right? about 4 people recognized my cosplay. I don't know if that's a lot or a little, comparatively. It was my first con. :P
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